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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. not home in france, home at my sister's in london. so no, they don't send overseas if you have an address in london for them to send them, you won't have any problem UNLESS they don't receive them in time, then you'll have to collect them at the venue...
  2. bumping to avoid panick about tickets sellers ...
  3. please stop panicking about seetickets !! they had problems for a few gigs, but i had oredred several tickets for the last UK tour, and some of the tickets arrived several weeks before the shows !!! there were problems only for Brighton and London... the other ones didn't arrive months before but they arrived way in time for the gigs... and when they didn't, they sent an email saying they would be available at the venue (brighton and london 3rd)
  4. "stalls/standing" and you'll be downstairs with the crowd. "circle something", it will be seated, upstairs.
  5. NOW ABOUT THE TICKETS PROVIDER : - seetickets and gigsandtours are the same provider. people had some trouble for some gigs (not all of them) during last tour : some of the tickets were sent at the last minute, some were sent soon enough to be relaxed, and some of them were to be collected at the venue on the day of the show whereas they were supposed to be sent home... they DON'T SEND OVERSEAS even if they propose it. you will then receive an email saying that they won't send overseas due to many problems before... so they will propose you to get them at the venue... - ticketweb and ticketmaster are the same one : they send overseas, pretty fast... nobody had any problem with them for the last tour...
  6. it's not stressful... i mean : you bought the tix so you're sure you will get them, and if they don't arrive home before the show, you know you'll have to get them at the venue... and if you choose to get them at the venue directly, it's even safer, cause there is no chance of loosing the tickets anyway, it's true people have to be warned.
  7. for sure they don't send overseas... they will send an email saying that they had a lot of problems previously with overseas orders so they don't send anymore... so wether you have an address in UK they can send it to, wether you collect them at the venue before the show.
  8. taking tickets at the venue is not such a big deal !! they open the desk before the doors open, so you can get in the queue and let someone in the queue while you're getting the tickets so you don't loose your place...
  9. you HAVE to believe me... it's so true... too and i'm not sure he'll show up but who needs him ? he cancelled Monaco, but way before the date (and actually, i didn't really want to go... he cancelled the signing session in Paris... he was obviously avoiding me during 6 long months... whatever he says (he said "no")...
  10. F5 is "refresh" :naughty: and i'm not a fan... i'll just take my holidays in london and i happens that it's while mika is doing gigs and i already had tickets for the 3rd so i bought for the 26th too, since i'll be there leave me alone
  11. - it seems that old tickets are still valid... but if you received an email saying not, maybe you should call and check - replacement dates are still sold out but it changes every minutes (seconds ?) according to what people send to be refunded... so F5 on the tickets website is your new best friend... and it seems that i'm coming
  12. ooh ! here is tthe event thread... let's make a long long list
  13. yes 3 shows... tickets not on sale yet for the 28th.
  14. there are 2 different queues : 1 for standing tix and the other for seated... seats are upstairs (but you can stand at the rear, upthere)...
  15. well... i bought it by error as they didn't ask me what i wanted and i didn't check... then i found a standing one... so yes, i have a spare seated for the 26th that cynthia wanted... but now she's asking for other tix, so i don't understand...
  16. mmmh... are you still taking my seated for the 26th ?
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