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Status Updates posted by cheeseygoodness

  1. it should be... you scrolled all the way down to where the blinking arrow is??

  2. you don't need an account. just scoll all the way down and click where it says download link :


  3. the score is the instrumental music used in the movie. the soundtrack is full of songs with words, used in the movie, and not.

  4. oh shiznet. i just realize that i sent you the twilight score.

    surrrr alex.

    let me find you the soundtrack.

  5. how bad is it that i can picture it too??? :lmao:

  6. i loove that song!!!!! it's so pretty! i've been listening to between my legs a lot!

  7. oh! i looooove little sister....i think that is my 3rd favorite rufus song. and i loved the art teacher. OH GOD! between my legs! i went on that contest thread on the boards and i wished i could have entered! i already have my idea....ya know, just in case he does that again..... i'm gonna wear a shirt and alll the way at the bottom, and in the middle, will be a picture of his head :naughty::das: i might just have that made for the MO show.

    i also decided that i'm going to get him a brooch. in a few of the videos i watched of him monday, he kept talking about broochs. in one, he did the first verse of 'gay messiah' with teddy thompson, then he stops and says "wait, you're not wearing a brooch. we can't sing 'gay messiah' if you're not wearing a brooch". in that awesome video of between my legs with jorn, jorn starts putting a brooch on a girl (:shocked:) and rufus goes "are you putting a brooch on her?" and another girl yells from the other side of the stage "that's my brooch!" and jorn was like "sorry!"

  8. ME TOO!!!! i have a new found appreciation for his other songs. but after listening to release the stars ALLLL the way from oviedo to miami, it has to be my favorite album.

  9. it's awful. i keep thinking i hear him on the radio. and i've discovered why i thought i kept hearing him everywhere.... it's because we didn't listen to anything BUT rufus! so when a song started, i kept expecting it to be rufus.

  10. i work 4-9. the problem is i HAVE to concentrate cause i'm a cashier. i've already had too many money mistakes. i can't have rufus responsible for some! :naughty: but whenever i'm folding stuff, or waiting, i'm thinking about last weekend and what's to come. :wub3:

  11. awwwwwwww. i'm so glad you love him that much.

  12. you really have caught the rubug!!!!! and a good case of rucrazy :lmao: but a thousand thanks for the tickets :huglove:

  13. them? you're buying mine too? i wouldn't be able to pay you back....probably until the christmas party. you really are a mad woman! :naughty:


    i looked up plane tickets.... $192. not bad. especially since we'll be getting our tax refunds around that time.


    we'd have to rent a car there....you do NOT want to be stranded there :no:

    i went there 2 years ago...and it is a scary place.

  14. are you for real??!?! :shocked: how much are tickets??

  15. oh god..... i might go too! :naughty: i have to think about it though....maybe you should invite alex :mf_rosetinted:

  16. i'll be waiting!!!!

  17. aww. it will be a nice reunion when you get back.

  18. yay! then i shall get it!


    oh no...what is it...and hurry cause i gotta leave in 10 minutes

  19. did you get my text about the scarf, last night?


    that's it. it's a bad picture, but it's basically the jist of it.

    should i get that....or a solid silver or green one?



    oh! and saturday night, i had a dream that we met rufus. we were outside and he was wearing a black shirt sleeved shirt, a black silk scarf, and black shorts :das: that's all i remember.

  20. i've given up stressing about it. i'm just making sure i have $145 for my car insurance, and that's it. after that, i can worry about my cell phone bill... THEN my credit card bill.

  21. you can pick it up in at least a half hour, i think. then, you can pick it up every hour. and you do everything yourself. it's fairly easy. i had no trouble the first time i did it.


    :shocked: oooh. i'm scared.

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