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Everything posted by raha!

  1. ah, the contemplations of a mika fan....
  2. i agree...i showed it to my friend and she looked at me with a hige question mark plastered across her forehead... i love the part where he says, "sorry, i'm in rehearsal", and puts on the grace kelly song. if i were the agent, i'd be really weirded out!
  3. Well, i think that's coz looks are the one thing you can't really change (without surgery, that is...) hm. if i could change myself, i would make myself able to fly.
  4. gadzooks, mika mad, what a thread to say that in! i think this is the 2nd time you've made such a shocking mika confession on the forum, lol...
  5. well, speaking of mika-related comedies, here's something i came across: it's basically about a man who pulls a prank on a real estate agent by pretending to be mika. i'm warning you, it's very odd! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuEsUXezadk
  6. K-Fed?!?!?! LMAAAOOOOOOO... i think mika was in on the joke; his voice at the beginning seems like he was smiling! very very random!
  7. as soon as i saw the title of this thread, i had to read through it... :roftl: ...you guys are the quirkiest people i know! besides me he's bringing sexy [braces] back, *yeah!* all the mika fans dunno how to act! *yeah!* i think they've made us into quacks..
  8. that's awesome!!!! it's great cause your picture not only looks like mika, but is really cute and creative, too! the way you drew his hair is very fun.
  9. wow...you love all the books i do! mrs twit DID scare me...especially when they hung her upside down at the end, haha......can't choose a fave RD either. loved The Witches...BFG too...list goes on! He's got many young adult and older reader novels out, and he has the same style when writing them. awesome. Lol...Georgia nicholson opened up a whole new vocabulary for me. i keep typing "vair" instead of very now! read all the books, lucky me! you should too; they're all hilarious. I've heard of the red tent, but it wasn't available at my library. i'll look it up!
  10. like sou and girlinblue, i loved kite runner. touching! i also like Center of the World, by Andreas steinhofel. a really dark and wonderfully written novel- one of my favorites- is Night by elie wiesel...it's a horrifically poignant about the holocaust (something i've always been fascinated with, although i don't know why.) my favorite author for the past DECADE (i think i'll love him all my life) is roald dahl; i read all of his children's books as a kid and am in the midst of finishing all his older novels soon enough! i love RD cause he's got a style that transcends all age barriers. lovehimlovehimlovehim and then there are the funny books: the georgia nicholson series.. i find her goddarn hilarious. i love books. don't get me started on movies! it's 2.30 am, for goodness' sake
  11. raha!

    Count Me In!

    haha...well, it's 2.17 and i just woke up for a snack break...and had to come online here! so you're not alone, if that helps Welcome to our wonderful forum.
  12. oh, wow...that's awesome!! finally get to see mika in america.... thanks so much more that update.
  13. thats great to hear! welcome, Kasia ...by the looks of it, we can ALL relate to what you're feeling!
  14. yes, me too... when someone mentioned a while ago that they liked the way his braces hung off him, i was wondering why i didn't see any teeth retainers dangling in mid-air! whoops.
  15. do you ever think he thinks, "let's see how many people go crazy if i smile this way..."? he can't be completely naive of his effect on others, can he?! i mean, considering the reaction that all the mikalovers here have to everything he does!
  16. raha!

    Mika Pics

    was it just me, or did you feel like giggling all the way through this video? it's the same when i'm with one of my friends. he always seems like he's stifling his giggles...it makes me laugh.
  17. yoppappop, i agree. when one interviewer asked him if he was camp, mika considered it a compliment because he took it as "theatrical". i wouldn't say it only means feminine...that would be sort of offending, but camp isn't.
  18. steph, i think those braces are really doing something to you!
  19. i want his shirt in the 1st pic!! my bro has one like it...i remember stealing it from him once
  20. FD, you've really given up, havnt ya? welcome! great to see that you were along on the mikaWagon from the very beginning.
  21. hm, rainbow radio, you would make an interesting interviewer!
  22. i know, eh? but i bet the person who started this thread is just staring at the screen, like:shocked:..... welcome to the crazy, youngmiddleoldling world of MIKA!
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