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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I do have very wide taste in music (it just doesn't extend to Leona Lewis ). I understand your frustration; I am incredibly frustrated at the moment as I STILL can't get in the roty site, and after 7pm tonight I will not have another chance to vote until tomorrow :shocked: What is going on?????
  2. Actually out of all the other contenders, Timbaland ft. Keri Hilson is my favourite. I actually think it's a great song! Don't shoot me!!!!! So if I need to vote for that to save GK's hopes then I can do it with a clear conscience Under no circumstances must Rihanna or Leona win
  3. You should definitely take the penguin!! It would be hilarious. Mika would be bound to spot you and draw attention to you, it would be fabulous. Do it!!!!!
  4. I can't get onto the site I think Rihanna fans have crashed it with their voting Anyone else having problems?
  5. I was trying to think out the tactical voting thing too. But as Maths isn't my strong point I wasn't sure how it works ,but what you say makes sense. So, worth a try if things get really desperate! And we mustn't underestimate the threat from Rihanna now (I think her fans are onto this poll, at last... ).
  6. Great!! That's fantastic. Thanks for letting us know. I don't read Heat - I don't really like Celebs - but it is a popular magazine so that's good.
  7. I don't know exactly but it is at least 4 million now. It's very nearly 1 million here in the UK alone.
  8. Thanks:biggrin2: This goes some way to proving my theory that Mika has a lot of closet fans - ie people who would never admit to liking him, or dare to buy a physical CD of his from a shop, but who secretly have a stash of his stuff on their IPod that they've downloaded but don't speak of to a soul But it's true, isn't it??? Everyone knows at least one person like this .
  9. Great! I love Graham Norton. The last one with Mika and Dustin Hoffman and the missus is legend in our house Still think he shouldn't be singing - why can't they just have him on chatting, instead of wheeling him on at the end
  10. Does anyone else wish they would change the design and layout of that roty page, just so we have something different to look at all day?? And having Leona first on the list is subliminally unfair..they should change the order around every so often.
  11. I'm going to do a half hour of mad voting now (didn't vote much yesterday.. ). I'm a bit concerned to see Rihanna creeping up there but at least Mika hasn't dropped any in relation to the top 2 overnight, as he has been doing before, which is good. Simon Cowell's computer must have been down last night
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOu00AS8e5Q&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glsu7Ga1HDY&feature=related *swoon* what a man! :mf_lustslow:
  13. I completely get what you are saying...but, not everyone finds it so easy to give things away. Some people are just obsessive and pathological hoarders, and others just very very sentimental and would feel bad about giving ANYTHING away that has been given to them as a gift.. I'm not saying that is right, or even normal (both apply to me and it bugs the heck out of me, but I can't help it ) but perhaps - speculation again - Mika is like that? We don't know. If so, there is clearly a storage crisis looming, it's deff time for the Skip in Cartoon Motion project
  14. Yep, Simon and his army of voting drones How else can it be explained I almost gave up this morning but I'll keep at it a while longer..
  15. Wow, we have caught up again!! Mika always seems to catch up during the (GMT) day, only to fall behind again at night...I would like this not to be the case for once tomorrow:naughty: I'm still voting
  16. He has turned into Action Man all of a sudden, I'm cracking up imagining him doing all these things......... And all because the lady ( ?) loves Milk Tray.......
  17. *listening to Grace Kelly* "getting angry doesn't solve anything!!" I'm gonna chill today I'm voting in a chilled-out way
  18. It wasn't meant to be a rallying cry, but maybe it has worked as one!!! I'm voting again too :roftl:
  19. The only reason I am taking this so seriously is that I genuinely really, really love Grace Kelly and I really do believe wholeheartedly that is is the best record of the year. It's actually one of my favourite songs ever and I'm no spring chicken If it were Big Girl or even Love Today up for this award, I doubt I would be voting so much. I mean I love all (well most) of Mika's stuff but I feel passionately about Grace Kelly. But then I suppose TT and LL voters feel the same about their songs.
  20. ME TOO I always notice his Long Body. He is what my Dad would call "a long pod" It certainly is!!!! Thanks for posting this - it's made my day, and the article was interesting. Steady with the kayaking though Mika *great mental image forming*
  21. Yes, from reading their forum they are just using the old fashioned methods too, like us But they have raised serious suspicions about the Leona voters' methods I actually can't believe I'm taking all this so seriously I usually slate this Award so badly because of the Mad Fan thing, AND NOW IT'S HAPPENING TO ME AAAGGGHHHH, and it's all your fault Mika. LOL At least we can laugh about it!
  22. I've just registered on their forum but made the mistake of putting mika in my username so their admin probably won't accept me , they'll think I'm there to start a war, which couldn't be further from the truth...bu anyway... Don't worry guys, I would not give our secret voting methods away:mf_rosetinted:
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