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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I'm 1597, cosily sandwiched between dcdeb and suzie at the moment, well that's very nice
  2. do you happen to have a youtube link for that suzie, I'd quite like to see his face
  3. I think they are on Feb 20th . ITV1 is broadcasting it live this year - usually they only show it the day after, an edited version.
  4. well it's possible, maybe I am stereotyping him wrongly I'd like to know if he does like football. Let's face it, it's an odd man who doesn't
  5. I can't believe it was really Mika they spotted at the football - I just can't see Mika at a football match. And Charlton Athletic, well, no. They have to pay their own fans to turn up don't they?? And Mika is health conscious isn't he, so he would not touch a pie at an English football ground! They are disgusting! It must have been a lookalike - I dunno, Borat or Leo Sayer maybe.
  6. Classic, and deeply offensive When my Mother in law said "ooh, he's a bit like a modern day Leo Sayer" when she saw him on the Radio 1 Preston thing, I could have cheerfully strangled her on the spot. The yogic flying? Yeah you are right. Mick Jagger was skinny yes, but quite small though. You can interpret that anyway you like, by the way
  7. Barry Gibb - yes I agree and I take it you've seen this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdvfmGPDVkk :roftl: One of my fave TV moments of all time! Vocally I can hear more similarities between Mika and George Michael than anyone else he has been compared with, but Mika's voice is unique and the more I hear it, and the more I hear him trying different styles, the more unique and instantly recognisable it becomes. In a few years time some other new singer will come along and they'll be saying 'he sounds a bit like Mika' Though no-one ever will, completely, of course! And, I kind of see the Mick Jagger thing, a bit, in his stage mannerisms. I think he was very sexy and animalistic and I think Mika has a bit of the animal in him too.
  8. I hate dogs, but I'll make an exception here, because that IS Mika
  9. Let's hope the Scissor Sisters and Leo Sayer comparisons go the same way now. It still irritates me to death when he gets called the One Man Scissor Sisters. He's nothing like them and so much better than them, well I think so anyway. I'm really proud of the way he has forged his own identity this past year, cos it can't have been easy, but he has done it, he hasn't compromised one bit. i cannot waaaaiiiit for the new album, I think it is going to smash his critics into submission
  10. Yeah, there's no doubt it helped him get noticed (tho' I've never really seen or heard the similarity myself except for that bit in the 'bridge' on Grace Kelly) and I think he was always accommodating of it because he's clever and he knew it was good PR. But people are starting to make the comparison a bit less now, I bet he's glad.
  11. Mika, apparantely. Watch your waistline Mika!! Your pants may even stay up this year: http://www.mirror.co.uk/showbiz/3am/surveillance/2008/01/07/surveillance-89520-20277240/
  12. :roftl: Never spotted that, my eyes filter out anything that doesn't start with M and end in a and have ik in the middle.
  13. Thanks suzie, I am wallowing in nostalgia here...for the days when Bri was standing up for Mika after that ridiculous Guardian Review, it seems so long ago and yet only yesterday! *wallows*
  14. I reckon they will give Klaxons the Breakthrough Act award. I don't think LICM will get a nomination - unfortunately, because it should, but I'll be surprised if it does. Although, if they are tipping a big year for Pop... I see absolutely no logical reason why they should not give Mika the Best British Male award, he truly deserves it and surely even those who don't really 'get' him can see that; I honestly think it will be a real serious injustice if he doesn't get this Brit. It amazes me they are even mentioning Robbie Williams here - he hasn't even been on the musical radar this past year, I don't know what all the fuss is about!!!!
  15. Thanks! Mark Ronson, Shayne Ward, No Competition Whatsoever.
  16. Marilyn, you've gone font mad mad mad MAD!!!! Yeah where is the thread?? I want to start talking about Mika's Personal Life in a legitimate way
  17. I like the jacket!!! What's not to like - it's black; black rules. I don't like it in combination with the green and yellow hoodie with hood up though, a la Glasgow and Manchester - but I just don't like that particular hoodie, though his others are okay. After Manchester I remember being faintly annoyed with him for wearing that hoodie as in, "how dare you wear that when I've waited out here in the freezing cold for an hour to see you in the flesh for the first time, I mean, how could you do this to me?? Why aren't you wearing something sexier??":roftl: . How pathetic of me but I was slightly hysterical that night anyway. He is gorgeous in anything actually, that's the truth.
  18. Focus everyone please: Petition, Official Fan Club, when, Mika???? The sausages are safely in my tum and I'm off now to be constructive in RL.
  19. You always sum it up for me too Sparkly! Pics such as these deffo need a health warning for us who should know better. And if you find out a miracle cure for the speechlessness will you let me know in time for next tour as I suffer from that too.
  20. Sorry - my mind is deep in the gutter today (don't know why) and the kilts + sausage thing was too much If I ever meet Freddie now I'll not be able to look at him
  21. Hey well spotted!!! Kim Dawson, is that the journalist's name? Is she on MFC?
  22. Too much information, I am just about to eat my tea, and it's sausages too. Bleurgh.
  23. I don't know what to say except, we need more like you on this forum Can't verbalise exactly why just now (I have distractions) but I just liked your posts in this thread!
  24. Aww I've watched that before but seeing it again has made me smile What did the person say to make everyone laugh out loud??? Was it "Are we a bit obsessed?" or something like that???
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