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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. tickets http://www.fnac.com from September 25th, 10am EDIT : SOLD OUT in 1 hour and 45 minutes... :blink:
  2. absoloutely not directed at you actually at pretty much everybody
  3. thank you yes, i say what i feels... bad idea sometimes, in real life and i'll try to read your fully fleshed post, jack... and oh !!!!! it's so annoying/irritating when people say "it's all mika" or "yes, it's just him", etc. the right thing to say would have been : "oh yes, that's exactly the mika i imagine he is, which is the image he's been trying to give since the beginning and probably isn't his real him but whatever that's how i want to see him"... probably too long ?
  4. that's exactly what i explained in the mega long post... i didn't say it "looked like it" but when i saw the other video, i at once thought of BG video... his videos are not "copies" (not yet ? ) but it includes more and more elements of others things each times... and his videos are always out after the other ones ! either his directors have no imagination at all, either they are in psychic communication with the other directors... i wonder if his next video will be a cut off a movie he will sing over ! on youtube, someone commented on happy ending video asking if Michel Gondry was the director !!! you can't invent that !!! (michel gondry is the director of the science of sleep that stephane mentionned earlier...)
  5. Come on ! Don't take it raw ! take the elements : hair dresser, people in the streets, colours, etc. of course, the people are not the big girls and are not dressed up like the big girls, amel bent doesn't look like mika at all, and it even has studio parts in her video... but the first time i saw it, it was after i saw BG, and it tilted in my mind ! and the video was made before... but YES, they definitely remind me of each other, in the idea.
  6. - change director... - make cartoon videos if you're not an actor and you don't like making videos... lots of people have done that before (the beatles, damon albarn for gorillaz, daft punk, etc.), and a cartoon always has something new, just because the person who draws it is not the same... even with just a drawing, the video could have been more personal that all this cheesiness etc. not going back there... - changing location doesn't mean they changed the concept of the video for Big Girls - everything is done for a reason in media, no need to study it to know that, but the audience is not supposed to analyze it, the message is supposed to go directly to the audience's brain when the media (photo, music video, ad video, etc.) is well done... people are not supposed to know they are manipulated ! so the simple fact that you have to search into and interpret a video to understand it or to "feel" what you're supposed to feel once you've understood it shows that the aim of the video is missed...
  7. t'was me this is what i don't agree with... the thing is : i don't disagree with you... not really, but what i don't agree with is the fact that you kinda "excuse" the video not being original turning it into some sort of reference/hint to Bowie or whatever... i explain : i don't understand the fact that someone who's been shouting everywhere and everytime he could that he was doing HIS thing, that he had listened to every sort of thing but wasn't really influenced by none of them, that he had admired songs, but not people's own universe, etc. etc. suddenly makes videos putting references to everyhting !!! honestly : grace kelly and relax were the only original videos he made. grace kelly cause first one, and relax cause his artwork... for all the following videos, EVERYONE found a "reference", "hint", "homage" to everything and his contrary, but most of all : found something FROM something ELSE in the videos... i'll give some exemples : - love today video... i don't like it, ok... but i'm sure someone here will find that he was inspired by i don't know what for that or that part of the video... even his own videos !! i personally think that the end of love today video is a bit of a pale remake of gk video... same people, same fake amusement less well faked, etc. but there it only starts... it was still some personal and original kind of thing... but do you remember the black and white spiral in the white stripes' video for seven nation army ?? not really a spiral but still... veeeeeeeery similar... it made me thik of this video as soon as i watched lt video for the first time... and no, i'm not a "big fan" of the white stripes, i don't really care... so not a spiral, ok, remake of his own previous video ok... EDIT : sorry, i just watched a part of the video i linked you to... and actually, there IS a real black and white spiral from 2 min... sorry... - big girl : i don't like it either, still personal... i found a video (french one of a bad song here) that had exactly the same begining and idea of big girl video... starting at the hair dresser, going in the streets, dancing in the streets with colourful clothes, etc. i'm not sure that bg video was inspired by this one, but the other video was out before, and it looks "better" because LESS CHEAP... and where the hell is the link between the butterfly lounge and dancing in the streets ?! i know some will hide behind the "unexpectable" argument but still... and that's where the "cheap thing" starts... - happy ending : our case : now, everybody finds something into it : remake of the movies labyrinth or science of sleep (i have seen none), homage to bowie, gloves for disney, blah blah blah... you get the point... but no "mika" in it, appart from the fact that it is his song, and it is him in the video... not even talking about the cheesiness at all ! he does whatever he wants, the fact is that what he's done is a remake of a lot of things all mixed up and that the result just looks cheap and bad (personal opinion, shared by some people here)... and for sure, not an original idea AT ALL... so as we go, the videos are getting less and less original (in its real meaning, so FIRST TIME DONE), less and less "mika", cheaper and cheaper... what the hell are they doing ????????? really, i'm kinda doubtful... really... where is the guy that told us over and over that he was in control of everything and wanted to do something that had never been done before ??????? this is my point, this is why i said i don't agree with jack... i admit it was a little teaser, but anyway, i still don't agree on the fact that it's a good video And i guess i totally agree with that... last last thing : for those (all those) making metaphysic analysis of a video... it's a VIDEO !!! people don't watch a video the think about how cruel the world is... they watch a video cause it looks good and puts in images the story of the song... a video can be unexpactable and still have a link with what the song says or what's the story behind the song, etc. so please, if there is their point (and i seriously doubt it), someone make them stop cause they're going staight in the wall !!! people don't think... and even less while watching a video bye bye !! until next time i pop in and play my role... last last last thing : don't think i have nothing to do and spend my time thinking how mika's video look like this or that video... it's so obvious, that it just pops into my mind the first time i watch them, or when i see the video it's "inspired by" (it's a rip off of )... no need to spend so much time about it, it's really obvious and first reaction thing (reflex)... it just takes much more time to write it down...
  8. i must admitt for once, i don't really agree with jack but i'm late and i'll write why later...
  9. just being a PITA cause i missed my role a little bit... and then i go to bed... you can be symbolic and NON cheesy... it doesn't hold down anything for me...
  10. je ne poste plus non plus and i see no objection to the absence of the band, just explaining my thoughts to those who miss them bad video... band or no band... it's getting worse and worse !! they started with grace kelly which was great and the more it goes, the cheesier and the cheaper it gets... just left a comment on his myspace for the first time in months !! in case someone reads it
  11. :naughty: here i find you off topic : i really have to see this movie !!! since it was out i've been saying that
  12. i didn't know something could be at the same time cheesy AND creepy... thank you for making me discovering things, mika team ! for the band, i think they're getting rid of them progressively, he said it at the very beginning of his career, they're not a group : he's a singer, and they are musicians... if you look at the videos, one after the other, in chronological order, you'll understand what i mean : we see them less and less, until Happy Ending, where we don't see them anymore... maybe it's for people to focus on mika and not on the band ! my opinion and interpretation... i quite like the "creepy" parts of the vid (singing dolls, drawings and hands) but def not the cheesy part, as not surprising for me (all the rest of the vid bed part, star hands, flying, shining, blah blah blah)... well... i don't dislike it... but i'm not convinced, once again... that makes 3 vids out of 5 i don't like
  13. hey ! how interesting... but i'm not available in the morning or the evening at all ... how long would you be staying ?
  14. Bab are you still willing to come to Paris ?? You answer none of my messages
  15. i don't care, i just don't want you to be fooled by any person pretending to be him for fun. but once again, as always, you believe what you want to. mika has no facebook account, not under his real name, though. it's not the mica penniman one, not the mika penniman one, none of the ones you possibly found looking for it. that's for pretty sure. bye !
  16. so it IS your fault... it doesn't even look like he's biting into an apple just waiting for a fly to come into his mouth now that i have my answer, i go back and lurk without posting
  17. no, not the first time he mentions it, kata... not the first time, but he usually skips this part, indeed...
  18. heven't seen the thread... but even if chicken knitting is not involved, neither chicken nor knitting is talked about here what i mean is that it's not because they're talking about it somewhere else that fruits are not "the Apples" fun as far as i'm concerned...
  19. Hmmm... So now, everybody goes with his little apple-comment or apple-posing-pic on mika's and the band's myspaces ? Even those who have NEVER posted here ? Saying that they are mad, explaining the apple reference ??? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON ???
  20. emma de caunes is certainly not 18... 28 would be closer to the truth... she's an actress and used to date the singer Sinclair... they have a son (i think it's a boy) but they're not together anymore... and antoine de caunes is 50 and more... married to daphné roulier now (journalist)
  21. well... he couldn't even pronounce the titles of the songs correctly :naughty: the french accent must have seduced the english public for a moment
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