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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. waow... so i actually donated for something ?! :naughty: just kidding... thank you very much !!
  2. i'm not back and i won't be... i'm just bored and happy that i have internet back, so i'm using it i've lurked a lot this week cause i had really nothing to do with the hurricane devastating everything so no beach where i could go and nothing to do, and the baby-sitting (for my niece)... but once i'm back to paris, i won't lurk that often anymore !
  3. mika said himself he was "hanging aroound in london, doing nothing and going to the pubs with friends"... i'm afraid he's known nothing about what a hurricane was lately
  4. i knew it i knew it !!! EVERYBODY is forgetting me now !!!! :naughty: just to say that i have electricity and internet back at home bye !!
  5. He he... Of course ! If i don't have to fly overseas to see it I contacted the gig promoter who's in charge of Mika (in France) giving the link to Katy Perry's myspace... Not sure where it will go, but i will have tried !
  6. She's now signed under Virgin Records... The album SHOULD be out soon... She's def preparing one
  7. Didn't help a lot, no... :naughty: It wasn't even fitting the situation since hurricanes are normal in the Caribbeans
  8. Are you kidding me ???? Page 11 ???? :tears:
  9. Quite destroyed after the hurricane, but we're still lucky compared with Jamaica, Haiti, and those who'll have it category 5... We had it category 2 "only"...
  10. I've always known that... Don't worry Violet_Sky
  11. what deek did is not a good thing, but now, it's all over... and i bet deek knows enough now that it's not a good thing and that the real person is mad at deek... so no need to add anything to it, ok ? Kavi, believe whatever and whoever you want...
  12. i think you can leave the popcorn...
  13. I think everything is sorted out, now...
  14. Ok... Let me explain... There is a little tiny problem... deek isn't deek... well... Deek is deek, but not the person he/she (back to where we started) wants us to believe she/he is... The real person on deek's pics is z5050 (welcome, by the way)... Confusing, isn't it ?
  15. I almost forgot to say goodbye to Cherisse :wub2: I love you girl, you rock !! Drums all round Olivia.
  16. ok ok EDIT : and yes, it does make a difference, otherwise, there wouldn't be ages restirctions for some things. Age matters, no matter how old you are. She didn't mean it in a bad way, and i don't either. And that would barely barely change the way i would tell you things (that was for CazGirl Grrrrrr...) And i wrote the "ok" just because i don't wanna start any discussion and / or argument about that. Not to make you feel like sh*t and not because of what Jack said. Like i said, i said what i wanted to and go on. I'm done with it !
  17. Oh but it WAS an angry post ! Although i had sworn to myself i wouldn't be angry anymore because of this fuss... But this was the last time So what am i supposed to understand ? According to what you quoted, i'm annoying because : i'm not gonna kill anybody i'm not gonna prevent anybody from posting their opinion i'm not bullying one person in particular but just ranting at the whole situation i'm exploding, like you said you were doing ??? Is it that bad ???
  18. Let me try and explain it to you. This (what is just after this sentence) is a visual representation of Mika's management (in charge of lauching his career all over the world all at once like they have been asked to do at the begining even if they do plan silly dates sometimes) scale of importance : 1. GMA x. Quebec the same day. Do you get it ?
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