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Posts posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. I have the same problem!!!! I'll seriously cry if I'm too far back.


    I was @ Nokia at 1:30 for the 7 PM show....I'm hardcore! But, my parents won't let me take the 2am train, only the 4am. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: So, I'm basically screwed.


    I thought we could bum 'round town until the 2am! I love bumming!!! Omgosh that sounds dirty.

  2. Oh, that's cool! Are you two going together?

    I'm not exactly sure how far it is for me on train..I live in New Jersey. I can literally see the skyline from my window. It only takes about 20 mintes (without traffic) to get to NY for me.


    XD Of course! I wouldn't want to miss sound checks, either!


    Yeah! She's my friend =] I got all of my friends ADDICTED to Mika! Now we're crazy girls who show up at Nokia at 1:30 for a 8:00 concert <3


    You're lucky that you're only 20 mins from the city. I actually live in NY and it takes me forever!!! lol

  3. AH! So will I!! hehehe Anything for MIKA! BAH. These past 6 days I've had nothing but MIKA on the brain! teehee And I don't mind!


    Since January when I first discovered him theres been nothing but Mika on my mind!! I walk around my house spitting out facts about him and it's driving my parents nuts. I mean how COOL is it that he got through the Royall College of Music in London hardly being able to sightread! Omgosh<3


    What time are you getting to Bryant park for Good Morning America?

  4. Oh, I know what you mean!!

    I am sooo excited!! I'm going with my friends who I'v recruited into MIKA fans. haha

    Do you think there's any chance that we could meet MIKA? Maybe after the show and stuff? Ahh, I really hope so!


    I REALLY hope so! The actual performance is going to be like what, 10-15 minutes? I'd like a little more Mika action! Well, thats always the case for me. =]

  5. wow those pics are unbelivebly stunning :wub2: too bad they got watermarks on them


    Thats the only annoying thing.


    hotdlp, is the quote from you siggy ("I get followed around by animals... dogs, but thats because I smell") from Mika? When and where if it is!??



    Yeah...I'd rather be his buddy that his lover (er I'm gonna get heat for that one)


    When we are dying on the boat in the sun from starvation and dehydration...



    I'd turn to him and say



    "When we get back to the States the Diet coke and Pizza is gonna be on me"






    LOLOL!!! omg I really laughed out loud! I'm sure amidst all the torture from lack of food and water he'd still appreciate the reference<3


    Ok! I'm spent. Good night!

  7. or maybe after that...





    We would become attached to our tamagotchis...like you know how Tom Hanks thought "Wilson" was actually a real person, and that helped him survive for 4 YEARS...



    well...as we escape the island...we lose the tamagotchi's in the sea...and Mika cries (with dramatic music playing in tha backround) "TAMA...COME BACK TAMA!!" and then Tama would be floating away and Mika would cry "I'M SORRY TAMA!!!"




    and then he'd be all depressed


    But you'd be there to comfort him! Maybe you could even build him a new tama out of coconuts and twigs!! =]

  8. i would love to see how he acts when he is completely wasted...probally a pretty funny sight...


    I would just be like "Mika...I think you need to sleep this one off"


    But he seems so responsible...how many shows has he ever cancelled for reasons other than being sick...I can't think of any...that's a great thing...not many musicans are that dedicated


    He's a good boy! Very responsible for a 23-year-old. My brother, who is almost 21, still wastes his life away playing video games. Pfft! If he was even half as dedicated as Mika is about something.. lol


    I like how Mikas really passionate about his music career! He'd never mess it up =]

  9. I fell in love with his music, then the man! I remember seeing his music video on MTV hits and thinking "Is this a joke?!" at first the by the end of grace kelly I was up dancing! <3 And now I listen to his music whenever possible. The fact that he's gorgeous, personable, and my future husband is just an added bonus!

  10. NO MAN CAN PULL OF THE MIKA LOOK!!! THATS FOR SURE :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:


    yeah...just like Coachella...he looked great in those pics...thats a look that would b good for a gig like that



    He needs to appeal to Americans...perception is everything...



    BUT I LIKE HIM ANY WAY HE COMES...as long as it isn't associated with "Rehab" or anything...



    hope 2 God he'll stay away from that s**t



    Of course he will! Mika's 23, has it all, and is STILL the same perfect modest guy <3 He's so amazing with his family and fans! I'd be surprised if the fame got to his head and he started doing crazy Lindsay Lohan crap.

  11. I hope...but this is gonna be broadcasted live...maybe that wouldn't b the way 2 go...erm...DAMN, MAYBE THOSE CARGO PANTS AND A PLAIN WHITE TEE EH?


    Like the outfit from the coachella? I Really liked that one too! I can't decide between the cargo pants and the skinny jeans.


    Speaking of skinny jeans, doesn't anyone else get angry when they see guys wearing them? I always think to myself "pfft, who do they think they are?! No one pulls those off like Mika!"

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