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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. So was I until Christine mentioned errant body hair....... That kind of spoiled it
  2. Yes it makes total logical sense and indeed, it is true, because his official songwriting name is Michael Holbrook Penniman and unless Mr. Penniman Senior is secretly writing Mika's songs there can be no other conclusion. This is what we've been banging on about in this thread all evening. But actually at the moment we are discussing Mika's undies. The tone always has to be lowered
  3. Whereas if you'd been a few rows back you would have looked at his pants area with a zoom lens, then.
  4. I always call him Neil, anyway, it's my codename for him. But of course he was christened Nilsson, after Harry Nilsson, but his Mum didn't like that so he got called Neil. He'll shortly be changing it to Neel because he is sick of it being pronounced Nile.
  5. Sorry, I would help, but I need to get my bloodied head to hospital.......
  6. thanks, I need those!! Just to say, I didn't mean to sound harsh either, so sorry to anyone who took offence. When the FAQs are published and all Mika Knowledge is set in stone, there will be no need for opinions on anything:mf_rosetinted: (joke, for anyone who isn't into sarcasm )
  7. May I join Niki and Christine in banging my head against this brick wall It's Michael but Mica, in the same way you might be christened Alexander but always - yes even from birth - have been called Alex, or Samuel but always called Sam, or Nicholas but always called Nicky. OK?? And what's wrong with Michael anyway. It's my dad's name and my son's middle name. I should start calling them both Mica.
  8. Serendipity your report was great. I've told people (non-fans) how great he is live, but they just say yeah yeah. But we know the truth: he is in a different league! The high/comedown lasts quite a while, I remember just feeling kind of numb but also elated for days after, kind of in a post-chicken way ( did I just write that??). I know. My husband was impressed when he saw the DVD. He said 'He's obviously good live'. I said, you have no idea!! He does. He radiates star quality. It sounds like hyperbole to say that, but he really does!
  9. I'm disappointed, we've only had a short snow/sleet shower here. Pathetic! I thought we'd be knee deep today.
  10. I think the real reason he was nearly banned (if it's true) is because he has been characteristically obstinate about the show he wants to put on, at the Brits. He has said in another article that he's been very demanding of the organisers, insisting on doing things his way, and they probably just aren't used to an artists being so artistically controlling. He gets people's backs up with that but it's what we love about him, and good luck to him. I hope he blows everyone away at the Brits and makes a few people eat their words.
  11. Yes it was good to read that. I didn't know that either and I'm not ashamed to admit it .
  12. Pfft they promised us snow here today and now it looks as if there'll only be a flurry at best. I hate it when the weathermen lie, blatantly. Remember Michael Fish's non-hurricane in '87??
  13. I think you're supposed to say he embellishes the facts:mf_rosetinted: Of course his name is Michael but he isn't really lying when he says his name is Mica, if that's the only thing he has ever been called and known as.*but yes he's a bit of a fibber at times:naughty: * It's the Holbrook bit which is far more interesting. What an unusual name.
  14. I'm not bilingual (I wish..) but I read French and there's not really anything new, it's just chit-chat. You haven't missed anything, don't fret .
  15. Thanks for posting Mmm. Mika and Greg Wells are slowly cranking up the anticipation for the next album I like all these little teases. But it's going to feel like an age before this album is released...
  16. Great outfit! And you definitely have the legs to carry off blue tights The pink sash is superb.
  17. Thanks InfiniteGreen, DS Nightly and Jack (hope I haven't excluded anyone?? ) for the great reports, it brings it all back to me so vividly I've actually got tears in my eyes, what a silly over emotional woman Actually it was Jack's bit about Mika being so happy at his Philly reception that did it
  18. Look at Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen, for example It's so true, camp does not equal gay. Just as gay does not mean camp. Camp is such an overused word these days. I remember when the only two camp men in the world were John Inman and Larry Grayson . Now anyone is labelled 'camp' if they so much as raise their voice above a certain frequency or wear anything pastel coloured or profess to quite liking flowers or something. I personally don't think Mika is camp, whatever camp is; I've never thought so really.
  19. Are you joking??? He is smokin' in those pics! The hat is HOT. Well I think so He looks kind of skanky in that outfit, a bit rough. I like.
  20. mmm I like the purple trousers too - and the pink undies *psst don't tell but mine are pink too*
  21. aw that's so cruel!!! I'd squeeze his spots though, wouldn't you????
  22. Yeah I know what you mean about being nervous. The Brits are so huge. And he knows so many people will be hoping he falls flat on his face . If he puts in a killer performance though...who knows, he might change a few minds. I hope his falsetto is on top form on the night
  23. Yeah snow is nice unless you have to travel anywhere in it... Today is a no-no for travelling, up here in t'North anyway...
  24. Sounds like he had a right old fight with them over his performance. No wonder he gets people's backs up! Wouldn't have him any other way though
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