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Everything posted by Zahara

  1. okay, he's here... gotta go, bye bye ladies!
  2. But.. but.. but.. my boyfriend can be here any minute..
  3. *looks at her avatar* SQUEEEE *leaves bar*
  4. Of course I want it!! *start singing* Who wouldnt long to be.. padapadapadam ...a moustached elephant lady!?
  5. *sigh* But its just a dream that never will come true..
  6. And then I would be like "They love me.. they really, really love me" *acts like a diva*":blush-anim-cl:
  7. Perhaps I can join the circus! We Proudly Present The Moustached Elephant Lady ..I can already hear the crowd
  8. Nooooo.. do you know how much fat there is in one cup of hot chocolat? LOADS! By the time i'll finish all those cups, I'll look like a moustached elephant!
  9. Ohgawh.. I just imagend people coming up to my boyfriend asking if he's gay.. And then he's like "Dude.. thats my girlfriend " Sorry.. total randomness..
  10. Im sure I wont regret it! You said a milk moustache suits me.. Im sure my boyfriend would love to have a moustached girlfriend
  11. Whats wrong? Do you also want to get your lip tattoed ?
  12. I cant be that painful.. I mean.. its just a needle stabbing my lip a thousand times per second.. over and over again... blood will be spilt.. I'll turn white.. I'll start to shake.. I might go into shock and I might even pass out.. but like I said, it cant be that painful.. *runs to tattoo shop*
  13. Really? Do you think I should get it tattoed?
  14. omg.. thats brilliant! Ahhh.. thank you!! No cookies for me though.. *drinks hot chocolat* MILK MOUSTACHE hahaha.. *ahem*
  15. Thank you! A hawt chocolate would be nice
  16. *puts her clothes back on* Man... im freezin'!
  17. You think so? Okay then... See here's the thing.. We have to take our CLOTHES OFF!! We have to party.. ALL NIGHT We have to take our.. CLOTHES OFF!! To have a good timmmeeee Excuse me miss I couldn't help but to notice how alone you are I dig the attitude and how you're acting like you own The Bar Got me flashing keys and I don't even own a car Like you ain't feeling my charm, because I know you are I'm trying to see how your lips feel Oh I'm sorry, my name is ZJ and I'm pretty much a big deal Oh, you've never heard of me That sounds absurd to me The way you stole my attention was flat out burglary What do you say let's exit stage left so me and you can Possibly reconvene and play some naked peekaboo Cause after all the blouse you're wearing is kinda see through And it's obvious I'm heading wherever you're leading me too Such a hunnyangel with a devilish angle And quite the certified sweet talker And you're buying every line of it girl And I don't really blame you If I was in your shoes I'd probably do the same too God.. I missed that song!
  18. Really good, thank you How are you feeling?
  19. Oh.. IKEA!! Can I come with you? *puppy eyes*
  20. Haha, Im not sure if I should post it here Lets say that I have my reasons
  21. But you found them, I see YAY! How are you?
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