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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Yeah He's great. But, is he good looking? I can't remember, I haven't seen him for donkeys years.
  2. Shame. You could have watched a class team in action. class at letting in huge amounts of goals
  3. This is one of my favourite Bowie tracks. Haven't heard it for 20 years but dug it out of Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EJ5SJmsTFQ Funny but disturbing:boxed:
  4. Just as long as he has an off day next weekend when it's Liverpool v Barnsley I'm gutted that isn't on the telly. Are you going?
  5. greta, I wish to marry you :wub2: This list could be mine. Ok not sure about Wedder but I'll let you have that one, wifey. I'm in love with Thom Yorke OOPS sorry edit that, it's off topic.
  6. Hey Sarah (Lollipop) - Stevie G had a great game!!!!
  7. Right, well thanks for pointing that out, because I suppose it does matter. I would hope that the good reviews could 'filter up' though. And grass roots good reviews are always important. But I do get what you are saying. You are spot on about the mean streak. It shows that you have spent time in Britain Christine! I have to agree that Mika is not perfect and sometimes the criticism he gets for certain things is valid. It's just that over here, reviews always seem to focus on the negatives, rather than the positives! In the Canadian/US reviews I see just the opposite. The way I see it, if an audience is sent home deliriously happy from a gig then the reviewer should put his/her personal opinions aside and justify to the reader WHY this was so. This doesn't always happen over here. Many journalists just have their own agenda and let their subjective opinion of Mika colour their reviews. It shouldn't happen, but I don't suppose there is a lot anyone can do, it's a culture thing. So yes, I totally agree with you.
  8. Really? I didn't realise he doesn't get much press in Italy - I always assumed the media there like him, as in France. It always seems to me to be one of the European countries Mika targets. Maybe he needs to do even more .
  9. T4Pg All hail Queen Greta of Google!
  10. I can hear my husband groaning from here. Do we have to sit through the Grammies just on the offchance of hearing Mika mentioned?? Yes dear, we do.
  11. That was the trailer I was trying to think of, thanks Ruth, it was doing my head in trying to remember (oldling memory that I am developing:naughty: ). I think Mika should appear in Neighbours...Shane Warne did, and Matt Lucas/David Walliams. Maybe some of the Aussies from MFC could get parts as extras. That would make me go back to watching Neighbours! (Stopped watching months ago).
  12. It almost makes you want to move to America and be part of it there. At least there, when an artist puts their heart and soul into something, this is recognised and valued, even if Mika will never (in my opinion) be part of the mainstream in the US (and would we ever really want himto be??) The general vibe from these reviews is so encouraging; it's as if a lot of the music media is suddenly waking up to the fact that Mika has a real hardcore following and so there must be more to him than a camp British novelty act and Perez Hilton's muse. And it seems that Mika himself is genuinely surprised at the following he has already created over there. I do still like to believe he is humble enough to be honestly taken by surprise by the enthusiasm of his audiences.
  13. There is of course always the celibacy/monastic option:mf_rosetinted: I expect that looks quite appealing, given the other options:mf_rosetinted:
  14. Am I the only one who doesn't really like Mika in those green trousers:boxed: Are they velour or something?? Just summatt I don't like about them. I think they remind me of moss. I agree though that he looks better in them than almost anyone else I can think of would As for Duffy having a quick shuftie ,well you would too if you were virtually on an eye level with it. Maybe there are advantages to being very small.
  15. Fab review!! In general I'm loving the reviews from this tour. If only Mika got reviews like this in the UK. I mean he still gets good reviews here but he gets a lot of sneering ones too. The US/Canada reviews have just been great. He seems to be raising a few eyebrows over there, I feel quite excited about it. Thanks for posting.
  16. Great (unbelievably early!) reports and pictures; the power of the internet frightens me at times like this In many ways I enjoy reading about these smaller concerts more, the ones where there are fewer MFCers, as it's just easier to keep up with the reports, and also I like reading the Newbie posts, they are always so enthusiastic and positive. Thanks everyone:thumb_yello:
  17. Thanks for the vid link, that interview must have somehow passed me by, but it's such a good one. He seems about 5 years old there Def had too many blue Smarties or something. I was more drawn to old box face actually.
  18. Hi Wendi, I just know you'll love MFC:naughty: Are you familiar with the concept of prittstick?? Then you'll come in useful here. omg how time flies. Happy Anniversary!
  19. I used to work with this Belgian guy who I never really looked at twice until I realised that he 'did a Mika' and always stared into your eyes when he spoke to you. Not just to me, but to everyone. Then I started to notice what beautiful green eyes he had, and ended up developing quite a crush on him. So if the man has exceptionally beautiful eyes to start with, it makes it so much worse!!!
  20. How is it that even though I've never met you or Suzy, I can actually see this scene so clearly in my mind's eye (ok it helps that I've seen photos of you I suppose). And it's a funny scene. Especially the giggling part, lol. I would most definitely not be able to have anything approaching an intelligent conversation with him, if he was 'looking at me intently' for any length of time.. I'd just be worrying what shade of puce my face was. 2 seconds of eye contact was enough for me thanks. It's good manners to have eye contact when speaking, and it's a sign of confidence and someone who is at ease socially isn't it? It can give out mixed messages though, too. I'm sure he doesn't realise this (or maybe he does, the little minx:naughty: )
  21. Well you are fine, then... I think it is a normal and healthy and necessary part of growing up, to be obsessed with someone unattainable and I don't think you can say you've truly been through adolescence until you've experienced this. I'm sure that most young people can separate real life from fantasy though, just as one can (and must, in order to stay sane!!) when one is older. Generalising, and not wishing to sound sexist, it seems that boys and men seem to be able to compartmentalise their feelings more easily. It can be harder for girls, and women, though I don't know why that is...but there is hope, as you learn how to separate fantasy from reality as you mature, but believe me you still have fantasies!! Once you accept that's all they will ever be, it really is fine! Take it from a married 38 year old who knows True, he has always maintained he is highly suspicious of people and doesn't let people into his inner circle very easily. I also think he is consciously careful in the way he is seen to treat fans. It wouldn't surprise me if he's had a pep talk from someone - management, family, or whoever - about keeping a distance from fans and not encouraging anyone in particular. He does need to maintain a certain detachment, I feel, this early in his career. Nobody should take it personally if they feel he is dismissive, just as no-one should read too much into any imagined favouritism:wink2: But when he looks into your eyes when he speaks to you OMG I KNOW HE LOVES ME AND ONLY ME:wub2: :wub2: Lol, I'm joking. But give over with the eye contact thing Mika, seriously:naughty:
  22. did someones ask him that or did you invent it as a hypothetical example *hope it's the former:naughty: *...?? omg it's so late here I have to sleep... But, yes. I'd like to see a slightly looser Mika but don't know if we ever will. Actually it's part of his charm for me though. There is something inherently intelligent and impressive about creative control freaks which I'm attracted to, so in some ways if he loosened up, he'd be less special, for me.
  23. Good for you! They may still choose not to play him, but at least they won't be able to say they weren't told My guess is that some stations may reconsider. Well I hope so.
  24. Yeah, I've been putting in my two penneth on one of those Spacer plagiarism debates on Youtube (I'm rachfatcat). Sticking up for the Mikster of course: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au5D62a1Yw8 But.....Teletubbies eh Mika that's morally wrong, borrowing(allegedly:wink2: ) intros from children's tv characters. It has to be. Shame on you boy!!!
  25. *has been reading thread with interest* I agree with you Christine, Mika seems to have a 'if it aint broke don't fix it' approach to his shows. He has seen how it all has the desired effect on the audience and perhaps feels that to deviate too much from the 'script' would be to potentially lose control. We should also remember that many people will only see his show once, at least, on each tour. It's only the obsessives/very dedicated fans who are likely to notice the repetitiveness of his performances on a tour. As with the talky bits, the Billy Brown story, all that. The majority of every audience will be hearing that for the first time, no matter where he is playing. And in interviews too, he likes to be in control. Remember when that Scandinavian interviewer asked him about the Boyzone cover?? He was so flustered, because it was so totally unexpected. I guess he just can't help it, it's part of his personality and he'll probably never be any different! As you say, it's his nature, and I think by your 25th year that's pretty much hard-wired.
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