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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Translation: Could you please tell me where can I get pictures of Mika at last night's Fiat gig (preferably from other than wire image). thanks v. much!
  2. Yes it can and does mean neutered, but I think they are referring to the phenomenon of male operatic castrati and comparing Mika's high voice to that of a castrato singer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castrati I suppose it could be seen as intentionally rude towards Mika but I interpreted it more as thoughtless ignorance! The castrati were prized for their voices so in some ways it's a compliment .
  3. Arion McNicoll In a PR gimmick that was surely devised by the most cunning of advertising minds, the new Fiat 500 ‘flew’ over London last night on the British Airways London Eye precisely 500 hours into 2008 to celebrate its UK launch. Already set to become ‘much beloved’, the update of the old Cinquecento was unveiled to coincide with Fiat’s 50th birthday in July last year amid a flurry of praise, celebrity and nostalgia. Last night’s London launch reprised the Italian event with 2007’s breakthrough castrato, Mika, crooning his way through his hit song. Also at the event were supermodel Eva Herzigova, reality TV survivor Kelly Osbourne, celebrity daughter Jade Jagger and UK model Agyness Deyn. http://driving.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/driving/features/article3231320.ece LMAO, I mean we know Mika has three and a half octaves but I'm pretty sure he isn't a castrato !!! Yes I know they don't mean it, but it's still funny.
  4. Thx avoca. I absolutely love that background. the colours, the design, everything is beautiful. If that is Mika and Yasmine's work (I assume it is) then IMO it's the best so far. I think it's the purply-red factor. I'd like a duvet cover with that design on Or wallpaper - real wallpaper, not the cyber kind. Isn't it about time there was a Mika Homewares range anyway?
  5. I can't believe this is next week, I still keep thinking it's weeks and weeks away, how time flies. I'm all excited. Five hours behing GMT, is that right? So will we have to stay up all night here for the reports? It's a hard life:mf_rosetinted:
  6. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say about 15 He does look fit and rested doesn't he? Thank goodness. Fingers crossed his health holds up now until at least end of Feb
  7. Well yes, you should. There isn't really a valid excuse I can think of for that! Well that's the Daily Mail for you. They never miss an opportunity to make someone look stupid - especially a woman.
  8. There must be something symbolic about that dream but I don't know what it is!! *thinks* I was just relieved to wake up this morning and not to have dreamt about Mikey Choi all night again
  9. Is that enough evidence suzie?? I say Mrs. O goes on right now!! And Kelly. (but it's up to you of course )
  10. Ooh yes, he must go on!! How cool is that. Sending Mika all those CDs. Mika and an old punk. Who'd have thought it .
  11. Does it mean 'a good looking chap' ( as my Dad would say)? useful, if you happen to be in Italy, I'd say
  12. Does that mean what I think it means I don't know Italian but you know what they say, these phrases are the ones you need to learn first:mf_rosetinted:
  13. I'm really glad to hear that Thanks everyone for the reports, it sounds like it was really really worth going to.
  14. That's shocking! In my experience geographical knowledge doesn't have much to do with intelligence I know lots of bright people who couldn't locate their own hometowns on a map. Really! Mika wouldn't have this problem of course - after all he did nearly do Geography. But that was just for the 'colouring in' wasn't it
  15. Oops I haven't voted on these polls for ages. How is Mika doing? Have they officially declared him as Sexiest Man in any country yet?
  16. Can you add me to the swoon list please ... ...and Freddie, obviously! He does this every time doesn't he - just before a tour is about to kick off he comes out of the woodwork looking unfathomably stunning. It's all a cynical marketing ploy to make us buy tickets Thanks for the pics guys!
  17. I've definitely read somewhere that Sharon Osbourne has said she likes Mika. She needs to go on the list, I think. But I can't prove it!
  18. I Scott Mills. What about Peaches Geldof? I know she likes Mika. She's certainly not A List though, unless the A stands for Annoying And Craig David. he was nice about Meeks on that Brits thing. Proper Bo.
  19. They aren't, I'm sure, though the credits do roll by quite fast for my old eyes. I've just googled trumpet trombone Mika and all I got was reviews of the Prince concert Never mind, I'll live
  20. I feel sure he will concentrate on his lower register more from now on, if only because he'll have to to preserve his voice in order to keep touring. I hope he never lets the falsetto go completely though as it is his trademark! I think the way he can 'flip' up an octave into his falsetto, then back down again, is a really outstanding feature of his voice too, and should be explored more.
  21. Yeah, don't forget the 'bit' !! He didn't seem that tall when I saw him in November, but yes, that's his official height. Maybe he just stoops a bit sometimes We never did officially measure him Sarah did we?? I don't think My hands would have held the tape properly, it was cold and I was quivering with excitement to boot .
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