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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. He will NEVER be allowed not to sing Grace Kelly.
  2. I'd welcome a few stalkers on there actually , it might liven things up, it's a big old place isn't it and not as friendly or interesting as our cuddly MFC .
  3. Digital Spy. Now don't you go stalking me there Caz
  4. On the same forum I mentioned in my last post there is a thread called 'Your Current Three Favourite Songs'. A very encouraging number of people have Kick-Ass in their top three. It obviously IS relevant, and people like it. This we already know..pity some radio stations don't . Maybe as the single release date gets closer it will appear on the R1 playlists, I have a feeling it will, well you have to be optimistic .
  5. They have improved massively over the last couple of years, from when I saw them live in June 08, judging from recent Youtube footage I've seen and from word of mouth. Andrew still hasn't got the strongest voice in the world IMO but even that has really improved, and he seems to be a little more confident too. They're all great musicians actually and the whole ensemble finally seem to have gelled together. Also, the new album seems to have been written with live performance in mind and thus sounds great! I can't wait to see them again in September. I don't think they really enjoy playing Kids live any more . It's going to end up being their 'Creep' (Radiohead) isn't it.
  6. I wouldn't worry too much about the wording of the email..it is word-for-word identical to the email somebody else got (who posted on another forum I frequent) when they questioned Radio One's playlist policy (not to do with Mika in that instance). It's obviously the standard email they send out to anyone who dares complain I agree with you about Gaga though, if it was HER singing Kick-Ass Radio 1 would be all over it like a rash already.
  7. I also think it's a risky tactic, even though I fully understand that they want to push the soundtrack album first and foremost. I know that singles nowadays are used largely as selling points for albums and I don't have a problem with that, it's the way the industry is going and has been so for a while now. My problem is this lengthy delay in making the single available. Kick-Ass isn't even on the playlists of Radio 1 yet . Somewhere along the line, momentum is lost and that's when singles 'flop' in the charts when they are eventually released. So yes, I'm basically agreeing with you and your concerns (and those of a few others here it seems)
  8. My thoughts exactly. The way the music industry works at times is a complete mystery to me. . People want this single NOW...they want to hear it, Youtube is testament to that, they want to buy it, as a single, and they want to see it on the video channels. By rights it should already be in the charts and a hit. Instead, what do we have? A month's wait to buy it as a single. I just don't get it, can someone explain it to me please (and that's not a rhetorical question btw).
  9. All I can say is... XOROSHO, and SPACIBO MIKA!!!! Sorry I don't have cyrillic alphabet on my laptop
  10. Just got back from a long weekend away, internet-less, and I can tell you I was having real withdrawal symptoms from Congratulations . Only a week to go before I can legally download it . Mici..thanks for those nice pictures Andrew looks a bit Mika-ish in that top hat .
  11. So those green eyes do nothing for you then?
  12. Yeah okay I can't tell if any of the band are good looking or not, because of all the hair.
  13. I don't know many females who are immune to Andrew . Though Ben's actually my favourite but then I always go for the geeky ones .
  14. Bring your sister, if she doesn't like the music she can always look at Andrew .
  15. Yeah!! Go! I'm definitely going to go, might bring my other half, and/or maybe I can persuade Karen to come up again.
  16. I know. But things were much simpler then. Your favourite artist had a record out, you heard it on the radio, you went to the record shop to buy a 7" vinyl copy of it, if you were lucky they were on Top Of The Pops or Whistle Test or The Tube, you bought Smash Hits or Melody Maker if there was an article/poster, and you were happy . None of this internet nonsense *goes to fetch pipe, slippers and crossword*
  17. It was all so much easier in the olden days when it was just a case of getting played on Radio 1 and being on Top Of The Pops on a Thursday night. Take me back to the 80s
  18. They have just announced a UK tour (September) on Myspace...I will definitely be trying to get tickets to the Manchester gig. So excited!!!!!! I'll take my husband with me as he quite likes them too.
  19. Guess what..Kick-Ass is finally, finally growing on me . It's because the last few times I have listened to it I've concentrated on the background vocals and synths and heard a few more layers in it, which I like. IMO the background layers aren't big enough in the mix. But what do I know..RedOne is the master
  20. yeah I think so too, I get that impression. Ok so he may not be having the same chart success as in 2007 but slowly but surely his name is getting into the public consciousness and Kick-Ass will add to that (and HOPEFULLY will be a hit too ).
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