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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. As for Kaiser Chiefs, they never have a good word to say about anybody these days. There is one band who have most definitely disappeared up their own backsides .
  2. Heaven forbid!! That's definitely not what I was imagining when I said a bolder sound I too still want to hear Mika's voice as the main focus, as it is on the album, and should always be IMO.
  3. He probably knows and doesn't care. After all, he's had worse to contend with than that - the whole Bo Selecta thing I love Bo Selecta but always feel sorry for Craig nowadays!
  4. Yeah you're right. The cool, talented people like Dave and Michael Stipe and..erm..Craig David ( ) like him. That's what matters. I shouldn't get worked up about it but I can't help it, it's just my instinct .
  5. EXACTLY Cheap shots - yes. It's the bullying thing isn't it. I always get a whiff of that mentality when I see the cheap shots at Mika. I'm sure Mika doesn't give a damn, like he says, better to be hated than ignored. But it's the influencing thing which is really out of order in something like this. Perhaps the people who put those clips together just wanted to emphasize the Marmite thing. Still think it's unfair! I know plenty of peple who think Richard Hawley is a joke, but did you hear anyone saying that on there?? No chance.
  6. That's just it, they aren't credited on the DVD. It's a scandal! But then neither is Lorna, or is she? Maybe Mikafriends don't warrant being credited Edit: Lorna IS credited. But not my trombone hero Shame on you Mika..
  7. Sigh. WHY is Mika the only one that is allowed to be slagged on those opinions?? This really, really p's me off big time. The Enemy and Hard Fi slagging Mika?? Have they listened to themselves lately?? Jam tribute band and Madness wannabees! Honestly though - is it just me, or is it okay to hate Mika, and express it, in general?? The worst thing anyone else has to say about the others is 'Newton Faulkner has bad hair'. But it is deemed permissible for Hard Fi to say they HATE Mika. I don't care if they hate him. But why should they get away with saying that in a situation like this?
  8. Ah well, Mr Trombone will have to remain my mystery fancy man Maybe if I knew his real name, the magic would disappear anyway .
  9. No, I agree with you. Martin's input could be bolder, if that's the right word. I'm not criticising his skill, just the way he is used.. It sounds like nitpicking and it probably is, but if we are in this thread to offer critical appraisal...I also think that the 'mix' of the instruments needs some adjusting and certain things need to be brought to the fore if he is going to achieve a 'bigger' sound that will do justice to an arena setting. I don't mean he has to go all out for the Kasabian effect but I do feel the sound needs some filling out. He's already achieved that to a certain degree with Sara as a strong backing voice; maybe the other instrumentation needs bolstering too. He could still do great acoustic stuff within the set, to balance it out.
  10. Yes!! A real piano would be great. I don't care about the logistics -sort it, Mika I hate it when you can't even hear his keyboard (and thus his playing ability) when it is drowned out by the other instruments. It seems almost pointless him sitting there playing if it can't be heard!!
  11. OK, I'm all for creating awareness - it just seems as if some people are voting loads and loads of times and they may be wasting their time doing that. But we do need to make sure EVERYONE on here votes once per round, yes, and for all the categories.
  12. I get you, but remember that not everyone who goes to his shows watches 2,000 Youtube videos of his other shows every day of their lives. Like we do . Well some of us *cough*. Edit: gah Petra you beat me to it
  13. But....I'm confused now. We don't need to vote daily, do we?? Not until the next rounds, at least? They only count your most recent vote!?? I think this needs clarifying or people are going to be wasting their time and energies doing multiple voting like in the ROTY vote. I couldn't go through all that again, personally
  14. I think the live version of Any Other World is far, far superior to the album version. The album version is so overproduced, but stripped back live, it shows off the lovely melody AND Mika's voice to perfection, in my humble opinion. I'd even be in favour of a really stripped back Happy Ending, just Mika and piano. Rather than trying to reproduce all the harmonies and the choir and the orchestration (even though I do love it on the album). I wouldn't miss the Lollipop girls. Or the Big Girls, really. I don't hate them, I just think they have had their day.
  15. Well of course I'd love to tell you in explicit detail Sarah but I have to go now, the washing up just can't wait!!!!! *runs away*
  16. I posted the link as http://www.brits.co.uk/ on my blog and it works. But it doesn't bring the link up as a pop up, it redirects you to the page. If you know what I mean. I don't understand links very well
  17. He did what? With what? How many times???? You're kidding me - that's illegal!
  18. Ioana, innocent Actually it was quite innocent, in a girlie adolescent I wub u Mikey sort of way. It was not chickeny.
  19. Guitars, of any description, didn't really come into it my dear
  20. I kind of agree with you about the shooting thing. I think that is a bit unecessary, and if you think about it, other artists might well get into trouble about that; but because Mika isn't a gangsta rapper, it seems to have gone unchallenged. However my own opinion is that a little bit of gimmickry (is that a word? ) is okay, because it's what gives Mika a certain identity and sets him apart, but as long as it never totally dominates his shows. He is much more alluring and appealing when he is just himself
  21. Surely you mean it's peed down all year so far up here?? Mika might be needing that umbrella tonight. Have fun who is going, all you lucky people.
  22. :das: I wouldn't know:mf_rosetinted: I'm too busy dreaming about Mikey Choi these days:naughty:
  23. Yeah, British men don't mind getting roughed up do they?? If a rugby player isn't bleeding profusely and missing an eye and three teeth after every match, then he's considered a bit of a girl isn't he . I'm thinking of Sebastien Chabal in the Worl Cup. Hang on though he's French
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