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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I am blowdrying my hair with one hand and voting with yhe other. hence the typos sorry.
  2. Come on we all know he would look good in a binliner. These people don't know what they are talking about:mf_rosetinted: But I do like him 'dressed up' now and then
  3. Ahh, I wonder when Mika will be revealed?? Exciting. Thanks Blue Sky , I registered.
  4. Don't worry Christine, we do not think you are superficial for thinking Mika is beautiful. Because he just is.. He should be talented, but a bit ugly or plain. Or maybe really gorgeous but not that talented, but manufactured and dull.. It's not our fault he has got the lot!
  5. VOTE GRACE KELLY http://www.roty.tv You can close the window after voting, wait about a minute, then reopen and vote again ad nauseum...do it!!!! IT'S CLOSE and Take That/Leona Lewis fans are neck and neck with us, let's show them who has the bigger fans
  6. LOL, yes she is a Mod, it was a rhetorical question really I see AMP has posted in the Voting Thread already. I think that's the way to go. Let's do it! Hit all today's busy threads.
  7. Is nico collard a Mod? Shame Freddie isn't on this morning, he'd be sympathetic to this as he's been in the thread lots. BUT I suppose the only problem with multiple threads is that it would set a precedent, then everyone would want their own voting campaigns all over the forum..perhaps just posting a reminder in many threads is better, as someone has mentioned (sorry can't remember who it was - my brain has not woken up properly yet today )
  8. I do think this merits multiple threads. Maybe we could ask a Mod about it??
  9. We can!! I still think there is only a small fraction of MFCers actually voting on this, and we are holding our own, so if more start voting we cannot fail!! Isn't this thread already on the front page?
  10. Ooh it's getting close, it's a four horse race for definite. I really think we can do this though
  11. There is no time for a Life at the moment, this is too important. Who needs a Life anyway - it's overrated (*starts singing Mika demo* )
  12. Someone remind me to delete my History on here today...if my husband looks at it for any reason later, he will have me committed for sure I must have brought that roty site up at least 200 times today LOL
  13. hiya I never went to Ikea in the end (scared to drive in teh torrential rain, what a wimp ) so I got a bit of extra finger-work in this aft. I'm going to get a 30-minute stint in now, that should be at least 30 votes then.
  14. I absolutely love it. I think he looks a hundred times more attractive with it.
  15. Sorry - thanks for the correction. I wonder sometimes if in this second half of 2007 it has been a deliberate policy to go easy on the promotion in the UK. Almost as if to carry on with all the in-your-face hype of January to June would be perceived as overkill. Don't know if I would agree with that (if it's the case) but I suppose it's a fine line you tread... True about the fickle Brits though..
  16. What, not even a little goatee a la Rafa Benitez?? That's ruined 2008 for me
  17. The 29th would do great for me Mika!! Special Leap year event!! how cool would that be. (I could ask him to marry me...oh s*** I'm already married )
  18. Ioana exactly how many languages do you speak???????
  19. I agree. The cancellations this time have been better handled - Mika's personal message about the reasons for it was very telling. I think (I hope) that was as a direct result of him and his management realising exactly what a cock-up they made of it in the Summer.
  20. Hmmmmmm:blink: How can I answer that without seeming totally wrong??? I think I will say no more...but I don't think you are crazy Romi..
  21. Também acho! Para o ano, o Mika deverá lá ir......estás a ouvir, ô Mika!???
  22. I haven't heard it on the radio yet, I bet it sounds good though, it's very radio friendly, moreso than Lollipop. I must start listening to the radio again..
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