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Status Updates posted by cheeseygoodness

  1. i let my brother take me car today, so i'll go either tomorrow, or definitley monday.

  2. it's called 'hammond song' by the roches

  3. have your heard from your brother??


  4. ooooh. send me his myspace!

  5. who is sam bradley???

    or is that a school???

    congratulations either way :naughty:

  6. Happy new year to you, too!!

  7. i responded :wink2:


    it says bandwith exceeded on the picture.


    what was it of?

  8. points down to who?? :naughty:

    i have msn, it's rocker_girl88@Msn.com


    and thank you soo much! :bow:

    i will have some of the best siggys in ALL the land

  9. DAMN!! stupid animation shop!!! i need that! is there anyway to download it online??? :naughty:

  10. how are you making those siggys???? :shocked:

    you must share your secrets??

  11. oooh. that's the tricky part then. don't be high and drive!!!! like edward says: friends don't let friends drive drunk lol.

  12. stupid school :sneaky2:

    couldn't you take one of your parents cars??

  13. uh ohssss. i hope she says yes :shocked:

  14. OMG! :roftl:

    you mean the life and syle mag?? :naughty:.

    my friend got it for me today

  15. thanks for the magazine!!! :wub2:

  16. be7t44.jpg


    I GOT IT TODAY!!!!!

    thank you! thank you! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! :huglove:

    when i opened the package, i started screaming, and my brother thought i was dying :naughty:

    i like the star confetti :wink2:

  17. i know! my friend was worried for his crotch :roftl:, but then i told her that he was wearing a harness and she was like "ooooh ouch"

  18. i've seen that one before!!! :roftl:!!!!

    everytime i see that part in the movie, i laugh my ass off!!!

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