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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. You know, that is a very good point!!! Maybe there should be an MFC bluff code, where we all pretend to leave when the security tells us, but just hide around the corner and then when the Mob has gone we miraculously reappear as if by magic to take our rightful place
  2. I agree, it's very sad, but it is inevitable He's a hot pop star and it is going to happen. He will just have to beef up the security *sigh* . It doesn't make it right, though
  3. Scary. I remember reading about that. Totally out of order.
  4. Aww I will miss you PU. I always like your posts! Take care - and you know it's probably a very wise and self aware thing you are doing to have a break from mfc...I kind of understand when you talk about the distraction thing Get well and hope you will be back!! luv Rach
  5. Drooling is allowed, as long as you have a handkerchief handy ( ) but please no chasing his car and banging on the doors!!! Only joking, I know you wouldn't do that. Only an idiot would
  6. Unfortunately I think LL is a cert for both these because of the public voting thing. Remember the Record of the Year poll?? We made our fingers bleed for days, nay weeks, and so did all the Take That fans, and still we couldn't beat whoever ( ) was voting for Leona. It's sad, sad, sad but true! Mika for Best Male though:thumb_yello: deffo. COME ON BRITS YOU KNOW IT'S RIGHT
  7. Sorry to brerak it to you Grant but that DOES happen!!
  8. Yes me too - the other day I saw a list of Top 50 -yes 50 - albums of 2007. I kept scrolling down thinking, in a minute I'll see LICM - but no, it was nowhere, half the bands/artists I'd never even heard of and I keep up with music. Unbelievable!!!!
  9. It looks great! I want to learn Polish (they tell me it's hard... ). The Videos section avatar is, erm, interesting
  10. The album Brit nomination should keep LICM up there in the charts a good while longer I'm pleasantly surprised LICM got the nomination, I thought it might get overlooked but they do seem to have gone for a lot of pop nominations this year. It's going to be a hard act to follow isn't it? I have faith in the second album though.
  11. Will he be flying across the stage on wires or something, like Same Difference? If so I hope he thinks about the chafing beforehand.
  12. I really thought he might get a Best Live Act nomination. His tours have generally had good reviews and he is doing something so different live to most people at the moment. I guess some industry people just can't cope with the chicken costumes and blow up dolls and giant balloons and standing on the drumkit though. I mean why award that when you can have Ricky Thingy shaking a tambourine instead. Yawn.
  13. I think they might give it to Mark Ronson. Nooooo!!! I agree with you Rose, if not Mika (but PLEASE, MIKA!!) then Arctics. Even though I'm a bit fed up with Alex turner now. But they do come from my hometown Agree It'd be a sad state of affairs
  14. FANTASTIC!!!!! Thanks suzie. With four nominations it'd be cruel for him not to win ONE, but that did happen to Robbie Williams one year
  15. What a stunning picture of San Francisco Bay:mf_rosetinted: To me you can't beat this picture for chickenness. :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:
  16. The programme is aired at 9pm tonight on ITV 2 but I don't know if it's live....??? Mika isn't going to be there though, unless I've missed something (and I don't usually ).
  17. I have to say I prefer him with his shirt on. Well maybe with a bit of belly on show. Then I can imagine ripping it off. Did I just say that out loud?
  18. I thought his head had been pasted onto a random body when I first saw this - no offence Mika Aaah I remember the old days, before any of us had seen his bare chest!! How innocent we were....
  19. I agree, it'll be tough against Mark Ronson as he is well respected in the industry and has the "cool" reputation (unlike Mika ). I like him and think he's very good at what he does but he doesn't SING. The award should go to a singer, surely? I'd like to think the Brits will see sense here! They should have a Best Producer award and then we wouldn't be having this conversation .
  20. LMAO Is this one of those threads that'll get bumped every now and then to give the Newbies a heart attack?? It got me for a few seconds - I was desperately trying to think where I'd heard the name Victoria Bilton before doh. you mean Bab's Cabs? lol Are you opening a branch in Royston Vasey??? I knew it:mf_rosetinted:
  21. I keep looking for Mirtilla on the DVD but I never see her. Can anyone tell me when exactly she is on?? I know what she looks like, I just can't spot her. I Want You Back was a hit for the Jackson Five - Wacko Jacko's family. I didn't like Mika's version at first but now I really love it. It's a great song anyway, always been one of my faves from that era.
  22. YYYYEEEEESSSS!!! I've had to wait till now to learn this as I couldn't get the subtititles on last night for some reason. How funny.
  23. I've bumped the Jools thread. (Just to annoy all the non-Brits who can't get BBC:wink2: )
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