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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Yes I hadn't noticed that..funny because I never think of her as tall, in fact she seems more the petite type. Or she is standing on a box:naughty:
  2. :roftl: I got that one before the video even started playing , I'm a massive Smiths fan and I've always heard that intro in LT! This is much much more worrying though:
  3. Hmm, I'm going to add fuel to the Does Mika Fancy Rihanna fire; who has seen this before: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atWxfEh93_Y Listen to what Perez asks Mika at 1:00, and Mika's reply.. *wonders if the word beeps out is ****
  4. I can also hear Comfortably Numb in there (Pink Floyd). What are these musician types like, all using the same notes in a similar order??? You'd think there were only so many notes, or something , it's getting ridiculous!!! (so did he pinch this off Mika then or the other way round?)
  5. That's a fair review although it doesn't mention much about the music; it's more of a fashion commentary! Thanks for the link
  6. It's truly a work of genius. I am so worried by the fact that the first thing I saw in it was the microphone angle/Mikey's head. Even before Mika's ass!!!
  7. :roftl: Yeah come on Jack. Why haven't I looked at this photo album before??? It's hilarious. *rummaging in My Pictures to find classic examples of own fine camera skills*
  8. Yep there's only one thing sadder than a BS article in The Sun, and that's the article which believes and quotes a BS article from The Sun. And then pours hatred and more BS on top of it!
  9. On Lollipop Girl's Myspace profile she (ie Mika ) says that her favourite book is The Amber Spyglass, so maybe Meeks is more of a Phillip Pullman/His Dark Materials appreciator. Good choice if so!
  10. Thanks, I definitely missed that one, I must be letting my standards slip It's a bit random though! Mika randomness.
  11. Yes we all want a new album but we want it to be great, and not rushed. I can't think of anything worse than Mika rushing out his (difficult, despite what he says ) second album just for it to be a disappointment. I mean let's be honest, it still might not live up to expectations but at least if he takes his time we'll know he's put 110% into it and that's all we can ask! Of course I know as little as everyone else out there about dates, but I think it would be foolish to expect anything before the Autumn, at earliest.
  12. I'm glad you 'got' that Freddie - I didn't think anyone would!!!
  13. Who's for boycotting all greta's threads so that she gets the message?? Naah I like reading the reviews and I must have an inferior version of Google cause I can never find them Great review this one anyway, thanks greta.
  14. I was reading in some article last night that GH depilates. I said to my husband "Guess what - Gavin Henson shaves his legs!" I cannot print what he said in reply. Let's just say it wasn't very politically correct
  15. The footie friendly is on TV on Wednesday isn't it...Fab's first game. I wonder if it'll be any different. It made me laugh how they went on and on about Beckham being dropped, in the news. Give it 6 months of losing, and he'll be back again
  16. Morning soon-to-be-official peeps What happened with that rugby, it was like a bad dream in the second half. Ha so much for the new era of English rugby! As long as we don't get the wooden spoon
  17. Amazing news, thanks to everyone who has helped to make this happen.
  18. That's funny. Poor ickle Leon Mika handing out chewing gum? I hate the stuff but if Mika gave ME some I'd think I'd won the Lottery. I hope Mika doesn't chew it with his gob open, noisily. That would make me seriously go off him. It is a real big phobia of mine I literally can't be in the same room...... Thanks for posting.
  19. Yay Sarah, you bumped my thread I will be watching Eng. v. Wales.
  20. I don't think he fancies her at all If he did, he'd probably be less likely to put his head on her. There is no chickenish tension in the body language at all, in my opinion. If I were a bloke I'd fancy her though! So who knows.
  21. Calm down girls, she's only having a photo with him, she hasn't got her tongue stuck down his throat
  22. There was a 'cover' for want of a better word of Grace Kelly as backing track on a trailer for something last night on TV, except I can't remember what the trailer was for now! Oh and Love Today was one of the intros they have to perform on Never Mind the Buzzcocks. They got Andy Scott Lee to do a really poor version of the intro. It was bizarre. (after that bit, I was waiting for Simon Amstell to rip into Mika with some cutting comment or other. But nothing! Strange. Perhaps he likes Mika, well they share a hairdo ) Sorry if others have already mentioned all this, I haven't read the thread:blush-anim-cl:
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