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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. That's why said "Let it go"... Just wanted to tease, not to show off woth that again (which was nothing to show off with in real life, but well... Here, yes)
  2. Japan, sorry... I keep on confusing them both, they're so similar !
  3. He quickly checked if she was ok (normal) She went on playing I think they're both ok or not seriously injured... They would have stopped if she couldn't play anymore, or at least, SHE would have stopped ! They would have continued without drums... I guess he's safe. For now
  4. Ha ha !! No i wish not... But well... Let it go...
  5. Yes, that's what i said in my first reply No need to be "shocked" (reference to the smiley you used, not to your actual state) And only Overrated and You Made Me are demos, the others are officially released in the US and Canada CDs... And in Japan too, i think.
  6. You bet he does :lmao: :lmao: No, seriously, i don't think so, but i think he'll do it with some apprehension the first next times...
  7. Well... I can approach him closer than you He even kinda comes to me (sorry, had to tease you again with that :roftl: )
  8. He checked if she was ok before going on... And she kept on playing... They should be both ok or lightly injured... Ok... He can live
  9. Same thing i said in the other thread : i'm gonna watch this and think about a way to kill him if she seems hurt Only my own opinion counts in the "hurt appreciation"
  10. It has been reported in the Japan Liquid Room thread... I'm gonna see that and think about a way to kill Mika if Cherisse seems hurt
  11. Written songs on their first first version : basically what he did in his living room and recorded (well, not exactly, but only piano-voice).
  12. Don't worry, i think we all tried and found out after
  13. :roftl: :roftl: And no, sorry to disappoint... He doesn't even read my messages... On the other hand, he hears about me about everywhere he goes/in everything he reads (someone sent a message he read and mentioned me in it ! I didn't do anything !!)... So i guess he's quite fed up with this Olivia girl and doesn't want to READ what I write, in addition to all that !!
  14. Overrated and You Made Me are demos that Mika doesn't want to be on the web... So we don't put them on the forum actually... You can ask if someone can send them to you. Your Sympathy and Erase are actual released songs that are on the US and Canada albums. I don't like any of them He has done other demos, that you can also ask if someone can send them to you... I leave the track listing of the singles to someone else... Don't have them within reach...
  15. You will never be accepted on MMMM
  16. I think he said he takes a break at the end of the year, releases first the 6 tracks EP to make us wait patiently and then the album... To be expected not before 2nd half of 2008 in my opinion...
  17. :mf_rosetinted: Don't worry, i'm leaving the thread.
  18. As not young and not innoncent that I am, i don't see why she would do that... It was either a balance emergency solution, either her hand is in front of it, not on it...
  19. The most important thing is that you finally got it And about the GK video image... I'm sure her hand in just in front of it... Not on it... But maybe it's my pure innocent mind speaking
  20. The secret society myspace is not secret anymore... and is totally useless !! nothing interesting in it ... i'm not accepted, didn't even try since 6 months ago, and i've been able to see what was in it... and NOTHING
  21. I adapted the Love Today "I've been crying for so long" to the situation
  22. If she didn't scold him, i did :biggrin2:
  23. "He's been trying for so long..." :naughty: ! He said it himself
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