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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Thanks AMP - I'm glad I'm not alone Edit: At the moment I'm tempted to post on the Take That forum and suggest an Anti-Leona Alliance. I'd rather Shine won this poll (I actually quite liked that song) than Bleeding Awful, sorry, Love.
  2. Reading this thread with interest...slightly detached interest I admit because the only project I've been involved with (other than the petition) was Sivan's Scrapbook...feels like years ago now ...but I've always been really genuinely impressed when I've seen the pictures of all the subsequent projects, and I'm sure Mika has been impressed and delighted with them too. I actually gasped out loud when I saw the cover of the Yearbook - it was beautiful! BUT what Christine says (above) is true. One, or at most two, projects per year really is enough, in my opinion, from now on, for the reason Christine gives and also from a purely practical viewpoint for all concerned, including Mika himself. How about a birthday project in August and then a Yearbook in December? And that's it. No jewellry, toys, clothes or carrots:roftl: in the meantime, at all. Just my suggestion.
  3. Ok I sorry to sound defeatist, but I think we are fighting a losing battle There is something not right with this poll - how come LL's percentage is consistently shooting up overnight (by overnight I mean GMT nighttime) when the vast, vast majority of her fans must be asleep at that time? Correct me if I'm wrong but nobody outside the UK knows who she is, yet. Maybe it's my suspicious mind but I suspect *cough* automated voting*cough* and if that is happening then I don't want to be part of this poll. I'll keep on going a while yet and see what happens but it feels a bit hopeless at the moment and let's face it, there is more to life especially 15 days before Crimbo
  4. Just literally got up, I think this is a record for me, the earliest I've ever logged into MFC (its 7.40am). I have voted a couple of times but now need to do school run duty, but I'll be back in an hour and a half to do some serious voting and I hope there'll have been an update by then My face at the moment = Ive not had my coffee yet
  5. It is so so close - every single vote is counting, I feel sure. If only we could see the numbers...
  6. Mika is back up again - 20.9% (0.2% behind TT and 0.5% behind Leona). I'm still voting when I can, but it's hard for me at weekends...my family need me too
  7. He's doing great - almost overhauled TT now. I also wonder who is voting for LL so much, although apparantely she has a large following on a Digitalspy forum...that's what the Thatters are saying anyway... We can't really worry about what the others are doing, we have no control over it, we just need to keep up our own voting:punk:
  8. We can definitely do this - at the rate we are clawing them back, we are on course for victory!!!!!!!! *positive thinking* I've just been lurking on the TT forum - they are panicking slightly
  9. Morning lovely voters! I see Grace Kelly is slowly but surely getting there..great work Unfortunately I won't be able to be on here much today - too much Christmas stuff to do but I'm having a half hour manic vote blast right now to make up for that.
  10. Ooh thanks. I may miss it tomorrow (trimming up the tree and the kids will want the Xmas CD on ) And isn't it repeated on BBC3 sometime the following week? - maybe Tuesday or Wednesday evening, I will have to check.
  11. It must be a recording of a concert because Mika is due to appear on live TV on New Year's Eve in Britain (Jools Holland's Hootenanny show). Virus permitting, of course:naughty: perhaps the DVD? That's all good.
  12. My work is done here tonight - I think the Take Thatters will be having Mika nightmares tonight, as well they should I look forward to seeing the update in the morning x
  13. Is this woman conveniently forgetting that her beloved TT were originally a *cough* manufactured boyband *cough*
  14. I'm not sure how internet-ethical this is ( ) but I just have to quote a Take That forum post I've just seen: "I've voted lots today, and it still stays on 19.6% - is the gap more or less than yesterday? Mika is catching up alarmingly - but having seen some of the previous winners I'm not sure how much credibility this award has." (carloyn57) What??????
  15. That window which pops up if you reopen the site to soon and try to vote - I think soon it's going to change and start saying to me "You have voted TOO MANY TIMES TODAY - go and get a life, saddo'
  16. So basically you are the same age as most TT fans now??? You're not telling me it's teenage girls going mad over them these days. That'd be wrong, the TT lads are all old men now Gary looks good these days though
  17. It's okay, don't beat yourself up I'm sure I've done the very same thing at least once. You are right, they are too close together!!!
  18. Hey apparantely it's going to snow here tomorrow. Which means, of course, it won't.
  19. Have any of you read the forum on that voting site? It's just Take That fans slagging off Leona fans and vice versa. Embarrassing really. I mean, I'm taking this seriously and everything but some of those Take That fans are wild!!! We Mika fans are just too chilled and happy to get involved in all that argy - bargy Keep voting!
  20. Ok my shift is over I have to go and make a cow costume now (don't ask...). I'll be back on later to vote
  21. The Take Thatters also seem to be convinced it's a fix in favour of Leona, and that it's Simon Cowell who is voting non stop :roftl: They are probably right! *votes again* my fingers are faster than yours, Cowell!!!
  22. Look - the Take Thatters are onto us. They know Mika is catching up...we have them worried http://www.take-that.co.uk/discussion/showthread.php?t=31459&page=35
  23. Update: Leona 20.4% Take That 19.8% Mika 19.3% So we are gaining on TT but looks like Leona voters have had a good day. Keep it up folks!!
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