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Everything posted by raha!

  1. welcome! have fun at the concert...although mika won't be there!
  2. whoops, sorry sunny monkey. gosh, this is going to be interesting!
  3. before i go to the corner store, quick q: how long do we have to send it, though?? not too soon, hopefully, gotta get a camera! and think of something to do.
  4. i'll be sure to say that. wow, this is awesome!
  5. lol, no way! how random. i bought one in hong kong when i was 9, but it broke when i came back home. how did you know that?
  6. thanks, lylemma he DOES have a contagious laugh! i found myself giggling at the end of it for absolutely no reason.
  7. ahh, i get it...keep the suspense rolling! i'll be sure to tell him that you've got a gift for him from fans around the world. let's hope he hasn't become so incredibly famous over the past weeks that he can't come out after shows...!
  8. i know i'm going on the 21st for sure.
  9. exactly! do you think it's a good idea to have fans who meet him at his next shows to tell him that you're going to give him a scrapbook at the gig you go to? so that he knows and will be more likely to come out at your gig? or do you want it as a pure surprise!
  10. yep, i meant sunny monkey. if you don't end up meeting mika, i'm sure sunny monkey would give it to him somehow. but if all goes well and you meet him yourself, you won't have to worry about that! i'm pretty sure you'll be able to meet him.
  11. youpi! i'm so happy for you, sivan... after all the work you've done, it would be AWESOME if you met him personally! but giving it through SM if that doesn't work out is also a great idea. wowwowWOW.
  12. LOL! that must suck... must have been a good laugh for him in the end, though!
  13. agreed. the mika fans have done their thing! and now it's back to what really matters.
  14. d'oh, silly me: i assumed for a sec that you were talking bout the VIDEO! well, i'll just go sit down now and let my blood pressure become normal again.
  15. oh my GOSH babspanky that's so exciting! i don't have the channel, though .... please upload it if you can!!!!! i sense amazingness already...youpi!
  16. oof...good luck! either way: judging by the kind of attitude mika has, i think he'll be happy enough seeing such a thoughtful gift to not notice if everything's PERFECTLY binded together, lol.... gosh, it must be an awesome feeling to receive a personal scrapbook of letters from people all over the world. don't forget to take down his every reaction, so that you can tell us! have fun!
  17. yay! well, color's always a good thing! can't wait till everything is put together. Michael's is a great place to go for crafts; it has absolutely EVERYTHING! i'm excited. i bet you are too...this must be an exciting week for you: moving to LA AND putting together the whole scrapbook....
  18. do you really?? thanks! i was a bit nervous about it at first.....
  19. sivan, i've sent the letter! what do you think? hope it's ok...
  20. sivan, i'm SO sorry it's late, my scanner was messing up on me yesterday but you thankfully stretched the deadline!!! i'm sending it in an hour. is that ok? sorry again. !
  21. that one made me laugh! thanks. you know what i just realized? there are 2 types of fans: the normal fans, who watch a mika vid once, smile, and move on...and then there are MFC fans... who watch the vid once, rewind, replay, and squint EXTRA hard the next time to see what they missed. or maybe that's just me!! :roftl:
  22. here's the thread that should explain it all: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1689
  23. welcome, noir! heads up, tho: the place is usually a bit empty at this time coz everyone from the other time zones is asleep! have fun getting acquainted with the wonderful world of MIKA.
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