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Everything posted by raha!

  1. FD, call her back again, pleeease! i'd like to hear more of your "gangsta" lingo...
  2. this reminds me of a clip mary put up in the comedy section...of a lady pretending to speak 7 languages and failing miserably...
  3. omg i keep rereading that and laughing my head off.....
  4. my cousin used to write "lykee" instead of like and "kewll" instead of cool... and that got me thinking, what's the point of that if the chatspeak version is longer than the actual word?
  5. oh my...;P i can relate, unfortunately! apparently, my name is the same as an arabic mattress store.
  6. alpha sounds perfectly fair i'd be at the end tho, but i don't think that should be a problem!
  7. welcome! latvia...wow. that's far!
  8. aislinn, could i join the list too? i think it would be nice to write something interesting!
  9. np yipee!! good for you. i guess the mika love has its own quirky ways of spreading... even if it does mean shady neighborhoods
  10. if i told you cherisse had a moustache, would you love moustaches too?? (not that she ever has!)
  11. heyyy, welcome! ooh, ny, sounds like fun! you'll find tons of fellow fans from all over the world here.
  12. i agree. that's one of the wonders about songwriting...you can give it as many layers and branch-offs as you want. some feelings are the same when applied to many different situations, and i suppose it's the same with this song.
  13. it's funny how most of the members here say, "i'm waaaay too young for him!" or "i'm waaaay too old for him!" quite the age range here!
  14. erm, lana 86, it's not allowed to post threads abt selling tickets on this site! a few people have gotten in some mishmash for it before.... but::::: i have 2 extra tickets and im not sure if those ppl are even coming... i can get back to you in a weeks time abt them, maybe! g'luck
  15. i got taught in school, too, when i was 10.... it's funny coz i used to be really freaked out when "typing tests" came around coz i thought they were like actual exams you shoulda seen my...my hands were shaking!!
  16. excellent point:thumb_yello: now that you mention it, there is a certain sort of attitude in the GK vid. that explains the half-opened-eyes look at times!
  17. holy cheesecake, congrats! if i didn't know better, i would think FD had 4 arms...
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