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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I was starting to wonder about storage . Another exhibition then - should we start queuing now?? Don't suppose there's ANY chance of it not being in London this time? We have lots of galleries here in the North, couldn't the exhibition come up here too???? Pretty please.
  2. Oh dear! The oldest line in the book: "I didn't mean it to come across as racist". Well don't do it then you idiots Sad isn't it. They should beat Italy. I know Italy are better than they used to be though (not too clued up on RU).
  3. I was shocked when I found out he is only 39 (allegedly.. ). I thought he was much older. He has what we can politely call a 'lived-in' face (where is AMP, she needs to make a note of that )
  4. What kind of perv gets their camera phone out in the Gents??? There are laws against that are there not. No wonder Craig is a grumpy g*t if that's what he has to endure.
  5. Oi, there'll be no sniffing on here today Madam!
  6. Non Fans, Crap Fans, Part Timers. We should all be indulged
  7. Niki, I agree that stage invasion may be too strong a term (it was me who said it, and I was exaggerating for effect). I also agree - from my limited experience - that Mika crowds are polite in comparison to most. The friend I took to see Mika is a seasoned gig goer (unlike me) and she said the same. However we can only go on what the people who experienced the crushing said, that it was very very frightening and they had to struggle to breathe, and the fact that this scenario was a direct result of Mika encouraging fans onto the stage I just think is not right. And as Bab says, in this day and age there is so much health and safety stuff to consider, not to mention the threat of being sued should something terrible happen, so it still surprises me that Mika did it.
  8. Yes, it's also the song most non fans are most likely to like. Not that I'm suggesting he panders to non fans. But I am suggesting that:naughty:
  9. Well I suspected he might mean that...but then I thought, naah, serious thread, serious Fred. Silly me. Inflatable sink? He could do a whole new pre-Lollipop skit, not with animal costumes but with kitchen-themed inflatables. Microwave, kettle, toaster. George Foreman. etc.
  10. Not really, it's just one of my least favourites and it's the song he gets most bad press and criticism for here in Britain. I just think he'd come across to non-believers much better if he did another song. Maybe LT or Relax.
  11. I found this: You can't really tell from this though, I don't think. btw strange venue..and the stage looks so tiny!!
  12. bump 12 days to go Anyone know which song he will be doing? I saw a rumour (only a rumour) on Digitalspy that it'll be Big Girl. I actually hope it's something else...
  13. Colloquial roughly means slang or informal language. The 'glorious expression' I was referring to was 'everything but the kitchen sink' but you seem to have understood that one, so no, I wasn't taking the mick So anyway getting back on topic, Mika, no kitchen sinks on stage and no fans either (serious face now:no:)
  14. Did Mika actually say 'bollocks' then? It always seems a very English expression to me. And it wouldn't be printed in many articles over here , it'd be b*******. So is he going or not, sounds as if he really isn't keen at all Thanks for posting.
  15. LOL just another one of our glorious English expressions!!! I hope you are making a note of them all because I will be giving a Colloquial English Exam soon Edit: Actually, a kitchen sink might be fun. If it were a steel one he could use it instead of the tinbin for his topless drumming (which will by that time have evolved into nude drumming, so doubt..). But sorry, this is way off topic lol.
  16. That's really nice! You must be very proud. How old is Inge? When did she start performing? My daughter is 9 and has just started going to drama classes. I think it's great for their self confidence. When the dog got lost Inge was very funny:naughty:
  17. I was surprised he did it too. Somehow it doesn't seem 'like Mika' to do something like this, I'm hoping it was just a rush of blood to the head and that he can see now it was a bad idea. We all live and learn, and he is human after all! I was watching Koko (Over My Shoulder) on Youtube last night. I cannot believe how it can be the same person sitting there all demure and ethereal at the piano - and now, 12 months later, actively organising stage invasions. In my opinion he doesn't need a load of people on stage. Actually I only want to see him. I wonder what his next tour will be like sometimes. Everythng but the kitchen sink on stage??? Just having a ponder this morning...
  18. Fun for those who get on the stage but not fun for the people struggling to breathe crushed up against each other and the barrier. British people, remember Hillsborough?? Whenever I hear of something like this (and some people's reports from NY were very scary) I think of Hillsborough. It can, and does, happen that people lose their lives when crushed.... I don't worry so much about Mika's safety, just the fans. But I do worry about Mika's reputation if a fan were to suffocate. So, good idea to bring this to the attention of his management.
  19. That got me giggling this morning, thanks!! Mika 'a little guy'??? I think someone is getting him confused with Leo Sayer:mf_rosetinted: T4P
  20. I know, I know!!! It's outrageous. Christine, sort her out, she's corrupting my mind. I really should not come on MFC after midnight Yeah well I'm off to bed now, I don't think I can cope with any more pics of bare Mika flesh tonight.
  21. LOL I wouldn't say he humours my fantasies, it's more a case of, if I ignore her Mika 'thing' maybe it'll go away Poor man, he's been waiting for it to 'go away' for 12 months now
  22. Don't think for one moment the thought hadn't crossed my mind. Pass 'em over, then!!!
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