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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I heard that chicken makes your hair grow faster. Or is it typing that makes your fingernails grow faster? It's one or the other.
  2. Well when he is 48 I'll be 63 so I'll be past caring then Though don't let my Mum hear me say that Edit: I've just seen that you wrote double my age .... I assure you when he is double my age he will look a lot worse than that!! Oh and thanks Titania for those gorgeous pics. He was wearing that jacket over a hoodie when I spoke to him after the Manchester gig. I think it really suits him - though maybe not over a green patterned hoodie, Mika
  3. You're forgiven, Freds. It's just me being a p***-taker! I knew you meant Wendi. I didn't think Belgian Mika had somehow turned up at Glasgow Can I have some of those pills you are on?
  4. Mika approached Mika? How does that work then?
  5. :wub2: Two of my favourites. I never ever tire of looking at them. I could honestly look at them all day and all night long, for at least a week, without a break. Shall I start now?
  6. I thought I could smell the hot poultry. That's the trouble isn't it though, he wouldn't get any more sleep if he was 'on holiday' with any of us. *runs away *
  7. Hmmmm fancy bumping into you in this thread, Christine!!
  8. I think when more credible and respected artist such as Michael Stipe are quoted as being inspired or influenced by Mika, as I feel sure they will, people will really start to see him in a different light. Well I hope so. I often find myself wondering what Mika will look like when he is my age.... I need some new things to wonder about I think .
  9. He has already said during gigs that How Much..? will be on the second album. And I assume HJ will be too, it has to be, it's too good a song not to be! I am one of the most cynical people re: the British Press you will ever meet, but I do like to think optimistically, that eventually Mika will earn their respect, as his talent, work ethic and integrity are all recognised. My greatest wish is that in 5-10 years time the press who slag him needlessly today will be fawning around him. Sometimes he just looks as if he hasn't slept, that 'drawn' look around the eyes. Not haggard, like myself when I haven't slept, but then he has the benefit of youth Because he is in the prime of his physical attractiveness he can get away with it. Wish I could!
  10. I don't mind him tired-looking, don't get me wrong. Bedroom eyes, is what I call it
  11. I have to disagree, I think it looks quite recent, but who knows. He does look tired but then I think he has looked pretty much constantly tired for months now. His 'lazy eye' doesn't help either. It can't be ultra recent as he's just had his hair chopped back again hasn't he.
  12. Thanks, nice (or even naaaaice) to read something positive about Mika in the British rags for a change. I can't waaaait for the second album. And I hope it's more than just a 'nod' he gets at the Brits. We want trophies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I think Dizzee is talented too, I don't usually like urban music but I liked Sirens and Flex. That's why I'm slightly worried, because he is much more the sort of artist who the snobby British music industry likes to champion, rather than someone like our Mika, who is more deserving IMO. Blunt is okay - 'just okay' , not worthy of all the vitriol he gets, but 'okay'.
  14. I like your style robertina Not that I wish harm on any fellow human being:bleh: only Mika haters Only joking of course:mf_rosetinted:
  15. Well said I hope he keeps up his non-celebrity stance for as long as possible, even forever if he can manage it, even if it makes him boring as hell to all the Press. I wouldn't ever want to read juicy gossip about him in The Sun................... yeah who needs The Sun anyway?
  16. I think Mika should get a Skoda, they are the ultimate geek chic car! David Tennant drives one, and so do I, what more convincing do you need that Skodas are cool Not a Fabia like mine though, he'd never get those legs in it.
  17. if Mika does not win Best Male then there's something rotten going on. It makes all logical, commercial, artistic sense even though I'm sure many will try and justify giving it to someone like, for example, Dizzee Rascal, who as far as British 'urban' artists go I think is not bad, but NO competition for Mika in any sense whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fact!
  18. No matter what he may say, I really don't think he is at ease with the fame he now has. Well he will just have to deal with it
  19. I'm British and I find this article/blog/whatever it is very cryptic too, even for us! The writer is obviously a Mika fan and I think s(he) is saying that Mika can get away with 'seemingly' selling his soul and doing this kind of gig, because he doesn't actually give a s*** about other celebs or celebrity ligging. I bet you anything that the press will have a go at him for it, for no good reason other than it's Mika-Bashing time again folks -but we are used to that here now, and I don't care.
  20. So is this person saying Mika is or isn't selling his soul by doing this gig? Either I'm being thick, or it's not clear. I must say that when I heard he was doing the Fiat thing I thought it was a bit odd. But as long as he keeps his Teflon on, he should come out unscathed Thanks for posting
  21. gobbledeygook = nonsensical, unintelligible language (written or spoken) a fine word, worthy of inclusion in you vocabulary AMP.
  22. Yeah it's true, I think in-joke and daft British sense of humour apart, we are very literate for an internet forum!! Some forums I look into are just pure gobbledeygook textspeak nightmares. This is certainly the place to be to improve one's English (note my good use of grammar there, if you will )
  23. I'm playing 'Time To Pretend' at the moment, I like it too. Just sounds different. It actually reminds me a bit of Gary Numan!
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