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Status Updates posted by cheeseygoodness

  1. OMFG!!! that's such a nice compliment!!! :wub2:

  2. i just texted her.

    for now, i guess since you have the 2nd post, just write whatever it is in REALLLY BIG flashy letters :blink:

  3. she couldn't go on last night because her brother was on. she can't go on tonight either...i'm not sure why. she also said that her dog at your and my present :naughty:

  4. ahhh!!! thank you, thank you!!! :huglove2:

    how do you pronounce "lui"?

  5. aimee! i need your french expertise.

    my parents are in france and they're staying at my step-moms house, but they don't speak english :blink:

    sooo i was wondering how do you say...:

    bonjour, this is george's daughter. is he in?

  6. it's gooood!

    i bet she does :naughty:

  7. ooooh. that mcdonalds sounds AWESOME!!!!

    this weekend will be sooo amazing! i can't wait! and that's perfect about the chuck e. cheese!! i looove their pizza!

  8. "little sister" RUFUS!!! :tears:

    i see more pros than cons:

    by leaving friday, we're all settled in for the party saturday. we won't have to get up early saturday either.

    i'm sure there's more.... :naughty:

  9. it takes about 2 hours to get to orlando :shocked:

    i could try driving there... :blink:

  10. perfect!!! you might want to have austin read it to you :naughty:

  11. i had my first mika dream in forever! and you were there!!

    i was shopping for a dress at macys, and mika knocks a glass door, so i opened it for him, and he said 'hi, cherise will be here in a minute' and i was like ".....ok?". he was looking sharp! he was wearing a tuxedo without a tie, and his hair was curly, but neat. anyways, cherise came in, and went straight to me to say 'hi' and we joked about our height, because she was shorter. and mika was like 'haha cherise! even she's taller than you!" then everyone that was in the store seemed to be a mika fan, and they all gathered around him. and then i found you. i was still with cherise, and you say "i'm going to be on stage this time. it's my time to shine!" (:naughty:) and cherise just laughed at you. but i said "i'm going to get on stage too!" then we allll followed mika into the end of that dream.

    sorry i made you so cheesy in my dream :naughty:

  12. sounds good!! we have to find out where there's a movie theatre in orlando.... do you know where the chuck e. cheez is??

  13. i LOOOOVE trips like that! :wub2:

    a few years ago, we went to gainesville, but had to leave at about 5, so we didn't get there until about 11. it was fun!

  14. awww thank you :huglove:.

    i'll bring toll money.

  15. that's fine with me.

    are YOU working friday too? :blink:

  16. your text woke me up from dreaming that i was dricing on the highway and cars were coming from all directions.

  17. if i want to make it, no. i'll help with gas or buy you guys lunch if you can take me :huglove:

  18. omg. remember how i told you that last time i took mika off my phone, i lost it. well.... i'm wearing these skinnies and they have the smallest pockets ever. i went to publix, the bank and walgreens and when i left walgreens, i lost the damn thing! i was freaking the f-uck out and after i prepared to buy a new phone, i got home and called it, and it was on the floor in the passenger side of the car.

    mika is my background again, cause i can't risk losing it again.

    btw, i burned your cd!

  19. do you want the bonus songs?

    - decode (acoustic)... you're getting it anyways, cause it's amazing.

    - claire de lune (from when edward tried to get her dance)

    - la triviata (from the cullens were cooking)

  20. it's all good lol.

    i really didn't think i would like it, but i've loved every song that i've heard :shocked:

    it brings back memories of the movie :wub2:

  21. well, blah!!!!

    i'll just burn it and give it to you next week.

  22. here's a random single link:



    it's working for me :shocked:

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