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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. She comes from Nefyn in North wales - I have spent loads of holidays there, it is extremely Welsh, as in 'are you not local??' looks when you go into the shops... Well for some reason Welsh singers always do well.
  2. So you agree nicka?? I like the electronic thing. I'm more into electronica these days than guitars. Bored of guitars!
  3. :roftl: Awwww!! I first saw him on the Grace Kelly video and I thought he was really odd looking (so maybe he has a point about his looks after all!!), but with a face you just couldn't take your eyes off. And then the more I looked...............................................................................................................................
  4. Yes I'm sick of Mockney too. And Sheffield, and Geordie, and whatever. It was original once but now it's parochialism for the sake of it. She's talented, that is for sure, but it just doesn't connect with me. Mika connected with me within a couple of bars of hearing Grace Kelly (and no, I didn't see that he was hot then, I hadn't seen him at all! ). I still can't get excited by anything else I hear, I am waiting for someone else to give that buzz, but it's not any of this lot! I've listened to one song by each of the ten artists this morning and the only one to have stuck in my head (it's there right now) was Kids by MGMT. So they are my 'tip'. My mantra these days is if it's catchy then it's good - forget all the other stuff and whether the band is cool and cred and whatever! Maybe that's why I still worship Mika Let's face it, it certainly is not cool to like him, not here in Britain anyway
  5. Is this real, or a weird dream?? I've only just noticed this thread. Is Mika really playing Parc des Princes? A big stadium? I mean I know he is popular in France, but surely, it's too big? I thought you had to do 'arenas' before you could do 'stadiums' I just find it slightly incredible - please someone, enlighten me.
  6. I totaly agree with your opinions of Adele and Duffy. I couldn't get into that Ting Tings song though, I couldn't find the tune (I sound like an old fogey saying that ) and to me, there is something that says 'style and street cred over substance' about them, but it's just my first impression and opinion, I reserve the right to change my mind; things do tend to grow on me. I notice the two acts I like best from this list are both American. I think the best pop/rock is coming out of North America these days, I am a bit bored with British Indie rock, it all sounds the same!
  7. Can you not even rustle up a colachicken shake in the Bar? I'm sure it'd be popular
  8. Glasvegas might grow on me I think, I like the 50s feel, they remind me a bit of Jesus and Mary chain and I liked their early stuff (back in the 80s). But no, nothing to match Mika, sadly. I feel all nostalgic for this time last year
  9. Hi Marilyn. My husband fancies Victoria Principal when she was in Dallas in the early days. We've been watching them on DVD and I can see him having the old 'sly drool' (even though he won't admit it...). She was really stunningly gorgeous though, I can understand it, and I can hardly moan about it when he has to put up with me fancying the pants off Mika 24/7 Ah, marriage, give and take, etc etc
  10. I like your thread Freddie After all, it was only because of this Poll last year that I discovered Mika. I've been checking the whole list out on Youtube - admittedly only one song per artist - and so far the only ones to stick out for me are Vampire Weekend and MGMT. Just first impressions, I think Adele and Duffy will do well though because everyone seems to want female solo singers now, and they are both better than Kate Nash None of them have hit me straight in the solar plexus anything like The Mikster last year though
  11. I was just about to post about the plant and the CD rack!!! Spooky, it's like deja-vu, only I have definitely not seen that pic before. But it does look somehow very recent, that's how Mika is looking these days, if you know what I mean..
  12. I genuinely feel sorry for the significant male others in the lives of us Mika fans, really I do! I can't believe mine hasn't packed his bags yet I have perfected the art of the sly drool...
  13. What a beautiful picture Thanks Caz, I can't see anything wrong with posting it either, but anyone is free to disagree! It's a private photo I suppose, though...I dunno! Grey area....? So Mika's new songs are killing Greg Wells - that's good (I think ).
  14. But what is a chicket????? I swear I am going mental over this, or just mental in general, maybe, let's be honest. tut why oh why must my children insist on using the computer too, it's really too selfish of them, I have to go now before they physically boot me off:thumbdown:
  15. Plausible explanation, which can include an element of Freudian Slip. That'd be my bet!
  16. Hello and Welcome There is a Portuguese Thread here somewhere. (I'm not Portuguese by the way, do not be fooled by the username, but I do speak the language:wink2: )
  17. Hiya Tia Don't worry, this is the only thread worth bothering with - it's the burning question of the year so far. Disappointed you are with the 'ticketers' though....
  18. Uggh I was in the middle of eating a plate of turkey mince whilst watching that. I managed to get it down.....just!
  19. Nielo, I notice you are a newbie; I'm impressed that you are still with us and haven't run screaming for the hills already. Some of us on MFC are still sane - but not many.
  20. If he says he aint got none, and he DID say that then we have to assume not. He was reaching out to us, it was a plea from the heart *or somewhere else*. Exactly!!!! At worst, a Freudian slip, I think. Who mentioned turkey?? Turkey sounds much dirtier, somehow. Turkey could be the word for dirty chicken. I'm having turkey for me tea (really). Please close this thread someone before the men in white coats come for us all!!!!
  21. 3 singles in the Top 40 is beyond cool, it's awesome, I think the word awesome was invented for Mika, I certainly never ever used it before I discovered him GO MIKA - 2008 is going be be awesome...
  22. Did she say that??? I really can't stand that woman! Her and her trendy *very poor man's Joy Division/Interpol* boyfriend do my head in.
  23. This is true, he does mangle the initial phoneme at times!!! It's one of the very few things that irritates me about his singing. Well I listened copious times to it last night and although I am firmly in the CHICKEN camp, I admit I started to hear TICKET, but that's only because I was listening with an open mind to see if I could hear TICKET. Mika has done this on purpose to send us all insane, I'm sure of it, well it's working on me For God's sake Mika put us out of our misery, I cannot wait even for Montreal!!!
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