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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. Pfffff... i don't know ! it's a feeling, the way she was moving, acting, singing, dancing, looking at him or everybody else with no boobs... i don't know... but it seems that she had a good voice... personally, i don't know, and i'm not that sure, given that i couldn't hear anything, and that curiously, i perfectly heard the intro of Missionary Man that she was doing alone on top of the big M letter... And that her voice was "stangely" very similar to the voice of the person doing the version of the song i know... ok, the show was the 2nd worst of all the ones i've been to... the best one being Somerset House and the worst one the Trabendo...
  2. Thanks for the video but it's the end of Missionary Man... At the beginning, the girl singer was alone on the big M letter singing some part in "rap"... With "stand up" in it...
  3. Please someone tell me that you have a video of Missionary Man FROM THE INTRO (cause it's all i'm interested in actually...)
  4. Please someone tell me that you have a video of Missionary Man FROM THE INTRO (cause it's all i'm interested in actually...)
  5. about the singer, i also said something about the "family mood" we were used to during the previous tours in the appleman thread... i don't want to copy-paste... have a look...
  6. actually i think they're getting worse and worse :naughty: anyway : - the skeleton is a sort of huge puppet and someone has to hold the sticks that make him move : luke is the one (and was the one in paris too) - i'm a tiny bit jealous that he came back on stage to do an "encore" !!!! that a PREMIERE in the gigs history !!! - his part starts at 9:15 pm and we're out at 10:30 pm...
  7. martin went to the drums, mirti !!! i was dying but i had the time to see him behind the drums...
  8. who else ? ha ha !! it made me laugh so hard when i wrote it... it's so ridiculous !!
  9. AND NOW IT's over for Nantes... Day off for the band and Mimi :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:
  10. luke with a banjo, cherisse and some sort of washboard and the ... erm... singer backvoice with spoon and cup... and all backing voice...
  11. some emo guy all the girls went out with once in their life... i don't think she's talking about anyone in particular.
  12. hum... i just saw 1 video, the "how much do you love me" one at lille, and the tiny bit i can see of her, she looks less bitchy than in paris... but i didn't look specifically at all the videos from lille, and maybe it's just a impression and it's just the way she is, everywhere !! when i was talking about "changing the mood of the gigs" i meant that the dimension of this tour is so huge (6000 people average) that the the "familial impression" that we all felt and liked during the previous tours is totally gone : it's all so different... it's just part of the evolution i think and it can't be bad to change and grow up... but she was really making me uncomfortable sometimes and guys, i'm a med student... we're known not to be easily impressed :roftl:
  13. yeah, exactly, it hurted... i don't know about those behind for the sound quality, really, but ME speaking (only me), it was awful... And maybe the journalist didn't realize that Luke was playing the piano too during some songs :roftl: hence the "piano moving by itself"... I didn't notice that, i was focused back of the stage, right hand ... and i had my neck hurting since the day before so i couldn't lift my head, one more reason not to look at mika when he was 10 cm from us
  14. hello hello ! i made a short report... around page 45 i think... or a bit before/after... but it seems that you can't see that i liked it somehow so i tell it again her : i liked it somehow but i'm convinced that it was my last show about the playback thing : see how out of tune he was and how much i couldn't hear hm first row in front of the stage, i think it was not :roftl: but it's true that the intro for any other world with Raffa talking may have confused people... it wasn't even really synchro and they started playing before they stopped the tape poor Raffa...
  15. hum... thank you for being sorry but... hum... i don't care about drumsticks... is that rude ?
  16. ok... i think it wasn't eurythmics missionary man... but it's impossible to find something else than missionary man by eurythmics on youtube... and the intro of the song was in a clubbing song, which video i saw about 1 year ago... i'm unable to find it, and i'm frustrated... and confused too... until i find the very video i'm looking for : i need help : there were human size clubbing rabbits in it, about one year ago...
  17. well... actually, it's not that stupid... cause now that i've heard the eurythmics version on youtube, i can't remember what mika sang last night... and i don't recognize it maybe i just knew the intro to the song, or maybe it's not the eurythmics song...
  18. EP released November 6th downloads...
  19. no i didn't get her drumsticks but i must admit the only reason i finally decided to wait was because i gave the pack BEFORE they arrived to a member of the staff who looked like "yeah right stupid you" talking to me... and i just wanted to be SURE they actually got it (i didn't trust the guy at all, especially when i saw their bus arriving 30 minutes after i gave the pack to him fans had told me they were already inside cause they had heard some rehearsal, so i went and gave the pack, then they arrived...) anyway, so i just got to talk to them through the car window when they were leaving, the driving not stopping or slowing down as if i wanted to jump into the car whereas all i wanted was a "did you get the pack ?" "yes" or "no" and go back home... so the drumsticks were totally out of my mind at that moment... and what would i do with them ?! it's no big deal and if i may : mika has ALWAYS chatted me up he started it all !!
  20. definitely over, and yes, she sings in all the songs... has quite an important role too in the show, with costumes and everything... i also watched the video of "how much do you miss me" at lille, and the tiny bit i saw of her, she was different in paris... and i wasn't the only one thinking that about her
  21. Ooooh sure sure not for a mika gig... but i want to visit some day !! i'll keep you updated, but don't expect me before a lot of months I can't... I'm dead... They killed me I never seem to Just to make the balance amoung all the "he was fantastic"
  22. you're wrong, i enjoyed it ! they killed me with the LT finale... WAOW
  23. Oh sorry... i forgot about the little story of the after show : we waited... until past midnight... and mika finally went out to sign stuffs, etc. he was nice and kind, there were about 20 people waiting, surprisingly not a lot !! the wait made most of them leave... he recognized me, asked news about my hair, i replied that it was good, what about his, etc. etc. i was the only one knowing the cover he made, so that's where he said that if nobody knows it, he could make it appear like a song of his (joke from him)... bla bla bla... i guess that's all... i was not really focused on him, i was checking if the band (and cherisse) were getting out too... i think people thought (once again) i was someone like a crazy person, especially when i ran next to the band's car to ask Cherisse if she had gotten my presents :naughty: well... i'm ok with that (the fact that people i don't know think i'm crazy)... And she got them... but i wonder about the driver : was he thinking i wanted to jump into the car for him not to stop or slow down just the time for me to ask "did you get the pack" and for her to reply "yes" or "no" ???????? doing his job i suppose...
  24. well, ok, 1 reply from avoca is enough for me to write the report... but bare with me i'm sick and tired (litterally) so some typos might show up... Soooooooooooooooo ! It was good, but not good enough to make me wanna go back... and going back into time, knowing what would be happening today, i wouldn't have taken a ticket for it in june... anyway, it was good : new things like new set, new (good) song, new cover that he expects nobody knows to make it appear like HIS song (sorry, i'm here to break all your plans... ha ha...) and a new singer who sings backvoice on all the songs... who is quite disturbing comparated with the mood of the previous tours... well... i don't want to seem rude (if you want me to seem rude, have a look at what i last wrote in the appleman thread) but let's say Mr M is growing up and so does the mood of the show they had a lot of fun on stage, martin and mickey kidding mika, cherisse EXCELLENT and taking more and more importance in the show... in my own little opinion of PITA : the sound was awful, i couldn't hear Mika singing, and when i was hearing his voice, he was out of tune (i actually wondered at some point if he wasn't ill or something, to tell you how much i couldn't hear), the bass were killing my ears... i can still ear them now and it's not such a nice thing ... but MAYBE i can put it on the fact that i was litterally touching the stage... maybe the location i was in wasn't the best to appreciate... etc. etc. Yelle, the support, is... hum... special... not unnice... for 3 or 4 songs... but it's the kind of thing you have a big fun on, that i can't call "music" personally... but her boy at the computer is a cutie... :wub2: Got it ? I'm done and definitely done with all that !! This gig certainly didn't get me to change my mind...
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