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Posts posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. omg i totally know how u feel!

    but after complaing to my parents they said there is a reason why i didnt meet him that night. Things happen for a reason. & most likely when i meet him, it'll be the best best meeting ever! *proactive thinking!*



    oh & i read how some of u girls met mika's mom & cousins! that soo cool. While in line, Mika's grandma came up to me asking "whats the line for *smile*?" & i was all "its for MIKA!!!!!" & she just got this really big smile and asked how i found out about him & stuff. I felt like an idiot b/c i didnt realize she was actually his grandmother until later on in the night. But yeah thats my story. She was soo nice.


    Omg!! Thats AWESOME!!! I didn't meet his grannie! I'd love to. Shes the one who likes Grace Kelly! I met some other family members though. They're all so proud of him <333

  2. Thank you! Is is the one i have now? Its just a screen cap from the Graham Norton video on youtube.


    I LOVE that video! Especially when Dustin Hoffman is like "Mika's looking down my wife's cleavage!" <3

  3. nope haha no nap, this is all second wind... i wold have slept later today had someone not sniffed in my ear


    Sniffing contest! lawl. Besides, there was too much Mika to talk about to NOT wake you up. We had to discuss how he remembered us, and how his curls were delish, and how he loved the poster and gifts and how hot he looked in those pants! WOO! *fans self*

  4. everyone loved your picture, it was sooo good, it bet mikas gunna keep it with him, along with our picture with him that jerry took.


    Then he'll remember us forever and think about us at night and finally get up the courage to as us to marry him then we'll live happily ever after in MikaLand!


    I like how ABC news got a shot of my Mika fan art. HARRR!!

  5. Omg. Remember the picture I posted a little whiled back? Well I gave it to him last night at the NY show and he loved it!!!! He said it was brilliant and all that. Then when he signed my Mika Poster he wrote "To Rachel Thank you Love Mika" Ahhhh! <3 Yeah my real names Rachel by the way in case you couldn't figure that out.

  6. Wow, that's quite a list. Special thanks to Suzy for uploading her personal video. I have exams next week so I'll upload them and update the list in the first post next weekend. Keep them coming while I'm away, they're awesome. :wink2:


    Too bad my sound sucks. I think the important thing is that we get to SEE him dry humping the air. =] Once again <3This thread!

  7. Hey all you guys - I've just been kicking back, reading your reports and absolutely loving the pictures from the concert last night!:wub2: It looks like you had the most amazing time of your lives - I am so happy for all of you!:thumb_yello: Mika looked like he did more than just perform! What an unbelievable talent! :blush-anim-cl: And all of you looked so great too - yay MFC! :thumb_yello: Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience. Oh - and BTW thatpinksock - HAPPY BIRTHDAY :happybday::yay: June 13th - was mine as well, but by the looks of it, yours was much, much better!!!!


    Thanks!!! June 13th is the way to do it! Mary Kate, Ashley, and Tim Alen would agree. =]


    And Lucy, I think lovetoday has them typed out?? If not I'll work on that lol




  8. haha yeah this concert just kicked off the start of a good summer, like if my summer is starting like this... can it get any better?


    No! Mika day couldn't have gone better! I loved how Owen knew me as the girl that wanted his Mika badge. haha<3 Omgosh so whos going to the September show? ME ME ME ME!! I'm gunna get my Mika glam on again. Rainbows, face paint, the workd!

  9. MIKA was fabulous last night. This was my first time seeing him and hopefully it won't be my last! He is the most amazing performer I have ever seen live and to think he is only just starting his career! I felt like he was holding nothing back and gave us everything he had during his performance.


    My husband and I took the train up from Philadelphia and were shocked (I'm not sure why...) when we got to the Nokia around 5:45, the line right in front of the theater was closed off and the rest of the line started around the corner! Well, we got in line and waited. People passing by were asking us what the line was for and we told them; some people knew him and others looked at us questioningly. While I was waiting in line, I realized that there were drug deals going on around me! The girl behind me in line bought something from this guy loitering around the line and I heard her say, "Now I'll really enjoy the show!" I have no idea what it was exactly, but I saw her swallow it and it made me really sad that she didn't think Mika was amazing enough and she needed something more. This might have contributed to some of the unruly and rude behavior from some people in the crowd... GET HIGH ON MIKA!


    Sara B., the opening act, had a nice voice and did a memorable cover of Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes", but all in all I found her music dull and generic. I thought it was sweet that she kept introducing her band. After a short break, a group of break dancers bounded onto the stage. They were clearly good at what they do, but the bass from their music was so loud (ok, I know I'm old!) that my ears hurt. I found this part kind of surreal especially immediately after they left the stage, there was another short break and "Love Train" started playing over the sound system.


    When Mika and his terrific band members entered the stage, everything was suddenly right with the evening. So many people have already given great accounts of Mika's NYC performance so I won't recount everything. Every song was fantastic, but my favorite performances of the night were Stuck in the Middle, Love Today, Sweet Dreams (my husband feels that the song was written for Mika to sing!), and, of course, Lollipop. Before singing Grace Kelly, Mika told us that he used Grace Kelly's name in the song because his granny loved her. He also mentioned that his granny loves Oprah so maybe that will be a future song.:naughty: Then he said that his granny was in the audience watching him! She must have been so proud of him! Another thing he mentioned, was that in DC, a Big Girl shoved? Mikey a little too hard and he almost went into the crowd? I think that was what I heard from where I was, but it would be great if someone there could verify this. Also, I think it was during My Interpretation, I saw Luke playing a guitar and not the keyboard. I didn't know that Luke played the guitar. Was I seeing things?

    Without a doubt, Mika was FABULOUS!


    I didn't get to hang around to try to meet Mika because we had to meet a friend that we were going to stay with before it got too late, but I am so glad that some of you were lucky enough to meet him! (Did anyone get to find out if he was feeling better and recovering from his chest infection? I don't see how anyone could perform that well with a chest infection!) I didn't get pictures, but thank you so much for sharing all of your lovely pics and videos. It is wonderful to relive last night's Mika magic!


    I would definitely go up to NYC to see Mika next time he comes, but I think he should think about coming to Philadelphia when he returns to the States...We have a lot of fans here too, Mika!



    It was an amzing night, wasn't it! So the next time you're can see him in NYC is August 10th and Jerry (I think) said he'd be back for an offish concert in September!! I'll see you there. =]

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