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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Mika inspires new REM album? How amazing is that. Mika, you need to be very proud of that. That is serious kudos. Thanks for transcribing Rowayda:biggrin2:
  2. I love his hair on this one. Perfect. Can you imagine if Mica wasn't Mika, but just a model, and you saw these pics in a magazine? What would you think? Personally I'd be phoning up the mag to ask about him. He's so stunning. :wub2:
  3. LMAO, that was my first observation too, I mean, you would. Even I was trying to work out which numbers John could be pressing - sadness.
  4. Morning, I mean afternoon Britain. We call him Spew Grant in our house.
  5. Me, I don't like her all that much. I don't hate her, I just think she is very overrated. Okay I admit, I'm just jealous because all men fancy her Yes, but so do most straight men She's only human. How odd did he look twirling Kylie?? I love him for his "dancing". He's like your Dad at a wedding sometimes. And we love our Dads don't we.
  6. Aww this brought a tear to my eye. Thanks for sharing it. John has gone up in my estimation a bit. He always seems so grumpy but perhaps he just has 'one of those faces' ( I ought to understand, because I have one ). He was giving the evils at Manchester, but then, everyone was grumpy gits at Manchester, except Mika of course. John seemed sweet on this video though.
  7. That's a great way of looking at it. I too wouldn't feel so guilty about sitting here vegetating in front of Mika for hours at a stretch if I were exercising every day too! MFC as a reward, that's perfect too. Better than chocolate or even sex.
  8. I agree, there is no way on God's Earth that Mika will even be nominated for an NME Award, or even considered fro nomination, unless they have a Biggest Ar*****e of 2007 award this year. The NME sums up everything I hate about music snobbery in this country at the moment. They indeed do not feature Mika at all as he is considered too mainstream and anyway you can just imagine what NME journalists think of him, can't you. So please everyone don't get too worked up about this. He isn't going to be nominated, it will not affect his Brixton gig at all and I know where I'd rather be on Feb 28th.
  9. Only just noticed this thread. Can you put me on the list jemma? Of course, like all overweight persons, I do this every January () but I think 2008 could be the year I really do try to lose weight; I turn 40 in '09 and that's a big enough psychological milestone to face, without the extra stones to weigh me down! Just as long as we don't have Marjorie Dawes popping up in here making us eat lard (did anyone watch Celebrity BB Hijack last night? Matt Lucas was hysterical).
  10. Mika is duetting with someone but he has said it definitely isn't Brian May. As long as it isn't Kylie!
  11. Remember, this is a men's magazine. They are quite simply insanely jealous of Mika's looks and effect on women. Whenever anyone slags Mika off, especially another man, my husband always says this, that it is jealousy. So go ahead guys, be jealous: you should be!!
  12. Time for a big Brit bump! Only ten days to go to Nominations.....what will Mika be nominated for I wonder? Best British Male - nomination at least - seems a cert. What about the rest? Dare the Brits swallow pride/snobbery/whatever and give him some awards?
  13. I think Mika could talk filth quite easily if encouraged
  14. Just to be clear: for me to carry out my Burton's Window forfeit there needs to be enough snow in my back garden to make a small snowman. the odd flake doesn't count *phew*
  15. The Ice Age is Coming!!!!! Don't you lot read the Daily Express? If it snows here, I'll show my a*** in Burton's window (as they say here). It never snows here. Sheltered by the Pennines etc.
  16. I quite agree, Michael's very sexy, I've always had a thing for him; he's so charismatic and intelligent and offbeat in interviews, a bit like someone else we know . It's great that he rates Mika - a collaboration would be off the scale of wondrousness, for me!
  17. Anyone else annoyed by how LICM is being ignored in the vast majority of Album of the Year lists in the music press though? At least it seems that way to me. Music snobbery though, I know, I should be used to it by now. I am used to it.
  18. I prefer bunnies myself. Guinea pigs are a bit strange, the way they squeak, and they bite, and there is something weird about their fur.
  19. It's spooky for me that MFC was founded on the very same day that I first heard of Mika. *Twilight Zone music* So it'll be a double celebration for me
  20. I've always felt total indifference towards Robbie. I had a feeling he'd try a comeback this year, but as for a rivalry with Mika, I say bring it on! Mika is far more talented, better looking, and writes his own music and lyrics. There is no contest. :biggrin2:
  21. Yes he held Kylie's hand and he had his hand on/around her shoulder a bit too. Steady, Mika! Kylie is 10 months older than me, maybe there's hope yet :roftl:
  22. Yes he does say that, I stand corrected (I can't even read my own language anymore, maybe I need to detox ).
  23. Oh thanks...I actually was just having a moan, not hinting at anyone to put it up again (I don't know how these things work anyway:naughty: ) but if you can get it back up there it'd be great...
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