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Posts posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. This thread is so addictive! I love all these pics and I'm pretty much sure that my computer's gonna crash one day because I have so many of them.:naughty:



    This pictures is just so...hmm...*looking for words* nice...I love his hands!:mf_lustslow:


    And I love his quote!


    My friends and I went searching for that today! We went to a magazine store then to Borders. NOTHING! =[ They had an older issue of Out so we know they'll eventually sell it.



  2. Haha! I did that @ the Gramercy....no one dared look under the pile of sanitary napkins! I also wrapped my camera in dollar bills, so if they happened to look under the feminine products, all they'd see was a wad of cash!!


    But yea, I guess I'll e-mail the theater. They were really good about getting back to me last time I e-mailed them. :biggrin2: :biggrin2:


    AND 2 WEEKS! OMG! :biggrin2: :biggrin2: :biggrin2:


    idk if my boobs are big enough for 7 cameras. Well, maybe.. lol

  3. Mika!!!


    You Are Ruining My Computer's Memory With Your Beauty!!!


    hahaha! Oh BOY do I know that feeling. I had to delete some music and video files so I can add more Mika pics and videos. It's more than worth it though.



  4. I know! I Need to see that delish concert so I can become jealous.


    I checked today to see if Mika's NY tickets were sold out yet and they're not! I like how I like almost cried when I almost didn't get presale.

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