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Everything posted by raha!

  1. wowee. what a read! haha, you know what- i MET you! i was sitting right behind you during the muchmusic thing. the indian girl with crazy hair and i've read one flew over the cuckoo's nest. quite the character to match up with, eh! you make me laugh in a good way.. rock on mika! you musta been stoked to be called on PERSONALLY by the man himself during the toronto gig. heard that! more delicious than a falafel, eh?
  2. wahoo! feeling awesome right now. ...the anticipation in here is OFF THE WALL!!! stepping out soon but i can't wait to hear how it goes. dum, da da dee da dee.....
  3. hm, wonder how we'd lure back gingerbreadmika.
  4. where is mikamad's gingerbread man? methinks he ran away... strange things ar happening in the gingerbread thread!
  5. about questions... quite odd cause, at the muchmusic show, one of the organizers asked the audience if they had any questions (said he'd choose the best one) to ask mika. so lana, me and another boy (who had given mika a book ) all had these questions to ask..about creativity, family, all of that sort. and the organizer ended up pointing at that boy and telling him, "well, you're going to ask him a q but it's not going to be any of the ones you stated...it's: What Was your most embarassing moment?" too bad! i think all the others were more interesting than the one the organizer made him say.
  6. whoa no i don't think he meant that- wouldn't say anyone was better than the other! that wouldn't be too safe.... er, thought we cleared this up already?
  7. i remember how one of the FIRST pics i saw of mika was the one where he's hanging out of the car. and i thought he had red hair. beckar, i suppose he uses a curler for curl "enhancing"...my mum does that sometimes!
  8. it was a party atmosphere all right! and weird how nobody was jumping onto anyone else....i swear, if i had any sweat on me that night, it wasn't anyone else's! mikamad, i'm sure you'll get the chance...you're gingerbreadmikaman will, at the very least!
  9. well, that wouldn't be any good, would it? seeing as all you'd have is a picture with tiny bits of heart everywhere.
  10. exactly what i was thinking! OI!
  11. awesome pics! the wonder of cameras.
  12. read over the whole thing too and OI! this is too funny! my dog is looking at me strangely because i'm letting out spurts of giggles at my computer... steph- what would we do without you and your deranged ideas..
  13. yes, i'm really glad the show took place where it did. the venue was really cozy and intimate (in a funky and comfy part of downtown) and although the place was filled, it was packed with a cozy amount of people. VERY intimate. place didn't even look like a club from the outside...more like an ancient building!
  14. don't say that! ack, i'd rather NOT know who mika is...that would spoil everything for us AND him!
  15. 42 years young, love that! good luck with the gig. i'm sure you'll have an awesome time here!
  16. ahaha i will DEFFO remember this for the rest of my life! when i'm old, i'll think back and say, "remember that CRAZY time when i was a teen...?" i was VERY close to front. 3rd/4th row. SO lucky!!!! it was fab!!!!! best of luck Bexx! julia i wish we could have redone that whole night...just so i could meet you. but you got to go too! that's fabulous enough! maybe at his next gig...? LOLL frame the photo, will do, though i was looking in the opposite DIRECTION (unfortunately, the other pic didn't turn out, but that's ok!) you're welcome.
  17. amazing people (concertgoers...) amazing lighting. amazing sound. so interesting, so much fun! balloons, confetti, BUBBLES... PITCH PERFECT!!!!! and the animal costumes, everything...it was like a concert that I'd always wanted to go to, but never knew existed. mika has put me in permanent AWE! here's the page where i posted the pics. just click on the MY PICS page, and then part 2, 3, 4 and 5. (a tad confusing, but i had to put it up in a hurry ) http://www.piczo.com/mikashow and here's a pic i took with mika the night before! haha-- i looked away, how strangely silly! but that's ok. i'm just glad to be there! (thanks so much, lana!)
  18. hi all, please check out the thread i posted below- sou needs our love!
  19. for toronto it was a 1hr wait, and a 1 hr show. it isn't boring at all- not even the wait! felt completely satisfied.
  20. you seem fluent as it is...but i suppose it's about much more than just grammar...essay writing is a lot of acky pressure.
  21. lol yess, but that's not the prob! aha, pm.ed it.
  22. i'm thinking the beatles. "imagine there's no heaven...it's easy if you try..."
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