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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. Thank you for the "interesting" I was there from January to be exact, so after the performance Jack gave the link to But i did notice the change, and for me, it was quite obvious... I'm curious to see other's opinions too
  2. Oh i'm pretty sure he knows and is totally conscious about everything he does on stage now. For exemple, you can see the evolution through the 2 tours we've had so far. We could put it on the size of the venues and the stage, yes. Put we can also put it on a will to analyze the reaction of the audience. I mean, from the very first gigs (more or less 500 people), he could have easily filled up big venues, since the 2nd tour was still sold out in 2 days (about 2000 people)... Then the festivals. But let's not talk about the festivals, since we don't have so much to talk about ( ). I mean : Mika is someone very smart and calculating. Not in the bad way, but in the "control-freak" way. So he tests then acts. Always like that. Even if he doesn't think about his performance WHILE he's doing it, he does think about it before and after. That's normal, too ! You can't progress if you can't evaluate and think about what you do. Then we can't deny that Universal is a Major label, even if he's signed under Casablanca Records (which is "smaller" but still from Universal), and that they HAVE, wether he wants it or not, their word to say : they are in control of the sales, and if he doesn't sell, Uni is not happy to say it basically. So they do everything for him to sell, that's their role, you can't change it. And if they thought that his early performances were too "prostitute girl" for the market, they MAY (notice the use of the modal) have told him something about that for him to change it to something more "sexy man-ish". And IF they told him to do that, he had not so more many choices than to do what they wanted, or at least, modify his performance into their direction. We can notice the use of the trash-can only from the 2nd tour, which is like Jack said, the most man-ish part of his performance. We can also notice the playing with Big Girls on stage which was waaaay less obvious, even if still there, for the first Tour. The Big Girls, as far as i remember, weren't even "touching him", they were dancing around, "flirting" with Martin and Mickey, also with Mika, but now, they're flirting with Mika and only Mika. And barely dancing around the stage. You're all right, we can put it on the evolution of his self-confidence on stage, but i doubt, like Jack said (i think i will say that a bit more if i go on writing) that someone who was confident enough to wear red bow-ties at school whatever whoever could tell him (even if leading to bullying, he's not in control of what people do), to crash into someone's house to play his song just because he had heard that "i don't remember who" would be there, to crash in a hotel to play his songs at the piano, and to do everything he told us he did all along his life would be "impressed" by the audience. He was born for this, and even if it's still different to think about it and to do it, you may have a stress but that disappears as soon as you go on stage. And i think he's that kind of person. And let's not forget his previous experience on stage too ! He was definitely not a "stage-virgin". So i don't think we can ALL put it on the gain of self-confidence. I do think someone (Uni or himself, or even both) suggested this evolution. Now, personal thoughts : i did notice a change too in the audience through the 2 tours : age range decreasing. Once again, 500 people and 2000 people venues are not the same more people, more teenagers, but in that case, the audiences were totally different : there were still all ages represented, but much more teenagers (female) for the 2000 venues tour. I put it on the fact that there were more people, ok, and that the younglings had a tiny bit more time to convince and beg their parents to get the tickets, ok But i ALSO put it on the fact that his impact had touched different people during his appearances of "between the tours". The change in his performance we're talking about. Being less "girl prostitute" and more "playful sexy man-ish", he reached girl teenagers that MAY have not been touched by the first performances... Just hormonal. And just being descriptive, not judging bad/good/whatever Not even talking about the trash-can since he didn't have it between the tours, just from the 2nd tour. But the whole way he moved, sang, danced, played with the audience / interviewer during these in-between performances / interviews. Cause i forgot to mention the interviews since the beginning, but i do think there is a slight change / evolution / whatever into them too... And it could be interesting to discuss about the different types of performances in the different countries, but in another thread, another day But someone said that they may be less "pinching" in Japan than in the US (for exemple), but they're the only ones who did what you are all dreaming of since the beginning (talking about Fuji Rock Festival picture)... I think i said all i had to say
  3. Aren't the other ones still on sale in normal shops ?! Do you have to get them through ebay ??
  4. I think you enjoy repeating what i say :naughty: :roftl: :roftl: (forum crashes, huh ?)
  5. Have you read the the whole thread to see if what you chose was still available ? :naughty:
  6. Just Mika, the one with Beth Ditto was an exception for the "whatever" festival...
  7. Grace Kelly : 1) Grace Kelly 2) Grace Kelly Linus Love Remix (radio edit) 3) Over my shoulder Love Today : 1) Love Today 2) The Only Lonely One (demo) 3) Billy Brown (accoustic) (btw Caz, i have "accoustic" on my version, not "demo) 4) Love Today (Switch Remix) Big Girl : 1) Big Girl You Are Beautiful 2) Instant Martyr that's all i know for BG single cause i don't have it yet
  8. I'll be nice and move my a*s to tell you that... Be right back
  9. Nooooooooo... We don't talk about the non-released demos, we're talking about those that were B-sides of singles so everything is ok ! Don't worry, people keep on posting the same comments about the 1st post just because they don't read what's in between the first post and what they want to say... So you will always see angry comments about the first post even if people are talking about something totally different at the moment ! :naughty: It's just the way it is... They don't read the pages before posting their reply... And that's for EVERY THREADS here
  10. This is not an argument, it's a discussion... Is someone argueing ?? See ? No one is argueing And no one is reproaching anything to you Glad you found the link, enjoy the songs, just don't post it on the forum
  11. Cause i listen to LT then The Only Lonely One... Since i usually already heard the whole album just before... Actually, i just bought the single to have TOLO... And i quite like LT so i don't mind listening to it again waiting for TOLO but BB being after TOLO, i stop the CD before Oh and i also had Kata to buy LT single to have it signed by him saying (writing it down) he wasn't afraid of me... Back in May...
  12. I have no answer to your question... Maybe they don't even know what a demo is !! I haven't listend to the Billy Brown "demo/acoustic" version on the LT single to be honest... I may and reply later... "Later" not as in "later tonight"
  13. Excuse me, i don't know the answer to your question, and i guess you're new here. Welcome ! But would you mind not posting a new thread to ask a question about an event already having a thread about ? You can find the threads of the events in the calendar... You can even see who's going and who's not ! The link to the GMA thread is : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4673
  14. I don't think that the acoustic version of Billy Brown on the LT single is a demo in the sense we talk about since the beginning, i think it's an acoustic version (hence the name ). Meaning it's only piano-voice, but it's still polished. More than the real demo of Billy Brown that was leaked with the others EDIT : true about The Only Lonely One being a demo, but this one was never leaked with the others... Weird... Where had he hidden it ?! Anyway : from the moment you record it to put it on a CD that will be publically released, it's not a demo anymore, since it's produced by a producer... Polished.
  15. Hey !! I didn't know that, but actually, it seems that the "normal" size is 3 :biggrin2:
  16. Super !! :thumb_yello: But Size 2 is correct too
  17. I don't think i said who was thinking about all that (Mika or Uni), but i feel lazy to read back, so i'll just say i didn't mean anyone, like a lot of things, i don't know who really decide. I think the EP is expected at the end of the year, the time for him to prepare the next album and "make us wait"... I don't like the idea : it's like "Give the dig a bone"... But i don't know which songs will be on the EP. Instant Martyr (former demo unreleased, now B side for Big Girl single so we can talk about it) is already out. Would they make it on the EP "too" ? He said he's written about 30 songs so far, so if we take things basically, all of them that are not on LICM are "hold-offs" from it... They don't keep on release the demos we're talking about as B-sides, they only did that for Instant Martyr, and i don't expect "a lot" of singles out of LICM anymore for all the demos to be B-sides... But they could be on the EP like Caz said. And they could also be on the next album... Yes it is, it's been confirmed before
  18. Hey guys ! You're nice replying to me, but it's an old old thread and i've been over it for months now !! And the Secret Society is not even secret anymore... I even think we could close this thread Or go on talking about it, but not talking to me
  19. Jack is right about me. Meow. About the demos, i think that the problem is more in a commercial view : letting them hang around the internet could break the "surprise" of a new song and decrease the interest for the "finished" versions... I sort of know for exemple, having the demos we're talking about too, which one i would buy and which one i would not... All in the conditional since they are demos, so unfinished : i also could not like the finished versions of the ones i like ! And the contrary could be true too... But i think the surprise effect is important when you release an album, and i'm pretty sure the finished produced versions of the demos are partly part of the next album... Do you get my point ?
  20. As long as you don't really dance when you say *does the Mika dance*
  21. I said it in the 2nd post Then in the 4th one
  22. Do you say that in reference to the comment you quoted ? Cause i was nice in that one !! Even when i'm nice people think i'm a b*tch I guess that's the result of sarcasm But yes, you're right, i MAY sometimes be irritated by some comments and/or threads
  23. I think i agree with you... I'll have to read that back in details when i feel like it, but what i understood i agree with.
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