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Everything posted by raha!

  1. JULIA!! ack, can't believe i didn't get to meet you. i was at the concert too, but left a bit after. gosh, wasn't it amazing?! i'll put some pics up when i get a chance. and lucky me, i managed to get a pic with mika too! but that wasn't after the concert; it was the evening before it.
  2. i'd be ticked off too if someone dissed my city after playing in it- but don't think that's what he meant.
  3. the words in the youtube description are what he said, from what i heard that night. but i'm sure it's being misinterpreted! no artist would ever publicly diss their previous audiences like that. i'm definite that when telling them to "eff off", mika was referring to the people who had told him that toronto was sh**- not the whole montreal audience. also, artists like to make their audiences feel good! and mika deffo did that with that comment! but there was no hostility shown between toronto and montreal. i'm sure everyone in the club took it as saying that he was dissing the people who had made bad comments about toronto, not the population itself. at least, that's what i got from being there!
  4. ah, found it...holy johnny! that's the name.
  5. lana, gosh that's AWESOME that you got to meet him after the show! i wanted to but i didn't have the luck to wait around... that's fabulous, really is! :tumb_yello:
  6. at yesterday's toronto concert, mika presented a new song that wasnt on any of the albums! but i can't remember the name.... it was "johnny" something, methinks.... does anyone know what im talking about?
  7. oh my, it's the same thing with me! was supposed to be sorting out my socks shelf last night, but thought of lollipop halfway through and started twirling my socks in the air. mom walked in and i had NO idea what to say!
  8. that was great! yes, i'm also glad that this vj interviewed him; he's the most interesting and genuine of the lot, methinks. i thankfully didn't run up to him and engulf him in a hug but i DID have the strongest urge to touch his hair...i was seated right behind him! thankfully, i held that back too. just look for a wide-eyed girl on the right of mika with the strangest smile on her face and that's me.
  9. Sou, of course, you're mio confidante. i know i know i'll put them up soon...just waiting for the mika pic from lana (poor thing, i'm putting her through heck...they only allowed disposable cams in so now she has to print, scan the pic and send it...ack, technology ) but i will put it up asap. as soon as all the pics are together! sou... ok ok, je me dépêcherai...
  10. gosh, i haven't been on this in 2 days and i've already missed so much! yep Lana and i were there (i actually got in after Tia called the muchmusic headquarters all the way from UK to convince them that i was a huge fan even though i wasnt 16 for weeks...THAANK you!), had an awesome time! i thought the whole falafel thing was really cute too (i think he said "mika is more delicious than a falafel"? ), it was really sweet of that guy to make that bookie! and the next night, at the concert, mika even pointed out at him in the audience and told everyone what he'd said! that's adorable. oh gosh, just looked at the muchmusic clips...i'm that wide-eyed indian girl on the right of mika's face. ack! oh, how zoned i look! altogether it was a really fun visit. i kept shouting random things at him, LOL (hope that wasn't too annoying...)but finally got a chance to chat with mika at the end of the show...told him about how i liked the love today vid, and he asked about the giant cake part (with raffa and the little girlie)- that was great! also mentioned sivan's scrapbook. turns out he visits the forums often (you guys were RIGHT) and knew this was brewing! awesome, awesome, awesome. and the concert the next night was even BETTER. had the most fun i'd had in a looong time! (haha abercrombie, i managed to get a bumoley shot of mika and mikey too...loved it!) will post pics up a.s.a.p.
  11. working your ass off, you say? yes it'll deffo be worth it! what is LA like right now?
  12. sivan- you're in LA- that's awesome. depressed? don't worry...i was a bit depressed after meeting mika last night (he came to a local music station), don't know WHY, i should have been jumping up and down! but i was happy afterwards. think i just needed sleep. guess what? i sorta shoved in front of him after the show last night and told him you have something for him at the LA show...turns out, he often surfs this site and knows about the scrapbook; he saw something brewing! mika said he'd keep an eye out for you at the LA show...even said he was excited! whoo hoo- your efforts worked:thumb_yello: now you have no reason to be depressed.. think it's just homesickness from leaving israel; everything will be fine soon. huzzah!
  13. oh my GOSH.....THEY LET ME IN!!!!!!!! just got a call today, and they said they changed their mind!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D Tia, i'm sure it had something to do with your call- THANK YOU!!! (lol, check your pms..) THANK YOU all so much for the support and help, you are all so awesome! i really gotta go now, show starts in a bit. so excited to finally meet mika....you guys ROCK!!!
  14. gosh, you guys are all so AWESOME... regardless of what happens, even if it doesn't work out. you just made me feel so much better...
  15. would you really?? that would be so nice of you, Tia!!!!!! if you were here right now, i would give you a HUGE bear hug!! i really hope they're nice enough to understand... i'll ask my dad to call them too, if it helps any?
  16. sigh, wouldn't that be awesome?! but my dad won't drive me there (its an hour away) if i'm not completely sure i'll be going.
  17. crying at the doors, that sounds like a good idea! but my father won't drive me downtown from work tomorrow unless he's positive they'll let me in.. i might try getting my dad to call them tonight. and leave a very deep-throated message. but i really don't know what else to do. aww Tia i really wish you DID live by me right now!!!!
  18. oh gosh, what a coincidence, i'm talking about the same thing right now. it's not the concert, though, just a show...and they won't let me in! i agree, it's completely pointless. at least make the age limit for the birth year of 1991- not just if you're 16 the day of the concert! argh. hope they let you in, though!!!!! they should.
  19. sigh. fake ID. i was actually considering that...but how on earth would i get that!!! he's coming tomorrow.... so much time to fret. it's so frustrating... i turned the tv onto that music channel now, and when the host said that mika would be coming tomorrow, she pronounced his name "MIKE-ah"! and accidentally said he would be coming wednesday! (but she corrected herself about the date..) ack, i'm SO mad...it seems i like mika more than the people on that SHOW!!! i wish i could do SOMETHING by tomorrow. but i suppose i can't.
  20. i know, i considered that too (i didn't think it would be an issue- how pointless really, that a matter of months keeps me from seeing my favorite singer)... but they require birth and photo identification at the door. i'm so sad right now...i feel like crying! i'll be going to the concert, but it's not the same! i've wanted to meet mika for so long... and now i won't. i feel horrible.
  21. sigh, wasn't allowed into mika's show at a toronto music station because i was a few months away from the age deadline... so i know how you feel. but yes, i'm sure the concert will be AWESOME!
  22. thank you for the advice, Tia. i just called the headquarters... they won't allow me in!!!!! darn, i was really looking forward to meeting mika.. how horrible! sunshine 931, i know how you feel now! i suppose there's always the concert. but...sigh.
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