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Everything posted by Zahara

  1. Yet another update at Panicatthedisco.com. The missing puzzle piece has been replaced with 01:01:08 and when you hover your cursor over the shaded puzzle piece, a clip of a song plays. The coding source has also been changed, a new line has been added: Care for an hors d'oeuvre? Which means, "care for an appetizer?"
  2. Panicatthedisco.com put up a jigsaw puzzle with one piece missing today. The current coding source message says: Oh, back so soon? It's really nice to see you again.
  3. About the site.. It turned blank... Again! The title of the page currently is "You Don't Have To Worry..." and the coding source says: Oh, back so soon?. Im totally freakin out! - Ryan's new tattoos If you have good eyes, you may already have noticed them in July's issue of Kerrang! magazine. (http://patdonline.com/) Thats it for now.. I will keep you posted!
  4. I used to LOVE 30 minutes and Clowns Still quite like them.. not as much as I used to do..
  5. And make sure to keep an eye on panicatthedisco.com!! Its currently being revamped No one will divulge any information about what's in store, except that it's supposed to be a "surprise". Last night a MySpace Bulletin was sent with the link and message: "and so it begins...". Since then all you get when you visit the page is a row of 23 boxes, some containing letters, others left blank. ("_O_ _ D_N_ _ H_V_ _T_ _ _ _ R _ Y_") [You Dont Have to Worry???] But when you check the coding source of the page, new lines has been added throughout the day. The message is as it follows... Oh, hello Glad you could make it Did you have any trouble finding the place? Hope you enjoy I will keep you posted!
  6. I guess its time for me to take a seat.. You can count me in
  7. Source: Billboard.com ZOMG!!1 at the date and the last phrase!!!1 No circus shows!? OMG!!!
  8. I voted. I think its getting a bit out of hand to be honest.. I liked the whole birtday thingie we did.. But, honestly, I think thats enough..
  9. Brabant ruleert? Uhh.. Tuurlijk Laura, tuurlijk..
  10. Hoe krijg je dat voor elkaar? Ik raak altijd in de knoop met mn benen..
  11. Weet ik.. maar ik wil mn vriendje erbij hebben!
  12. DAt vind 'ie ge-wel-dig *kuch* (Zahara and Thomas 4-ever )
  13. Ik zit net te denken.. Áls ik meedoe.. vind ik dat mn vriendje ook mee mag GEZELLIG! (oeeeh.. nieuw siggie!!! Wat vinden jullie ervan? )
  14. HoooooooooooooooooooOoOoooooooooooooooooOoOoOoOooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOooooooOooooooooooooooooooooooi *moet naar het toilet* Ik ben.. *moet weer naar het toilet* Zahara Ik zal erover nadenken
  15. ..om vervolgens elke 10 minuten naar het toilet te gaan? Mh.. ik denk dat ik dan de halve meeting mis..
  16. Natuurlijk vertrouw ik je wel! Ik weet alleen nooit hoe ik me moet gedragen bij zoiets.. ..En ik wordt altijd licht hysterisch als ik mensen voor het eerst ontmoet..
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