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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. he just said "there's something y mum asks me to say at each gig, and tonight i'll say it : bla bla bla" the "bla bla bla" stands for the lebanese part which was "welcome paris" once translated :roftl:
  2. if you're talking about the thing his mother asked him to say' date=' he said "welcome paris" [/font']
  3. my pics are nothing good like the others... but here they are :
  4. hey ! i wish i could meet some of you too, but it won't be in mika's circumstances for sure... i know i don't have any credit to you after saying all i said about the forum that i'm presently posting on, and the concert i wasn't supposed to go to , but it's really over... i got all i could get from them and trying to get more going to other gigs would be taking the risk to be disappointed. and i can't stand frustration PLUS i'm totally broke financially talking, and the 10 minutes of gig i was going for (for the 2 last concerts) are not worth the price of a ticket on ebay or even a face value ticket + trip price i'm at a stage where i can be satisfied with youtube videos of my favourite parts of the concerts, and if i want to hear the songs, the album is totally ok ! and as i said, the "human" part i was also going for (yes, it's very flattering to be recognized and kid by a popstar amoung thousands other people around the world) can't be better, and i would expose myself to frustration and disappointement if i was "asking for more" i think it's clear enough and you all got it : you won't see me for this tour again... i'll see with the 2nd album tour... but i have my idea about it...
  5. i gave them a "goodbye pack" last time (zénith october 11th), with a letter in it saying it was my last gig with them... and some little gifts... that's how he knew... and laughed at me when he saw me again yesterday about the leg, it could be something acute, like he hurt himself jumping around, it's not a sign of illness ! we all have muscular pain sometimes... but the fact that he can't really rest shouldn't help it... and of course he has obligations during the day : it's not just going on stage and singing... interviews, pics, etc. he said he was flying to dubai today...
  6. long time practice and sarcasm made my reports shorter and shorter as time was going by about the crystals... she takes care of the costumes' date=' i gues there are some in some costumes... no idea... but i think she won't do that again... couldn't catch any, though [/font']
  7. guys, don't say it loud, but i think i may delete my account later... don't know when, i could also never do it... i just thought about it. i wonder : does all my posts disappear if i close the account ?? anyway... i still check the PMs from time to time and if you wanna keep in touch, send me your email or we'll just stay in touch through myspace as you like ! it's still "just a thought" for the moment tonight show was very good. i got my long-waited-for-drumsticks. i think i've done all i could and i wanted with all that so i think it's kind of a closed case
  8. Em', the "perls" were actually SWAROVSKY crystals :roftl: he found a pack of them in his pockets, then took a whole hand of them and threw them in the crowd :roftl: THEN he realized what they actually were...
  9. hey you all... i wasn't supposed to go, but i went... long story... not so interesting... - some of us met him before the concert but he was very very late and didn't stay long... just long enough to chat and point on my forehead saying i wasn't supposed to be there... i know... - he looked exhausted and looks like he had pain in one of his legs... some said he asked for a massage when he arrived inside the zénith... - excellent concert (i actually COULD HEAR something ) - i'm happy i finally "had to" go - he tried to move the piano for my interpretation alone but people came to help him and then he was facing the whole audience and not only the left part of it - i now have 2 fav parts : missionary man and love today finale (always and forever) - i got cherisse's drumsticks when they came out after the show (both ) : they came out in the car then stopped, got out and signed some stuffs : luke and cherisse, mickey was away on the phone and martin was... somewhere else... he just arrived when the car left... - mika was totally K.O. after the show. he still stayed and signed, but no pics... - he's truely a nice person to stay and sign even the way he looked like - conclusion of a long story... see you all soon, but not on here
  10. doors open at about 6:30pm people are usually waiting in front of them from 1pm
  11. if you buy it for me, i accept to come to another giant mika gig
  12. next thread coming up : I respect the peacock :naughty: excellent avatar bab...
  13. ha ha... Christine, i don't know how you will take that, but NOW that i read that, i do think that i can go and leave the forum for real, things will be taken care of :naughty: what about creating a thread : Let's worship Sara, now ? seems that this thread is going this way under fmbm's apologies, knowing how you guys usually behave i would bet that you you will all have your little comment about how this or this is great in her performance now... oh, sorry, i should be gone now !! *waves for good*
  14. frenchies here will steal the french forum reports and translate them for you :naughty:
  15. Sara or Samia... pffff... anyway... i already said what i had to about her and i'm happy someone found my song
  16. :yay: :yay: CHRISTINE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOON !!!!!!!!!!! :yay:
  17. ha ha !! Ok Basement Jax... That's something to start from... The singer's name is something like Samia i think, someone told me... Personally, as i already said, i couldn't hear anything of what he was saying... so i'm not sure... And ! i don't search better than you, Biche posted the link on the French forum cause i asked her
  18. :yay: :yay: OK GUYS !!!! HERE WE GO !!!!! THE FIRST ONE TO TELL ME THE NAME OF THE SONG THE GIRL SINGS AS AN INTRO AND/OR THE BAND WHO NORMALLY SINGS IT WILL HAVE MY ETERNAL LOVE... http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=EUpOtHtWBXk Start fighting for my love I need to know
  19. i know, she's the one i'm waiting for... but if she doesn't arrive soon, i won't be back here until tomorrow
  20. it seems that you can still buy tickets for this concert on http://www.fnac.com if you're interested... tomorrow evening...
  21. i already said about the trabendo times ago : the show was just "ok"... whereas all the shows before and after seemed great... we don't know the reason... and we won't know the reason, but he was average. and that was frustrating... didn't seem to have fun, very very very few interaction (i mean, even less than usual and we know he's not a big "interactor"), etc. etc. bla bla bla... this one was not good (still in my own opinion) because of technical reasons... it's different... and because it was my 5th one, i was sick (properly, not sick of him and his show i mean), i didn't really want to go cause i was not in the mood anymore, etc.
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