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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. This is why I am so deeply suspicious; I do think there's a bit of AVM going on! I have posted on the Take That forum today - just friendly banter. They are up against the AVM too . And how have Plain White Ts and Rihanna caught up SO fast??? We know how much voting it takes to just move the percentage up 0.1%. I say it isn't HUMANLY possible
  2. Did I say I'd given up yesterday??? I was obviously joking. VOTE!!!
  3. :roftl: Yeah, but I was worried when I registered and it had to be okayed by their Mods...I thought I'd blown it by putting mika in my name, I thought maybe they wouldn't allow me on coz I'd be wanting to start a war, or spy, or something But they accepted me
  4. You are quite possibly right. I was being a little facetious... I love Mika's throw-it-together style and think he pulls it off 99% of the time. It's just my opinion that this outfit doesn't work. I'm just relieved that there are still days when I can look at Mika and NOT think he is the epitome of perfection It means I still have a little sanity left:blush-anim-cl:
  5. Do it! It'd be funny to blast the forum with posts when GK wins I'm gata4mika on there in case you ever need to know
  6. I'm registered on there, I'm dying to post something!! I may post something late on Saturday night, a 'may the best song win' type thing Bet there's no-one on there at night this weekend, they are all at the MEN Arena
  7. TT fans are aware Mika is equal now, but I still think they are in denial, they are so Leona focussed How sweet would it be to win this (I've changed my tune )
  8. I'm off to lurk on the TTAP (Take That) forum to see what they are saying See if they are still underestimating Mika!
  9. I will be able to do a big last minute voting burst on Saturday night, if it's still really touch and go. I know I said I'd given up, but you shouldn't take any notice of me I'm all talk!
  10. The Plain White Ts fans have come out of the woodwork I see Well I 'm not complaining, it seems to be working in our favour.
  11. Let's stop beating about the bush here guys...Mika got dressed in the dark yesterday. There is no way he picked up those clothes, looked at them, and thought "Hmm, this goes with that..". No way But Mika I admire your couldn't-care-less attitude.
  12. Yeah I'm with you on this Tia. I'm still voting - I haven't binned this completely - but only voting moderately and I'm not losing sleep over it now (I was before...how sad!!!!! ).* btw Freddie it was me who said Mika Didn't Care - he was very "I Don't Care" about all this stuff on Jo Whiley yesterday, not this poll specifically, but this kind of thing. He is probably just pretending though and actually voting for himself 200 times a day on this like us lot * I reserve the right to have a last minute mad voting frenzy on Dec 16
  13. Thanks Diana for LT and the interview (and thanks again Mariposa for the other 2 tracks)
  14. Thank you, clever and kind person!
  15. Well done Mika:thumb_yello: I know you don't care about record sales but....a million selling debut album, WHICH YOU WROTE YOURSELF , you must be just a little bit pleased..???
  16. Sorry Freddie but I have. I will still vote once or twice a day but I just can't face scrolling down that page 200 times a day any longer! It has started giving me anxiety dreams (seriously, way out of all proportion:roftl: ).
  17. I haven't voted much these past 24 hours either, I've just been too busy. If other artists' fans are using cheating systems to vote (computer programmes I mean, which I suspect may be the case) then there is no way we can win. Us being the honest types we are And Mika doesn't care, after all. He said so on Jo Whiley this morning - he's not even so bothered that GK is the most downloaded song of the year, or so he says, and I actually believe him. So...for all those reasons, I am officially throwing in the towel with this vote. Sorry!
  18. If they took her voice off and just did instrumental it'd be okay. She sounds about 2 years old!
  19. Mika sang it well but in my opinion no-one sings as well as Liz Fraser. *runs away fast*
  20. Ahh a song by my other fave singer! :Liz Fraser
  21. Yeah but I don't say it out loud often enough:naughty:
  22. :wub2: is all I can say to this show!!!!!! Missed a lot of of this morning, can't wait to listen again later..
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