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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Thanks for that; I like the bit about people on 'his forum' complaining about his clothes. Do we complain? I may have commented on his Kermit trousers a few times, but otherwise..........
  2. Chicken Song link has expired for me. I'm too slow off the mark
  3. My first post of 2008: Happy New Year everyone. Wasn't he great on Jools? The chicken thing had me creasing up, but since I was sitting with my family (and 9 year old daughter) I had to keep the in-joke to myself! I Got Life is one of my favourite songs, I couldn't believe he chose to sing that. Even my husband said "He's singing your song!!" with a look of amazement on his face :wub2: He's worried now, as Mika and I are obviously going to run away together I was cringeing for him when he was sat next to Lulu though. I bet she was trying to convince him to let her collaborate with him. What a nightmare. Why couldn't he have sat next to Macca or David Tennant, somebody interesting. After Grace Kelly, my Dad says at the TV, "Well done, lad!" I felt proud to be a Mika fan. (Well, I always do anyway )
  4. Just dropping in briefly to wish everyone a Happy Christmas. Love you all! Rach x
  5. Yes, I agree, that is beyond annoying. It is infuriating!! He really annoys me with that I annoy myself too, I should have been in this list I am definitely one of 2007's most annoying people. Ask my family. All Mika's fault.
  6. You're telling me he looks in the mirror, sees that, and thinks he's ugly? There is more than a bit of body dismorphia going on there, if that's really the case. He's so beautiful that he should not be allowed to be inflicted upon red blooded women. Or gay men. *heads into cold shower*
  7. Thanks for my new desktop picture :mf_lustslow: That pic makes me feel really nervous though, as if Mika is about to fall through that window...(I'm terrible with heights even through glass!). Step away from the windowsill Mika..
  8. Spot on! I totally expected Mika to be much higher - I told my family to look out for him in the Top Ten I was shocked when he limped in at 97! I laughed all the way through the Mika bit and I just said to my husband "I'm glad he is on this list and I bet he is too". The bit about his sexuality was unnecessary but predictable, I suppose. I don't find him annoying in the slightest but I also can understand why many people do. It just makes me love him even more, because these people DON'T GET HIM and that, to me, is their loss.
  9. from the Indie Snob School of Music Journalism, that's where! What annoys me is that back in February they gave LiCM a really good review. And they gave his February show at the Academy a reasonably good review too... So what has gone wrong since then? Wish I could remember which of their staff wrote the album review back then. They must have left/been sacked for having good taste since then
  10. thanks - well even if they don't read it I got it off my chest at least
  11. I've complained to the BBC: This is what I emailed them. (LOL before Mika, I never used to do this sort of thing ) I love the Graham Norton Show, but I'm writing to say how disappointed I am that there was so little airtime given over to Mika on last night's show. Not only was his interview section not broadcast (I know he was interviewed as I know people who attended the filming) but his performance was spoilt by the end credits and voiceover. Mika does not often do TV interviews but he is a pleasant, engaging and entertaining interviewee and I am surprised at BBC's decision to reduce his appearance to little more than 2 minutes singing, when he has been one of 2007s biggest music stars. I understand programmes must be edited, but this has left me and a lot of other Mika fans very disappointed and let down. yours, Rachel F, Wigan
  12. The Cutting Crew melody is definitely there. I agree with Christine though, that Mika wrote it as an original melody (probably subconsciously influenced, like a lot of his work, let's be honest!) and then when the likeness was spotted, he credited it, as Christine says, to 'cover ass'. Nice to see 'marc' stepping in there on the comments section of the review, with the other end of the Mika Marmite opinion spectrum Ah, would we have it any other way?? My New Year's Resolution is not to let Mika Haters get to me any more. Edit: just realised it was Christine not Caz I was quoting, have edited.
  13. I have submitted a comment on their page. (It hasn't been posted yet.) Just setting them straight on the fact that Relax was vey limited edition release last year and was never going to break Mika worldwide. I've also pointed out that it's been huge in Europe this year. Just a few FACTS for this taste-free so called journo.
  14. Mika - Relax (Take It Easy) (Island) Sarah Walters 20/12/2007 IF this was on Name That Tune, I'd defy any contestant not to be singing Cutting Crew's I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight within two bars. The rest of it is, right enough, the usual unmistakable Mika mish-mash of high camp, high octaves and 1980s synths, with a typically inoffensive 'background-at-the-dinner-party' feel. But it's hard not to get a little caught up in the fact that this is a re-release of the pre-Grace Kelly single. Yes, that'll be the one that didn't launch him to worldwide fame. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/entertainment/music/single_reviews/s/1029243_mika__relax_take_it_easy_island Yet another snidey review from the Manchester Evening News... Oh well do I even care anymore?
  15. What a major anticlimax that was last night! I'm well furious!! I thought "Oh well there's always Uncut on Sunday"...it appears not. Pffft. I cannot believe they cut his interview. I'm really annoyed! It's not that often he is on these chat shows and when he is they bloody cut it out! *FUMES* I was ill all day yesterday and was really looking forward to a bit of Mika chat to cheer me up. However, he did look stunning doing the performance. Even when they ran the credits over him and chatted over him half way through the song :sneaky2: Can you tell I'm not happy? btw thanks Bab for youtubing what pitiful little there was.......
  16. Gosh he is the same age as me. I always imagined him much older... or is it that I don't ever think of myself as nearly 40
  17. If I were his Gran, I'd be plying him with Sanatogen Wine. Anyone remember that??? My Gran used to swear by it and make us drink it when we were little, if we were looking peaky. I don't think she realised it was alcoholic But maybe he just had a late night on Tuesday. Hope that's all, and he's not poorly again.
  18. :roftl: I hope he is asexual. If I can't have him then no-one can:mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted: But I don't care, obviously.
  19. Yes, I understand the explanation of that, I just don't get the connection between saying I Don't Want to Discuss It and being homophobic.... Exactly! btw I've said I Don't Care many times, and I think the whole thing has been misinterpreted by some people. There may be different levels of Not Caring. I can't speak for everyone but personally when I say I don't care about Mika's sexuality, it simply means that I support him in his decision to be private about it and his right to not state it, and that it is irrelevant to his worth as a musician, in my eyes. It does NOT mean that I do not wonder about it or that I am not naturally curious or have no interest in it or opinion on it. I personally do not think that this stance is hypocritical or disingenuous, as some in the past have tried to suggest. That said, I will certainly not be spending hours dissecting the whole thing on this thread, although I may give my opinion at some point!
  20. I do not understand why anyone would think that the I Don't Care stance is homophobic In fact I'm quite horrified that anyone might have seen it in that way. So yes, I agree that the accusations of homophobia really have to stop. Unless an obvious and explicit homophobic comment is made, of course. I feel very strongly indeed that NO 'inside information' should be shared, at all. Discussion and speculation is one thing, but disclosing information such as who Mika has dated, etc., would IMO be a direct betrayal of Mika's silence on the subject. I would be horrified if this happened. I think lollipop monkey's draft is fine, and agree with your slight modification Jack. Page 91 of this thread
  21. Thanks for the preview! I'll be watching tonight whilst wrapping presents. I'll probably wrap them badly - I'll be a bit distracted
  22. Yeah he's fooling NOBODY by saying those costumes are skank.
  23. :roftl: Well that solves the Mika's sexuality question once and for all doesn't it! He's a Furry.
  24. I'm a very naughty girl I peeked at what my husband has bought me for Crimbo, because I THOUGHT it was the Mika DVD. That's what I hinted strongly for.. BUT - it is the Booky Wook :shocked: Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure I'll love Russell's book, but I am peed off!!! My husband just doesn't want to feed my Mika obsession - I KNOW it But obviously it's OK for me to fancy Russell
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