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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Why the harm in discussing the lyrics? Just because Mika once said he didn't want to say what the meaning behind SITM was, doesn't mean we can't interpret it for ourselves, does it? I know he has since said it's about the changing relationship with one's parents as one grows up. But there is something more there, I'm sure. Why shouldn't we be able to speculate on a sexual meaning? It's perfectly possible, and don't tell me Mika isn't aware of the possible interpretations. I've always said: Not Caring about Mika's sexuality isn't the same as not being curious, or interested, in it, or intrigued by the possibility he may be coding certain things in his songs.. Does that make sense, because I am knackered
  2. Night night Good morning! You'd better get your voting fingers flying! I'm off to bed too in 10 mins....
  3. Mika - 80s porn star - why do you have to put these images in my head???? Now I'm thinking of Dirk Diggler
  4. :yay: * Not only is it lollypop girl's birthday, it's also The Day Grace Kelly Wins UK Record Of The Year!!!!!!!! Well we have to stay positive. *(I just love that smiley, it's my absolute fave)
  5. Yes next year he'll be in this poll up against Mika.. He does have a great voice, and a lot of charisma too. I think he'll do well.
  6. X Factor winner, Leon: Runner up, Rhydian: Not that I care about X Factor contestants (*spit* Leona*spit*). None are fit to lick Mika's silver trainers.
  7. Who watched X Factor, and thinks Rhydian was robbed??? Right better get voting again...
  8. Chins up, voters!! (don't click this if you are offended by religious comedy!!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCWw6W5NEa8 Altogether now....................
  9. I was thinking that too. Maybe we can make up some ground during that time.
  10. LEONA HAS JUST LEAPT UP AGAIN!!!!! I just don't believe it.
  11. I was doing this earlier (well voting for The Fray), I was desperate!! I'm having trouble getting on here tonight, my daughter's friends are sleeping over and keeping me very busy, once they've FINALLY gone to sleep I will be on here voting like crazy...
  12. To be fair to Leona Lewis, she does have a technically very very good voice, and in my opinion she sings Bleeding Love very well, with emotion, or at least with the impression of emotion. I do not think however that the song is that special, and no, I am certain it would not be winning this poll if anyone else had sung it. People are voting for her, maybe for her voice, maybe because of all the X Factor hype, and maybe because Simon Cowell has hypnotised everyone in the country via subliminal TV messages, except for Mika and Take That fans, who are somehow genetically immune.
  13. Just seen today's percentages, it's not good is it. I'm having a vote blast now, and hopefully I'll be able to have another one late on tonight, provided my daughter's sleepover party goes smoothly (ie they are all miraculously asleep by 10.30pm ). I am going to try a bit of tactical voting too, see if it helps. Not sure who for. I'll try anything now. Desperate times, desperate measures
  14. Gah!!!! I've just this minute logged back on to vote - voted once and Mika was back to within 0.3% of Leona....voted again, and he has dropped right back again!!! It's me, I'm obviously a jinx . As for the 'naughty' stuff the Admin are looking for, it's more likely to be automated voting I think, in which case surely the number of times an IP address has voted in one day would have to be much higher than 50 or even 100 for them to be suspicious, I would have thought. But I don't know....it's all too confusing.
  15. It sounds a bit like New Order!!!! I quite like it, because I like New Order...and Mika
  16. Are you emailing them AMP??? Ask them if they can send us some AVM software will you. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em as they say
  17. Yes it's great isn't it. I know we have said this before, but I really want the world to wake up and realise there is so much more to Mika than falsetto. This verson almost has an RnB vibe. He is so versatile it's frightening .
  18. Aw so young (don't know why but I always assumed you were an Oldling! )
  19. :roftl: It'll be on a par with Jupiter - ie full of hot air and gas. Oh hang on it already is!
  20. Does anyone remember when Here Comes The Sun was the theme tune for the Holiday programme on BBC1 in the Seventies??? It always reminds me of holidays. Oh dear I am really showing my age, please somebody tell me they also remember this programme!!!
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