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Everything posted by raha!

  1. YA- HOOOOO!!! huzzah, hooray, hipdeedip, we are all SO HAPPY!!!!
  2. raha!

    Mika Abc

    LOL i was thinking "bodacious", but that's more beyonce, isn't it?
  3. aw, thanks! can't wait to see what this final song looks like
  4. teehee, that made me laugh, beckar. hm..... this looks like fun: "walks in to the room with a song, he makes us swoon Mika- you are beautiful!" "he's the one i love to see who cares if he's 23? Mika- you are beautiful!" well, there's my attempt!
  5. wowee freddiesdouble, awesome thread! I never know where to start with intros, but I’ll attempt one anyway… i'm raha (unusual name, i know!), 15 years old and in high school in toronto, canada. my profile says 19 but that's my brother's date of birth, lol! i guess i have one thing in common with mika: I’ve moved around a lot. I was born in dubai, Saudi Arabia, and lived there until I was 6. I then moved to hong kong for a few months because of my dad’s job, but finally settled in Canada, and have been living here ever since. i've always been into music ...my brother's in a band and when i was younger and bored, i sometimes hung around the back of their studio during rehearsals, toying with their sound mixers and cables and i sorta got sucked into music from then. i've been playing piano for almost a decade now (i love it!) and am trying to teach myself the guitar, but all i can play right now is Wonderwall by Oasis.. quite sad really! unlike a lot of ppl out here, i wasn't a huge follower of Queen (i guess i was too young?) Mika was the first of this kind for me. I love to read and write. i don't write novels or anything...just quirky poems and short stories, that's all! i once wrote a poem about talking feet, and it's etched into my memory. i am a true bookworm: harry potter and lemony snicket were my childhood faves....i'm reading Centre of the World by Andreas Steinhofel right now and it's very sad. i like living in toronto...it's a great place to shop at and meet people! BUT i'm sort of miffed because barely anybody here knows of Mika... and i'm too far away to go to any of his concerts or meet hardcore mikamaniacs! I'd love to visit England. i love my family more than anything else in the world. i adore this site. you guys are all just incredibly fun and friendly! and i also like mika's trousers. :] gosh that was long...
  6. i agree. they both sort of wear the same trousers. but....oh my, mika said he likes BWO? i listened to them, and i guess i could move along to their music, but i don't like it much.
  7. wow, that is high! my brother asked me if mika had helium in his voice when he heard the original version, lol...
  8. haha, i'm picturing that now.....not a pretty sight, that's for sure!
  9. lol, me too! but i DO like that other language you guys are talking in. it sounds cool. even though i don't get a word of it!
  10. wait...but isn't he dyslexic? i've always wondered how he'd be able to read forums and articles and stuff with dyslexia.
  11. his attitude and looks transcend the whole age barrier. i cant really pin a number on him!
  12. i agree. i can't say i love mika cause i don't knowhim know him. so, i guess the farthest i can go is to say i'm infatuated. everything i know about mika, i love, even though i don't know much at all! i guess that's why he seems perfect. but, i like to imagine that he's just as flawed as the rest of us. he'd be an interesting friend, wouldn't he?
  13. yep, it's much more fun when you have words to sing along with! about the 2nd verse: I think it's "girl in the blue with the big bust on" instead of "groove". and in the beginning, when it says "I’ve been cryin’ for so long Fightin’ tears just to carry on Right now, right now it's gone away " ithink it says "but now" instead of "right now". ooh, i love this song! again, muchos thanks for the lyrics.
  14. hi there! kuwait sounds cool...i used to live in dubai when i was a kid, and that's pretty nearby!
  15. hey, a fellow canadian! bonjour, bonjour i also think that mika's music WILL expand past the UK, definitely. it's just a matter of his music being launched here so it can get more exposure... it's different from what's usually heard on the radio, but it's familiar enough to strike a chord in everyone, so i dont see how it can't become popular worldwide. I can't wait for more people to get exposed to Mika!
  16. i suppose that's what infatuation does to you, lol.
  17. heyy, it's you who helps make this club the funnest (probably not a word )thing to be on! whoohoo to you CW!
  18. yes it would be... but then, when somebody wants to say " I love Mika" it would turn out "I love ####ing Mika" and that would be strange.
  19. i like the "dum da dum da dum du dum" part of the intro, amidst the lollipop noises.
  20. yeah...my finnish music teacher told me it meant money! and an arabic friend told me it meant rest. AND a random person told me it meant "happiness" in Swahili. And in the Indian language, it means music! whew... coincidence, huh!
  21. well, seeing as he had no technical or knowledgeable facts to back-up why he thought the music was bad.... that doesn't really count as a review! Mika's music makes me feel good, and you can't really argue that.
  22. my aunt came to visit our house last week to see me dancing around the foyer like a madman (lollipop was in my headphones!) and she asked me if it was that time of the month! LOL- i guess i should make sure nobody's there before i decide to start dancing to my fave songs.
  23. hey Yoppappop, no worries! if you have something to say, then it's great to hear it. i'm looking at myself in the mirror now, and i just realized...i look really whacky when i dance to any of mika's songs! LOL
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