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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. :roftl: :roftl: ok ok !! i'm sorry, this is the very last of my posts tonight... but i had to say : that's EXACTLY what people were telling me when i was younger : to say when i was saying a joke, BEFORE i would say it !! cause nobody could say when i was joking or not !! :roftl: i find it so funny that let's say 10 years later, you say EXACTLY the same thing !!! even if it's not my post, i couldn't have made such a good one...
  2. booooooooooooring ! ok ok i stop, i'm done for tonight anyway... and for a good while i guess... let's say see you all in 3 months, when the same threads about the same topics will be on and on and on and on and on...
  3. *warning warning * slippery track !! people could think you're serious... you forgot the smiley !!!
  4. wasn't meant to be funny, people who agree have to find each other in this crual world ! it's good for you !! and oh, i've been told already what you said but DAMN IT, i can't stop
  5. the thing is : there is no topic it was not a real demonstration of anything since the poster (very intelligent person of us) who posted it made it as a purpose to deny everything that she was saying as in : "yes, he has that but oh well, he has that too, which is the complete opposite of the first one !! damn the mika is smart to confuse people and not reveal anything to us !!!" see ? if no, not a big deal...
  6. another fantabulous proof of how well sarcasm passes the screen barrier... explaination to our dear metal thing : THE THREAD IS A BIG JOKE TO PROVE THAT THERE IS NOTHING TO PROVE... or should i simply go to bed and go back to my "i don't post anymore cause you're all too dumb" phase ...
  7. i said that too... and no, sarcasm doesn't cross the screen barrier, we had many many many occasions to notice that... too bad
  8. I'm Still Breathing - Katy Perry http://www.myspace.com/katyperry (produced version) (live version)
  9. next step : the lyrics... can't do it, don't get everything
  10. i adore the live version too, both are very very different... don't know which one i prefer, it's almost like 2 different songs i would like the same in a different way the live version is hyper-emotional and the produced version is very well done...
  11. you take everything too raw... the whole song wouldn't be about him first, and second, she would sort of hide it behind some IMAGES/ALLUSIONS if it was about him... so that people could write threads and threads on forums trying to interpret the lyrics yes, she's the last girl in the video see upthere... oh and you're talking about you're so gay quoting "indie rock" and all that... they were talking about simple... but same, upthere...
  12. EP out now on itunes (all over the world or almost) and amazon.com (US) new song on her profile : I'm Still Breathing. The nearest thing to perfection to me... breathtaking (ha ha ha )... no seriously... wow...
  13. wowowow calm down little fruit... i was pointing the fact that there were apples in the lollipop video that looked a lot like the apple i put on the badge, and i don't remember who and i'm too lazy to look who said that there was apple with a gun pointed at in the dvd booklet... but i looked and i wouldn't say the gun is pointing at the aple... let's say it's at a reasonable distance not to be dangerous for the beloved fruit
  14. erm... to THIS question i don't have the answer (master ioda speaking ) take it as what you want , but i'm not taking the responsability ! i was just pointing the fact that you could find an embryo of answer if you wanted to
  15. don't take it raw. it was to point the stupidity of the sentence. so don't agree to this, it's as stupid as the other one !
  16. i've read almost nothing of what you wrote, simply because from the first sentence, i got that you took the thread seriously whereas it wasn't supposed to... hence your post would be irrelevent, sorry for being rude. BUT (should i say AND) your last sentence confirmed what i thought reading only the 1st one : this is totally SHOCKING and i wish people wouldn't say things like that anymore : "innocent until proven guilty" this is what your sentence is related to, isn't it ? (it's not a question) just to be a bit provocative here, i'll say : for me, he's gay until proven the contrary and i'm sure THIS will raise the hell lot more reactions than your sentence, and this is disgusting. just disgusting. and i know the answer to the question and you guys seems a lot more... erm... i don't find the adjective ... speculating, with the answer known.
  17. i just don't deserve you to be my beloved love but hell i'm happy you haven't realized that yet !!!
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