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Everything posted by raha!

  1. woot, i'll deffo join the n.am union!
  2. there's NO way he can be a one hit wonder. i listened to all his songs and loved them equally, not just one...he strikes a chord in me.
  3. how do you think mika would react if he met us at the gigs and recognised us from the fan forum? do you think he would be pleased or freaked? hm..
  4. it's amazing how everyone's so NICE. usually, on the net, people just try to get their 2 cents in or just shock everyone or act really idiotic, but this is an actual community! the niceness deffo has to do with the music. it's one thing everyone has in common.
  5. yeah. it's like he's filled this musical void in a lot of people....now that he's here, i can see how empty and boring the industry was before him! mika's creating a revolution!
  6. if i gotta do cartwheels across stage to be a lively enough crowd for him...whatever it takes! i just hope he's not too tired by the end of the show. from what i hear, he's really friendly. quirky, definitely! i've heard about the mod club, too. it seems really interesting! very 60s... do you think the other concertgoers will be solid fans of mika?? a lot of people i know are only considering going because they've heard grace kelly, nothing more.
  7. score! can't wait to buy it in canada.
  8. EXACTLY. everything seems so structured and planned and boring. nothings as FULL anymore...all other songs seem like a deflated balloon!
  9. lol, i was thinking that too. and my guy friend agreed to go as billy brown if i dressed up, haha! are there many people at the gigs doing that?
  10. wuzzah?! ... mika was CALLING for a flood of fan-mail with a statement like that! maybe he seriously didn't expect so many ppl to be infatuated with him, and didn't think he'd get such a reply. or maybe he knew. well if he didn't expect it....aw! genuine naivety's always a nice thing.
  11. yes... but then again, what would they have to talk about?? it seems like a lot of his interviews only have the same info to go on, so it's a tad repetitive. i'd like to see some more interesting ones...like the channel4 int. then again, i'd wait a while so that interviewers could get some new info to talk abt...but if they did that, we'd have to wait for the next ALBUM, wouldn't we?!
  12. well, it's easy to dismiss the song as about a guy seeking acceptance until the composer tells you that it's supposed to be ironic and mean the opposite: mika means for all people who think he's not good enough to f*** off. guess this writer didn't do his research. but how hard would it be to fig that one out?? almost every article i read abt mika has the grace kelly history on it!
  13. ahh...those are wonderful lyrics. thoughtfelt & touching. i really hope over my shoulder and Erase are on the n.american cd...if not, that would be too bad.
  14. yes, i used to wonder why i KEPT having the urge to check back here like a zillion times every day, and then i realized that it's coz of YOU guys.. it's cool to be able to think something and know that millions of people like you are thinking the same thing!
  15. gosh, i was thinking about JUST that last night. i actually have no idea if he'll come out. he came out for some of the other gigs. i was actually going giddy thinking about what i'd say to him if i got to talk to him.... and a picture with mika would be AMAZINNNG. sigh! btw, finalized the tickets. i'm coming for sure!
  16. hey, at least there are only 2 I would be freaked if i became a celeb and my personal life were spread out paperthin. omg, but the sister in white DOES look like mika. the bones under her eyes jut out like his.
  17. i'm seriously beginning to think that mika DOES have hynotizing powers. How else could he get to us all in such a way? i've never been the same since LICM...! quite freaky really..
  18. wow, how interesting is that?! i have to listen to mika routinely....it's like SM said, i start to physically crave it when i haven't listened for a while. and then when i pop any of the LICM songs in, i just heave this HUGE sigh.
  19. his looks are part of the package. when you associate mika's music with an image, i'd think of someone with a funky fashion sense and cute looks. it's interesting that his image, background, history, personality....it's ALL just as interesting and quirky as his music.
  20. they're both very beautiful... gosh, but it is ok having their pics up all over the net?
  21. WOW. awesome article! it's amazing how i was thinking exactly about the Lord of the Flies book when first finding out that Mika was bullied as a kid. He once said that adults were easier to talk to coz they lied to you...and that got me thinking about the brutal honesty of the kids in the LOTF book. and now, bam, he mentions it in this interview! wow. anywho im rambling... very very awesome article. best one yet! thanks so much.
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