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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Hmmmm!! I'm concerned. I've been watching the DVD too much, obviously. I always thought that I was more of a Martin person
  2. I dreamt about Mikey all last night :shocked: I've never dreamt about Mika all night What's happening?
  3. Thanks Caz, for trying to help at least! I just wondered if anyone knew their names. Everyone else who goes on stage with Mika seems to be known by name on mfc and I felt a bit sorry for Mr Trumpet and Mr Trombone (anyway I think the latter is rather cute ). Aha so now you know the real reason for me asking
  4. I love the Love Today intro, provided he hits the notes which he usually does!! I agree that it's a spine tingling moment. Tin bin drumming - good, but with his clothes on. And I do like it when he jumps on the drumkit, I think that's a unique Mika thing. I would rather see him do all his own songs rather than covers, even if they are just 'demos' ie not songs he is intending to release. I'm sure he could make even his 'second string' songs come across brilliantly live. This may be controversial but I think he should drop Happy Ending. For me it just does not work live. Don't shoot me Finally, Mika, your falsetto is much much better when you are standing STILL. Jumping up and down and simultaneously trying to nail a top G doesn't always work. I feel as if I've been more critical than praising there...but I can only echo what others have said, that he is amazing live and the energy and charisma that comes off him is stunning. His enthusiasm, raw talent and audience rapport make up for any little faults!
  5. I have a question (I did do a search, and found nothing about these two guys ). Who are the trumpet and trombone players who play on Billy Brown and lollipop at the gigs, or at least used to? the ones who 'forgot to come on' at Koko Anyone know anything about them? *waits for wall of silence*
  6. This is fab!! We should make posters and stick them up everywhere. VANESSA - are you there? I need to know where you got your avatar pic from, it is haunting me
  7. Imagine if somehow LICM wins the Brit Award? (I don't think it will, but..). It'd keep it high up there in the charts for even longer. Maybe even until Album #2 comes out and then Mika could have 2 albums in the charts. Ok maybe I'm dreaming but so what .
  8. Well if the human race is ever wiped out by an asteroid slamming into Earth then I hope it is MIKA What a way to go!!
  9. Yes, curry and peas at the same time. Call yersen a Yorkshire person!?? Ha ha, red sauce, yes that's it. As opposed to brown sauce (HP).
  10. Yeah she gets right on my nerves *was wanting to say another part of body* too.
  11. Did he actually say that??? What an idiot. Anyway, Reggie and Fearne are RUBBISH on the Chart Show. Anyone else agree?? When they constantly say "And in at Number xyz, it's ..." when the song in question has been in the charts for weeks, it makes me scream!!! You only say "in at" if the song has just ENTERED the charts. DOH!!! AMATEURS! Losers, even. What's the deal with Fearne Cotton anyway? Why is she Ms. Popular? I just remember her when she was a second rate presenter on CITV. Just fancied a rant against the REAL losers out there
  12. I'd say, can I have some please? What about throwing some curry sauce and mushy peas on there too?
  13. Unfortunately I think it was inevitable Relax wouldn't do so well, with the timing of the release (Christmas) and the fact that so many people now have the album, AND the fact there were no new tracks on the single, only remixes. Plus the lack of promotion.. Even if everyone who is active here at mfc bought it again, it wouldn't really shove it up the charts much. It's a shame his Top Ten run has ended though However, he'll be back at No. 1 when he releases the first non-LICM single
  14. No, me neither. It's gross. Makes me think of 'bitty' If you watch Little Britain you'll understand.................
  15. I'm glad someone else understands You know about a year ago I was really broody for another child - even my hub doesn't know this (well maybe he does now as he probably secretly lurks on here ) - two kids at school, me approaching 40 etc. But I've found that this urge has completely gone now, and I blame - or should that be thank? - yes who else but Mika!! Mika is my third child, my 'adopted' one And the good thing is, I don't even have to change his dirty nappy. (Although the breastfeeding and staying up all night could be arranged ) yuck forget I said that!!!
  16. You are right Melanie, it is very important for everyone to realise that the written word on a forum can be open to misinterpretation and that sarcasm especially is very easily missed. Perhaps in some cultures, sarcasm is missed completely! We should always be aware of that as an international forum. I believe the emoticon for sarcasm is the infamous , well it works for me. Opinions need to be worded carefully and sensitively and other people's opinions respected. I really do think that generally this is a respectful forum though. If everyone took a second to read over their posts before hitting Submit Reply I am sure a lot of hurt feelings could be avoided, too. I hope you're feeling better about all this today.
  17. This is how I feel too. I have big moments when I catch myself thinking, is he really all that good? have I been taken in by the hype? why do I like him so much, I wouldn't normally like his sort of music, what's wrong with me?. And then he goes and does or says or sings or performs something that totally confirms my belief in him and in my judgment of him and then I feel bad for even questioning it! I don't know. I can't make my mind up on whether it'll be deliberately ignored or intensely scrutinized. You can just never tell what the industry reaction will be, in this country at least, they are a law unto themselves It varies from day to day, possibly in direct correlation to my hormonal cycle . Hmmm, I think I'll start keeping a diary .
  18. I agree, and I'm the same age as Christine, so I understand her comments about the younger ones too. The most fascinating and entertaining and enlightening thing about MFC for me - apart from the feed of knowledge into Mika's every waking moment of course - is the variety of ages and nationalities and perspectives. In real life I don't exchange views on anything with teenagers (not since I gave up teaching anyway) because I don't know any!! Here, I am always fascinated to see inside the minds of some of our younger members and I really enjoy their views and am constantly impressed by their worldliness and intelligence. Sorry if that sounds patronising (it's not meant that way) but really, some of my favourite members on here are very young, compared to me anyway!! That said, I wouldn't want to crash the 'young' threads any more than I would try to write coherent Dutch in the Dutch Thread . Not because I am antisocial, but just because you can't be everywhere and why should you want to be?? That's life. You can't be friends with everyone. You cannot get on with everyone you meet in life, it's not possible. As you get older you realise this more and more and it ceases to bother you as much. Cliques I'm afraid are inevitable, it is human nature for people to form social groupings, but if you don't like cliques then stay away from them and do as I do, just lurk everywhere and post about what really does interest you - mikagasm anyone?? - and get a thick skin if necessary! And never forget that MFC is unnaturally friendly and polite and nice compared to 99.99% of other internet forums and chatrooms. We don't know we are born here!!
  19. Sounds like the norovirus, the winter vomming bug. Hope you are feeling better. You were sick in your bed? There is nothing worse. I'm glad to see the DAVE helped you through the night. I love that channel!!!!!
  20. Really, it IS like having a child! The unconditional love and the affection and the inherent belief, but also the worry and the protectiveness, and the defensiveness too if I'm being honest. I know Mika doesn't need any mothering (he already has at least seven) but that's how I feel about him - except of course that I fancy the pants off him and so it gets a bit weird then :blink: Hey let's just not go there!!!!! Edit: I was also going to say (but got carried away with the mother thing ) that I also worry i won't like the second album, even though I know i will. Does that make sense?? No. So much of what I think about Mika makes no sense at all though so it doesn't matter.
  21. You can't begin to estimate how many times I watched that video this time last year I knew it verbatim, honestly. Watching it now, I cannot believe how someone can 'grow up' so much in the space of a year, although maybe I'm forgetting that he is still so young, and you do change quickly even in your early 20s (the only changes you see at my age on the other hand are more grey hairs and more bloody wrinkles not to mention the boobs going South ). I feel sooo nostalgic for those early days but at the same time, just very very recently, I've begun to feel really excited again about Mika's future and about the second album.. Honestly, it's like having a third child : I hanker after the days when he was 'little' but feel so excited about what he'll be like when he 'grows up'..or am I just getting broody again LOL.
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