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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. It's an interesting thing to speculate about. Lyrically, I wouldn't be surprised if his next album is very much influenced by his experiences this year, of finding fame, of being away from home, of people's changing perceptions of him, the way the media have portrayed him, his coping strategies and his having to fight for his creative control, and the fan thing ( write a song about MFC Mika, go on, I dare you!). Although..that's a rather cliched way to look at a second album, so perhaps he'll steer well clear of anything like that, anything too autobiographical. Musically, I just don't know but I hope he still mixes up the styles and does another varied album. Actually I can't really imagine what the next album is going to be like, and that for me is the beauty of it! Same goes for his live shows. Will he go back to basics, or all-out Vegas? Well we'll see won't we.
  2. It is letting me vote every 30 seconds.... *repetitive strain injury develops*
  3. Good to see you missed him Akim - if you know what I mean.. That is ridiculous, booing him because he's ill. It's true he must really be suffering to have cancelled this, he really must be at the end of his tether now physically. Is he cancelling those things in Germany and Russia too? He should.
  4. Guys I'm back Knocked Ikea on the head, it's raining so torrentially that I'm scared to drive there So I'm here voting instead
  5. I'm off to the big yellow and blue temple now keep your fingers busy everyone - Freddie can't you find the Rihanna forum and scare them off a bit? Laterz x
  6. Oh poor miss f, hope she's better today (and you too). I must say, from what I've seen of Newton Faulkner he does seem a real cut above most of these guitarist singer songwriters at the moment. A completely different kettle of fish to Mika but then Mika is Mika. And I think those dreads of his are quite something!!
  7. Hey you can't rely on ME today, I've got to go to IKEA in a minute!! I'll vote ten more times before I go, then it's up to the others till later. Total fix though. And Umberella is gainig too did you notice?
  8. Well imitation is the sincerest form of flattery Mika is a trendsetter Did miss f enjoy Newton????
  9. Were The Hoosiers themselves dressed up then? Not in animal costume I hope
  10. I'm starting my intensive voting session right now Still only 17% *cough*fixed*cough*
  11. Right I need to go and interact with the real world now a bit Tonight I will surely dream of that bloody photo of Grace Kelly on the voting site! I hope everyone else will keep voting lots
  12. Actually this poll should be called Fans of the Year, because it is always down to who has the most obsessive fanbase, willing to sit at the PC for days on end with their fingers bleeding... That's why Westlife, Busted, Take That, McFly etc always do well, even if the song is s***. We need to show the country Mika's fans are as mad as the best of 'em! And we can do it with a clear conscience because Grace Kelly is a GREAT record.
  13. I'm such a hypocite I slag this Poll off every year because the winners are always so bad - Busted or Westlife usually get it for the WORST songs ever. ....but this year it just has to go to a great song, to buck the trend!!!
  14. I think I can actually run downstairs, put a pizza in the oven and run back upstairs before the 'voting timer' runs out on the site and I can vote again..... That's called multitasking by the way:wink2:
  15. omg I know - it'll be my new year resolution to become a caring mother again!!!! Damn you Mr Penniman you've a lot to answer for. Wendy where are you:naughty:
  16. Right, this calls for an hour of intense voting from me. I was going to cook my kids' tea, but they know where the fridge is
  17. Akim and miss f and all the others, hope you still have a good time.
  18. That's a real shame for the people going.... But I am actually relieved, for Mika, because he really needs to rest his voice. Will you all still go and see the other acts??
  19. Look at the TT forum though...there are only 3 people online (and one of them is me ) There is no forum to beat the mighty MFC so we can deff do this folks.
  20. tut, how can you sleep at a time like this??? Sweet dreams!!
  21. Have bulletined MySpace and am about to post the link on Facebook Mika groups. I have bookmarked the TT forum and am watching with interest....
  22. This thread = (I'm sorry but it's my very first boff smiley opportunity) I can't actually look at a lot of these pics, but not for the same reasons as the Alpha Males here *blushes*
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