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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. i'm going to london on septembre 10th, and staying a few days... not sure of what i'll do the days after is she sold out for september 24th too in london ? i'm not going, but i didn't know. she's not sold out in paris yet as far as i know...
  2. so ! some are going to see katy, huh ? we'll get to meet again, then which date ? i'll be at the 1st one... can't miss a 200 people gig !
  3. oh oh !!!! london 10/09 !!! (and of course paris 30th but that was already ok)
  4. not that close... it would be very close if i were flying straight there but since i'm still human and have to drive there, it's about 45 min away
  5. Yes, still in Martinique... Working during the week and trying to do some things on week ends... And Mika is becoming a sailor ???
  6. Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!! Good byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye !!!!! i still love you guys... well... most of you
  7. everyone has... which she is so not... she's been doing the same things for 5 to 6 years, and lily wasn't even around... anyway, they HAVE to find someone to compare with her, and lily quite fits the role...
  8. maaaaaaaaaan !!! that Rain song is the most boring yet agressive for the ears song EVER !!!!!!! i finally listened to it from the paris gig recording (yes, i'm that rushed to get into his nex songs ) but maaaaaaaaaaaaan... i wish i had waited a bit more... like... for ever ? no seriously... i don't like... nothing to see with How Much Do You Love Me that i really like... this one seems just whiny whiny whiny... maybe the studio version will make it better ?? maybe...
  9. This is where i was yesterday and i'm not sad i didn't go to the Paris gig... Best wishes !
  10. hey guys ! katy posted a thread on the katyperryforum : she gave some news about how she is (knackered) and told us that she would hit the rest of the world from september
  11. eating less is the only way to lose weight more or less quickly not saying "stop eating" but eat the same in smaller portions and go on with the exercise... no need to stop every sugar or juice... the only food for the brain is sugar, the only thing you would get is being less efficient and less motivated which leads to inactivity and eating more because you feel sad (in the extremes, i'm not saying it's in the second you stop sugar). if you feel like you're eating sweets all day long, then yes, this sugar is not necessary. unless you drink 10 coffees with 2 full spoons of sugar in each, it shouldn't be the problem. eat what you want, what you like, in smaller portions. and if you feel like eating a fantastic anything full of sugar once, just do it. frustration leads to putting on weight. true true true.
  12. well... they worked for it i was saying that maybe i wish they had chosen something else to bomb the waves... cause i kissed a girl is a style into which you quickly get stuck in
  13. it's not my fav of her... the other songs definitely need to be heard
  14. they have a whole bunch of katy/zooey together pics on wireimage if you're really interested and colours pics http://www.wireimage.com/SearchResults.aspx?igi=186867&s=katy%20perry&sfld=C&vwmd=e
  15. oooooooooooooooh !!! that's her older sister !!! i was wondering...
  16. she is not dressed like katy they just incredibly look alike, so when they wear something quite similar (same colour, same style, etc.) it becomes harder to make the difference... katy's got much bigger boobs though, and more curves in general...
  17. "criticizing" is not "bad mouthing"... and "we should be able to air our thoughts positive or negative". period. as for "mika/his team should learn" : erm... you wish
  18. well... i haven't seen the movie and barely watched the posters, i talked without knowing, but everytime i see her face, i think of her boobs must be because that's what everybody is talking about when talking about her... and i don't like her much, i think she looks stupid... only my opinion, though, but that prevents me from watching any movie she's in cause i'll spend the time of the movie pesting about how she looks stupid ... ... which brings me to that : i watched once a French movie (the sequel of L'Auberge Espagnole, i don't remember its name... with the guy i don't remember the name of...) and the movie was not so bad... until the very last image (don't read if you wanna see it) where the guy was going to London and the girl was waiting for him just next to the Eurostar :blink: i mean really on the arrival platform !! NOOOOOOOOO !!!! it's NOT like that !! neither in Waterloo, neither in St Pancras !! it has NEVER been like that, you have a whole hall to go through before you reach your friends/family/etc. waiting for you... but for the sake of the love story, the girl was on the platform... you know what ?? i didn't like the movie because of that... it was all i could think about in the end ! i don't even remember the name of it... so you're not alone, jack... staying a bit more than 2 months, but only 10 days + the week ends of pure vacation, i start working full time at the hospital on june 30th
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