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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. He does look different in the flesh. To me, he looked much thinner, much younger, not as tall as I'd imagined (although he is tall, that is undeniable!), but just as gorgeous, and seriously magnetic .
  2. Seriously though, can I get rehab on the NHS for this? I've been Mikaddicted too long now, it's getting scary and beyond a joke:naughty: The novelty (as in, ha ha isn't my friend/wife/sister/daughter/Mum silly for being obsessed with a pop star!) is wearing thin with my nearest and dearest too! My son (he is 5) just rolls his eyes at me now and says "Mum, you are obsessed with Mika". When a five year old has basically learnt the word 'obsessed' because of you, you know you have problems .
  3. Oh I am so so tempted!! I love cross stitch. But I really think that if I did a cross stitch of Mika, my husband would divorce me. I mean, it's touch and go as it is It looks great though...I could really get into that
  4. I said something similar, that she was right, a car review is no place for discussion on a singer's voice, which is one reason the stupid unecessary reference irritated me in the first place and that Mika's fans are just a bit fed up with the constant snide remarks popping up everywhere. Or words to that effect. But I was polite. I think it's important to stay polite otherwise we lose a lot of face. Some might say even replying to such as this is playing into people's hands but I for one think it's justified and I Don't Care:mf_rosetinted: Haven't seen your comment yet AMP. Have to go now, will look later, but I aint commenting no more on this now.
  5. Suzy and Christine for Lollipop Girls (yes you are still GIRLS ), go for it!!!!!! *excited*
  6. I can't see your comment yet Marilyn, but it does take a while for them too come up. I've just made a brief reply to the comment made by 'Tina', and now I'm done with this. On to the next job. There'll surely be one soon enough. Mika Mafia onwards and upwards!!!!!!!!!
  7. I love skinny legs and ankles Hmm I had a dream about Mika last night and his skinny legs featured quite prominently. It was clean, though (unfortunately).
  8. Yeah, and his hands are big enough for all of us. Not sure what I mean by that but it sounds good .
  9. I woke up at 6am laughing to myself about this one. Mika was appearing in an ice dance show at Kew Gardens in London. I went, along with some other MFCers. They had put this huge icerink in the middle of Kew Gardens, and we had front row seats. Mika came on in his skates, and his role was to clown around with - wait for it - Bobby Davro and Bruno Brookes (where do these random people come from in dreams? ) - and have little races on the ice with them. Mika was all arms and legs and all gangly and awkward on his skates but having fun falling over and we were all gasping in awe at thim. I can't really remember who the other MFCers were who were there, except for babspanky. She was very enthusiastic in my dream and taking loads and loads of photos and video (I assume she was going to youtube it ).
  10. Definitely not Mika, he has hairier wrists.
  11. I haven't read the whole thread yet but I just wanted to pick up on a line from lollipop monkey's post: Aaah, this for me is the best and most memorable thing about your 'first time'. It is an AMAZING moment when you hear this, and then Mika bursts onto the stage and you suddenly realize....THAT'S HIM!!!!!!!!! In the flesh! :mf_lustslow: I feel all shuddery just thinking about it now! I'm sure it gets you every time too. I wouldn't know. I've only done it the once to date:mf_rosetinted:
  12. Yes K you were very restrained - I applaud you !!!!!!!!!!
  13. Ha, I don't have any non-chickeny fantasies about Mika; my fantasies are all chickeny, otherwise well they wouldn't be fantasies would they? I suppose it depends on your definition of fantasy
  14. I heard that too, it's been widely quoted, I think Kanye needs to be on the list...
  15. I totally agree Marilyn; I need this thread, to remind me of all the talented and knowledgeable and unpretentious people in the industry who recognise Mika's worth. As opposed to the numpties out there who diss Mika because it's the in-thing to do, or because they just don't like him (fair enough) but feel the need to verbally abuse him at every opportunity. *still in awe of Michael Stipe's endorsement *
  16. This is so sad. I was really shocked when I heard about it last night. I've not seen Brokeback Mountain yet but I've been wanting to, only it'll be unbearably poignant to watch it now. So young, it's just tragic..
  17. I suppose as far as Mika and the tabloid media goes this is big big news Well it makes a change from the manbag spotting and at least they didn't use the c and f words. Progress! Well a new c word, maybe: cuddly Thanks for posting.
  18. That'd be me:mf_rosetinted: Always calm and rational on the outside:mf_rosetinted: But inside:
  19. I still don't know whether it was an intentional dig or just ignorance. Whatever Slap him anyway elanorelle!! And I think there is a beter way of describing his voice. Falsettist countertenor maybe? He certainly does not have the voice of a castrato! Beautiful though castrato voice is/was. Mika is all man as far as I am concerned:mf_rosetinted: Not necessarily deliberately castrated, but a sexually immature adult male, yes. btw Jack, great cartoons!
  20. Hey I'm pleased for you. And for her I know a few people in real life who 'like' Mika. But no-one as enthusiastic as me, nowhere near. I do have a gay friend who I recently got back in touch with and I was over the moon when he told me he loved Mika. But still, my fanaticism is lost on him . This is why I love MFC It's the only place where I know I can chat to people who actually love him MORE than me . It makes me feel almost normal .
  21. I submitted a comment to them Good luck with yours!
  22. Yeah, well. Mika has to put up with A LOT of jealous men's comments doesn't he. Face it you blokes. HE's HOT. And we LIKE him. Deal with it.
  23. I think it is just an ill-judged and ignorant comparison. Whoever wrote it obviously knows nothing about Castrati. They just think it's funny to imply Mika is castrated! I was actually laughing at their ignorance, not at the thought of Mika being somehow 'not a man' I could be wrong. Perhaps it was a thinly veiled insult. We see plenty of those don't we and I'm usually the first to complain We could always question it by leaving a comment with timesonline, but I tend to think it'd be lost on them...
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