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Status Updates posted by cheeseygoodness

  1. i'm thinking, i'm thinking....

  2. aww. :no: well, we got to focus on having the most FAB-U-LOUS disney party EVER.

    don't worry. we'll catch him when he comes back to florida, georgia, or somewhere cheaper than MO. we saw him 3 days in a row, and had experiences that people dream of.

    i'm completley happy with that.

  3. ugh. you ruined it then.

    well, if you don't mind being spoiled, you can ask me anything :naughty:

    i guess it would have been a worse shock if you didn't know. i can't remember if i knew about it before i read it, but i was sooo depressed through the whole book. i didn't cry when he left, though. i just read the part where he left, last night, and i didn't cry, but i had to put the book down and breath for a minute. when i re-read it, i just skip the whole part he's gone. it's hard to get out of that depression. :shocked:


    :sneaky2: where is heather, i'm going to have to kill her for that.

  5. it does! well...new moon is a bit different than twilight. you'll feel different when you're reading it, but you'll be too engrossed to stop, no matter how you feel. get it so the minute you finish twilight, hop into new moon.

    YOU MUST SEE THE MOVIE!!! even if you don't think robert is cute :glasses2:



  6. aww. i guess you're about halfway done.

    how do you think i feel? i'm done with it all! it's all old to me now. but at least when i re-read it, i find new things.

  7. so...what part are you up to?? :naughty:

  8. oooh!! i'm getting all excited for you!!! i re-read it for the first time since the movie, and it was as if i'd never read it before! it's soooo beautiful :wub2:

  9. i texted her earlier to tell her. don't worry, she's not man :naughty:


    it depends how much you read in the first sitting. then you'll know how hooked you are. i remember i bought it after work...on a sunday, and i read a few chapters before dinner, and the whole night i was hooked.

  10. YESS!! you will LOOOOVVE TWILIGHT! LOVE IT, I TELL YOU!!!! ignore the calls!!!! i was so upset that i couldn't read during class, but luckily i had lots of time between classes to finish in 3 days.


    wait til you hear the whole thing :wub2:


    brianna was worried about what happened to the thread title.


  11. YYYYAAAY!!!

    blah about the bookmarks. you should just print one out :naughty:

    i got new moon THE DAY i finished twilight :shocked:. i finished it at school and on the way home, i bought NM. that's pretty random that they sold out of eclipse.


    YYYAAYY FOR THE CD!!!!! it was about time :sneaky2:

  12. where are you getting the book? cause you can probably find one there.

  13. soo... when are you getting the book??

  14. it's like a line straight out of the book. :naighty:

    there's more to come.

  15. i'm burning it tonight. pm your address.

  16. i'm not sure if i'm going to go. i have rufus a month after that, and plus i have to move out in june. depending on how all of that works out, i'll go....or he wants to pay for me :naughty:

    i'm going to eat dinner. be back in like 15 minutes.

  17. so my dad auditioned for jeopardy in january. i remember i auditioned too, and i was reading eclipse while i was waiting :naughty: anywho, my dad got through to the next round, and he's going to be on the show in the middle of january! if i go, i'm going to find out where rob is shooting his movie 'parts per billion' and i'm going to stalk the hell out of him. :das


  18. of course you picked the shorter songs :naughty:

    one more.

  19. it's a bit too big. i have to take off 2 or 3 songs :shocked:

  20. that's what i do anyway :naughty:

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