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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Really??? That means it must be reaching me soon... It's been weeeeird here today. The weather has done something odd to my telly - it's got a life of its own - either that or I have a poltergeist. It keeps turning the volume up and down by itself!!! And I have headache, tingling neck, dizziness, it's weird (no I wasn't drinking last night ). Does anyone else's head go weird when it's windy/stormy, or am I just a freak??
  2. I've never heard of that let alone tried it - it sounds disgusting!! They are weird over here though, it's a bit of a culture shock for a Yorkshire person They do eat a lot of pies, though, that's true
  3. Can't even be in the same room when JK is on!!! I used to watch Trisha until that went downhill too. I don't watch any daytime TV now, even Neighbours has gone really rubbish MFC is my only daytime guilty pleasure
  4. That's a really nice review, very perceptive, and well written, thanks for posting. Not over keen on the Barry Manilow reference though I must admit But it's a step up from Leo Sayer
  5. don't speak too soon, I believe it's coming down to you later!! cucumber sandwich don't you have any bacon butties??
  6. He appears gay because of the area he grew up in?? Geographical area, or what? What exactly is that supposed to mean? So all creative people 'appear gay' do they? What a strange little titbit! Thanks for posting!
  7. Morning Brits. I see we are having a truly British conversation It sounds really bad in Yorkshire - my parents were supposed to be coming over here (over the Pennines) today but have had to stay at home as all the passes are closed and there are accidents everywhere! We've had torrential rain. gales and hail this morning and we are in for snow tomorrow - and it rarely snows here in balmy Wigan
  8. Thanks I love the way these journos come up with ever more OTT ways to try and describe Mika's pop ethos . Sometimes it's so funny. vocally indistinguishable from Freddie Mercury?? Hardly!! I've never got the comparison myself....
  9. Mika could have a cordless mic in the shape of some curling tongs. He'd definitely feel comfortable then. He doesn't look to me as if he's ever owned a hairbrush!
  10. I'm a size 22 and I swear to you I can get in Size 18 George jeans (without doing that laying down on the bed fighting with the zip thing:naughty: ). Or maybe someone swapped the labels
  11. And I love how their sizes are, shall we say, flattering (ie you can wear something apparantely two dress sizes smaller than you actually are ). Oh and I'm glad to have found someone who shares my non-getting of Kylie.
  12. Wow great article, thanks dcdeb. Hmmm has anyone found this Lit Bar yet and set up the stalking devices - bugs, CCTV, MFCer disguised as bartender etc:mf_rosetinted:
  13. Sorry but I just don't get Kylie. Can someone explain to me where her talent is??? (I sound like a Mika review ) I know she's been through a lot, and seems like a quite nice person, but... Phew thank God for that, I thought I was a chav there for a minute. I have some No Fear pink boots, they are the only item of 'label' clothing I own (unless you count George at Asda ) and my hubs calls them my Chav Boots. Now I can tell him they should be renamed my Grebo Boots:mf_rosetinted: . Thanks, you style gurus you
  14. :roftl: you had me there for a minute, I didn't immediately look to see who had posted...I was thinking , who is this weirdo who hates SITM.. then I saw the name!! I agree it's up there with GK, but I don't think it'd make a good single, I don't know why. The public in general just wouldn't go for it, in my opinion.
  15. thanks greta luv no wonder i couldn't find it - I was searching Mika Toronto - doh!! I think the best thing I can say about that is, love the purple jacket on Mika
  16. Have you got the link? I just searched youtube for it and zilch....
  17. What have you spotted??? is it the five o'clock shadow? or has he plucked his eyebrows? Please tell I can't see any drastic grooming changes
  18. go on then. we should also have the 'no microphone, just operatic-style bellowing' option. Well he is classically trained and it'd make Alla proud. or do opera singers have hidden mics? *illusions about to be shattered*
  19. Hadn't thought of that...of course, you are right. Personally I was thinking of the headsets. I still like the wire though. One day he WILL come a cropper on it. I wanna see that. Mwahahahahahahahah
  20. I really don't like those wireless mics. There's something really cheesey about them. It wouldn't suit Mika; he'd have to dance more and heaven knows we don't need that He likes 'old skool' stuff doesn't he (he's always saying that) and a good old-fashioned wire mic suits him. Wireless he'd just look like Britney or something:thumbdown:
  21. I do watch it, every year, though last year's was so awful that my patience has nearly run out. If it weren't for Terry Wogers I wouldn't watch it now. He still makes it funny, although even he is getting fed up now I think (only coz Ireland/Johnny Logan have stopped winning).
  22. He's making his 'chicken face'... ....I reckon:mf_rosetinted: anyone care to throw a glass of cold water over me????
  23. Damn I thought I could just sneak in, have a quick perv around, and sneak out again unnoticed. Are you stalking me?
  24. LOL, great minds think alike. I'm not a Eurovision geek though. A geek maybe, but not a Eurovision one
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