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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I really like his voice, but then I'm a sucker for falsetto anyway (it's the falsetto thing which is the Marmite factor isn't it? ). This song is catchy but it kind of reminds me of a Eurovision entry probably from Serbia or Macedonia or somewhere like that. Dunno why!! It must be the rhythms.
  2. This tour has already done my French the world of good , what nicer way to keep it up to date than reading about Mika. That's a good review, especially the praise of his singing. He doesn't get enough credit for it, I don't think. We all know that now and then he misses a high note or two but overall, what he does vocally live should get more praise from journalists than it generally does. His voice is so striking and powerful live, it actually surprised me. It doesn't matter about the odd flat note, but all too often that's what journos focus on.
  3. I know we all know this already, but MFC is sooooo amazing!!! I feel like I went to this gig...the reports and especially the brilliant pics, and the videos, everything, are fab. Honestly, I am there...!! Thanks to those who have reported back. What incredible fans Mika has It's no more than he deserves! (And his voice sounds great, so pure, hope the sore throat is nothing serious).
  4. Of course Mika goes without saying In no particular order: Thom Yorke Elizabeth Fraser Billy Mackenzie James Dean Bradfield David Bowie Michael Jackson Billie Holliday Joe Strummer struggling now..
  5. Do I see crows' feet?? Sorry, I mean laughter lines of course
  6. When I spoke to Andy on the video camera thingie at the Manchester gig he asked me what I thought of Mika in relation to Amy Winehouse and I said that I thought if Mika did more drink and drugs he'd probably get a load more press coverage and kudos. I should have added to that "And more airplay in America!" Coz it sure is true...
  7. Yep, that's a good thing. It usually means longevity too. I honestly think the best he can hope for over there is an underground following - albeit a totally manic one
  8. Hmmm, of all the women he is fascinated with..??? I'm surprised The Sun hasn't jumped on that quote yet (shall I email them?).
  9. a brief synopsis (I will allow greta to do the hard work ) Good: Montreal crowd very receptive to Mika and his music. Stage design is simple but effective, showing imaginative touches without having to resort to big screens and special effects despite the size of the arena (basically saying that Mika's stage presence compensates) Mika energetic, charismatic, perfectly bilingual. Holy Johnny is praised Not so good: Ballads too slushy, Happy Ending goes on a bit, uses too much falsetto, relies too much on pastiche of FM and Elton etc etc (??), is not original enough yet.. How Much Do You Love Me? sounds like an 80s Olivia Newton John song - not impressed with it! BUT says Mika is still young and hopes in time he will develop his identity - mentions that he has obvious talent etc.
  10. You are so right. In fact I'm surprised they didn't just invent a new award: the Worst Mika award. And the nominees are: Mika, Mika, Mika, Mika and Mika. and the winner is: MIKA! *applause/boos/whatever/:mf_rosetinted:
  11. According to ITV teletext Mika has also received a Worst Album nomination at these NME awards Don't take it too seriously, the NME long since disappeared up its own backside.
  12. Deffo quote of the month, that's going in my siggy Thanks for posting, er was it greta?? *goes to look* edit: SORRY - Blue Sky thnx
  13. There are still Choc Dips?? I try to avoid the Biscuit Aisle* if poss , so I haven't spotted them. * but Morrissons are sneaky, they always put the biccy bogofs on the aisle ends
  14. I dispute this! They were bigger, I tell you. They were like dinner plates
  15. Radiohead - In Rainbows (does anyone else love this album?? It's the only thing I have actually loved since LICM came out.. ) Radiohead are genius and Marmite, just like Mika!
  16. Morrissons does Wagon Wheels, they even had a BOGOF on them last week they're not as big as they used to be when I worra lass
  17. Thank you so much for the priceless mental images You are so lucky!
  18. Thanks, great review, very speedy too! charismatic and vastly talented, I like that bit.
  19. Thanks for the reports and pics everyone. I can't believe the picture of the packed crowd, that's amazing! And Sexy Back? I just can't imagine it! I hope someone managed to get that on video! Glad you Canadians had a great night.
  20. Pah, this idiot just has no taste *tries hard to control urge to hunt him down and pummel him*. I have one question about the Best Album category if anyone can help me: why/how does Take That's album qualify, as it was released in November 2006 as far as I'm aware....? Just a thought. I'd honestly like to know the answer!
  21. Merci beaucoup Niki How much was Mika stoopping to talk into that microphone!!?
  22. Nice article, thanks greta for posting. I agree an acoustic tour would be fantastic, but he is only 'musing' (according to the journalist) on doing it, at some point - which is rather vague. I don't think we should get our hopes up too high!
  23. I guess not, not in this universe anyway. I like to think that somewhere there is a parallel universe where Mika is all mine I'm 15 years younger in that universe, of course:mf_rosetinted: Definitely busted!! The world is full of closet Mika fans you know.
  24. :roftl: Is he going to jump out of a birthday cake for you, wearing a smile and not a lot else? Sorry I thought I was in the Fantasy Thread there for a minute
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