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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. GUYS It's being repeated in ten minutes on BBC2 (11.20pm). Put subtititles on and solve the chicken question once and for all (well, maybe.. )
  2. OMG I'm really excited now. I really do need a life
  3. LOL I can just imagine the subtitle people arguing over it: "did he say chicken?? I thought it was ticket...?" "yeah he did, it was chicken for deff" "what's that all about then?:boxed:" "who knows, this is Mika remember, he's a nutter"
  4. More chicken on BBC2 tonight girlies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Naah she just wants more Mika I kid you not, it is on tonight. I'm hoping Match of the Day finishes in time so I can switch over and watch it on the Big Telly
  6. Yeah me too. I've caught my Mum 'checking Mika out ' a few times when he's been on telly. Like on Jools Holland recently (it's on again tonight by the way, BBC2 11.20).
  7. I once accidentally left this pic up as my avatar when I was chatting to my Mum on IM and she took the p*** out of me so badly for having a 'naughty pic of Mika' but she then had to admit he looks fab!! Bear in mind my Mum is 63 - age is no barrier to Mika appreciation What can I say, good taste runs in the family lol.
  8. I love the colour of his eyes on this one, and the pout One of my faves
  9. Ooh yes I think, a lot. That's why the good Lord gave us imaginations . You should be in the Chicken Thread ewok with all this chickeny talk. I meant to make a new year resolution to ban myself from lurking on this thread for the good of my soul. But I didn't bother
  10. I like that one too. Although you can't see his lovely face on it. Well who needs face when you have that instead I am being corrupted here
  11. I know the video you mean. Mika's feet are scarily like my husband's, shape-wise, only bigger, it would seem. Hmmmm.... :naughty: I think topless pics are preferable to all this feety innuendo though!
  12. Yes, I agree, when you are bullied it can leave you with a psychological scar which makes you react defensively to comments like these when caught off guard. Bullying can make you feel people are making fun of you when they aren't, and it can be a lifelong handicap. I know because I'm like that. I sometimes miss teasing because my initial reaction is one of defensiveness. At least Macca had the sensitivity to see that Mika hadn't got the joke and set him straight, awwww! I bet Mika felt a tiny bit silly then .
  13. Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hubby is 6'1" and size 11. Now I'm not good at sums but I see a correlation here
  14. I'm obsessed with his feet since I 'read' about the alleged Size 14s. I look at his feet all the time, and they do look big. then I have to concentrate very hard and continue to look at the FEET. If you know what I mean. *slaps herself hard*
  15. Where did I read/hear he is a size 14? Or did I dream that??? I probably did dream it. Well, one thing in a dream leads to another.
  16. I think this is possibly true, the more I think about it Macca is a Scouser of course and they have a jokey way about them, it would be typical of a Scouser to test someone's sense of humour in this way, in my experience of Scousers!! And Macca is like Royalty really, maybe you don't expect them to be jokey with you, maybe Mika really did think Macca didn't know his name OR that he was actually being rude to him!? Mika is used to dealing with abuse and taunts and pisstakes and it can make you defensive especially when caught on the hop like this by an ultra famous person. I don't know if I'm expressing this properly (I've just woken up from a power nap ) but what I'm trying to say is, I can understand how Mika reacted. I don't think Mika failed the sense of humour test, though If he did, then I have no sense of humour either, as it would have got me!! But perhaps he failed the Scouse Initiation Test v:naughty:
  17. That's exactly what I thought when I read it.
  18. Thanks for posting! I like the bit about Paul McCartney.
  19. He's so ridiculously handsome :wub2: I need to show my son that pic, to prove to him that men can wear pink and look sexy. He's at that age where pink makes him vomit.
  20. I feel sure they do. In my book they are rich too, and bit posh! Come on. Mika is posh, well to me he is. That's not a bad thing, I am not using it as an insult or anything, as some people do. I think it's one of the reasons the press get on his back, sad though that is. I feel sure the Pennimans must have friends in high places, in both England and France. I'm thinking of having one of those this year .
  21. That's because Shayne is so dull and bland that no-one really notices him at all! I actually think he is good looking and a good singer but even so, there is something SO boring about the way he is being marketed. And he is being clearly marketed as the British Justin Trousersnake, how dull can you get, honestly At least Mika is Marmite, and gets people talking, much as I dislike seeing the negative stuff about him. I really don't think Shayne will get the award Marilyn, even if Walsh pays them off. If it's not to be Mika then they will give it to either Mark Ronson or Dizzee Rascal, in my opinion. But it should be Mika!!! Hurry up The Brits, I'm getting frustrated with all the speculation, I need action!!
  22. I saw that one too.. When I first saw it I thought it said 'Mika - I've Cracked UP'
  23. I didn't think so somehow; thanks though Rose for the confirmation!
  24. He really does look so uncomfortable. I found that quite disturbing. If anyone anywhere is in any doubt that Mika doesn't enjoy being a celebrity then they only have to watch that few seconds of video But it's funny too - I'm referring to the reaction of the girls in the background when they see Mika :roftl: he just does it for the girlies doesn't he! Oh and the professional celeb with the big boobies is Chantelle, she was in Big Brother, yep she's a nobody.
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