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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. ooh I can't wait for this. I'm still laughing over his April appearance on GN. Omar Sharif's moustache, cleavage, etc...
  2. Why 'jam' though?? What a random word. What inspired that? It just made me laugh, the randomness of it. Jam. that's funnier than the 'artist known as MIKA' bit!
  3. So...when are the Mods going to make an executive decision on whether we go ahead with this idea? It seems to me that everyone could go on discussing this for ever on this thread, and just keep going round in circles...
  4. I can't think of a particular line right now, but it's a general feeling that he isn't engaging with the lyrics, or the song itself, as if he finds it hard to interpret it. I think I notice it most on Satellite (which weirdly is my favourite cover of his but anyway..). The 'feel' for the song isn't there as it is with all his own stuff. It's hard to be objective about someone so wonderful but sometimes we have to be, and it's good for the soul Never really liked his version of Sweet Dreams..Hips Don't Lie is fun but not really a serious cover, it makes me laugh though. I used to think about which songs I'd love to hear Mika cover, but now I just think I'd most likely be disappointed by them, so I'd rather not hear any! I bet Mikey and Martin bullied Mika into Teardrop. Or blackmail. Or something.
  5. What if you were the last boy on Earth? Aw that's sad though Anyway my dreams about Mika haven't been scary or even upsetting - just weird and random. The other night I dreamt Mika was skateboarding down my street in a Santa hat, and last night I dreamt I was at his concert and he got me up on stage and told me to run up and down and flap my wings like an angel. Which I did - the shame of it. No *interesting, ahem* Mika dreams for me, sadly
  6. That's good of Mika to go and do that. You don't see him doing this kind of thing, as a rule, do you? As he doesn't consider himself a 'celebrity' ; it's usually Celebs who do this kind of thing.... A nice Christmas gesture though. Thanks for posting dcdeb
  7. Well I'm happy to see at least three people seem to agree with me (Droopsy, greta, Akim) as I thought I might be The Only Lonely One.. Didn't Mika once say he never wanted to be an interpreter? And that he finds doing covers tricky, because of his dyslexia?? (No wonder Cowell and co. wouldn't touch him with a bargepole.. ) He needs to be original, to sing and play something that has originated in his own brain..that seems to be the way his brain is wired.. Mika, no more covers in 2008! I'd rather hear a mediocre original Mika effort than any cover. At least then we are only judging him by his own standards.
  8. I think my first thread was asking how tall Mika was - and I received the Yopp Treatment (There is already a thread about this you useless Newbie* anyway he is 6'4") :roftl: *ok she didn't call me a useless Newbie..
  9. I have voted that I don't like it. It's not that I think it's really bad, just that the original is perfect, and no matter how good a singer Mika is, Liz Fraser (who sings on the Massive Attack original) is just extraordinary and she makes anything she sings her own. Also, I think Newton Faulkner's version is better than Mika's. And, I always tend to think Mika shouldn't do covers. He never sounds quite right doing them, although Satellite comes pretty close to a great cover. I find his phrasing sometimes a little stilted when he sings covers...fact is, he is a great songwriter and singing his own songs is obviously what he loves doing and is best at.
  10. My mum wanted to call me Grace when I was born 38 years ago (after Princess Grace of Monaco, as she then was) but my Dad said no. Note to Dads everywhere: Mum should have the last say I know someone who has just named their baby Mika, after Mika. But the baby is a girl
  11. This is why I love Mika!!! (Well one of the reasons... ) Thanks for posting!
  12. Good question... That is one Jonathan King. He was a music producer/part-time musician and now he is more famous for being a convicted paedophile . Strange choice of person to read out the result.
  13. Very good post I agree, largely, and particularly on the subject of discussing Mika's lyrics. They are part of his work, they are in the public domain, and I think it is perfectly fair and reasonable to be able to discuss interpretations, some of which may be sexuality based.
  14. I have posted on TTAP: http://www.take-that.co.uk/discussion/showthread.php?p=303540&posted=1#post303540 And now, that's it for me. Thank God! Bring on Crimbo now. Rach xxxx
  15. Third But always FIRST to us.. Well done guys, I think that, all things considered () this is great. At least Mika beat Rihanna. Now we can get our lives back and we never need to look at Princess Grace of Monaco ever again Goodnight/see you later (delete as necessary)
  16. I wish roty would put me out of my misery now I have to go out in an hour, and I'd like to know the result before then...
  17. Hands up who'll just be pleased if GK beats TT to 2nd place. Just being realistic now.
  18. Don't worry, you're not missing much, it's well boring compared to MFC.
  19. I know Mika Doesn't Care ( ) but this is an amazing achievement; look at some of the established names underneath him on the list! I mean, High School Musical!!! Seriously though, I am impressed.
  20. :roftl: Freudian slip! If I never have to look at a picture of Mark Owen or Gary Barlow again (on the TT forum), it'll be too soon. And don't get me started on that photo of Grace Kelly... Just an aside here: anyone noticed the Take That forum member called babtakie?? She is spooking me. She has a name a bit like babspanky, yet she looks like a cross between Jemmalee and Suzy. It's like a freaky parallel universe going on there.
  21. Come on guys, how can anyone not vote for THAT???? :wub2: :wub2: Vote to the last minute!!!
  22. Why has it not updated overnight yet? Are they saving it for the Final Result!??
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